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Everything posted by sanbez

  1. I guess in your case you can use JREmptyDataSource for main report and use JSON DataSource as parameter of main report. Probably first record in table will not missing.
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18787697/table-tool-in-showing-one-fewer-lesser-database-records
  3. You can use the search and not wait for advice. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/527187/nosuchmethodexception-unknown-property
  4. You can use subreport In main report define field corresponding getter for nested bean collection. For example public class MyBean() { private List<MyNestedBean> mysuperpuperNestedBeans; private Long id; public Long getId() { return id; } public List<MyNestedBean> getNestedBeans() { return mysuperpuperNestedBeans; } } public class MyNestedBean() { private String firstStringField; public String getFirstStringField() { return firstStringField; } } in jrxml define fields $F{id} with type Long $F{nestedBeans} with type java.util.Collectioin (name of field corresponds getter getNestedBeans) make subreport in detail band of main report Define in main jrxml DataSourceExpression for subreport like this new JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{nestedBeans}) define fields in subreport corresponding getters in MyNestedBean class for example $F{firstStringField} with type java.lang.String HTH
  5. Not anough info to give advice show full stacktrace and show values for $P{DateForm2} and $P{BegingStringToDate} for language = java
  6. subreport = templateUtil.getJasperSubReportTemplate( reportName ) so subreport is not path comment is unclear
  7. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18656016/jasperreports-cant-locate-subreport/
  8. I see $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} but not "JavaBeans Collection as datasource" Try to ask correct question
  9. Set at report properties whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail". You will get empty report in this case. >>But I do not want to come empty report I guess it is bad idea. You can't understand when your report is empty or when it is broken (error?)
  10. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/542449/how-make-parameterized-condition-style I have not got an answer on my question And silence. And the dead with scythes standing :))) (I hope you know this film)
  11. You have to check style mode="Opaque" in conditionalStyle with backcolor HTH
  12. You can set Height = 0 px at properties of detail band (properties -> appearence)
  13. >>If I set the 'print when' value of the detail band to false, the subreport in the detail band is not started Yes, jasper will not execute subreport in this case. Strange desire to put subreport into detail band if subreport is not depend on data of detail band. For example if your report contain 2 records in detail band then subreport will executed twice. I can't understand idea (aim) to execute subreport in detail band You can put subreport into summary band.
  14. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/507944/sum-return-values-subreports Is it your case? HTH
  15. Question was: >>where I shouls put my parameters? in master or subreport ? In example http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/subreports field $F{ID} passed from main report to parameter $P{ID_PERSON} of subreport You can pass param into main report. Fro example $P{myParam1} from your application After that you can pass $P{myParam1} from main report to subreport There are no fundamental deffirences between pass field or parameter of main report to subreport. I can't understand your problem (or doubt?). You got enouph information to solve your problem. Just do it. Good luck
  16. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/subreports
  17. Good example to show columnPrintWhenExpression but !$P{EMPLOYEEID}.equals(null) - it is nonsense (imho) It always true when $P{EMPLOYEEID} != null It cause NPE when $P{EMPLOYEEID} == null To topicstarter: Discussion without your code (description of condition on column) is not efficient. Show jrxml and describe condition which you want
  18. You can use Table component and set printWhenExpression on column of table
  19. You should put parameters to main report and then pass it from main report to subreport
  20. It is a "feature" of Studio. Since one version (i don't remember which one) all fields (textfields?) created as String. Sometimes it work fine. Sometimes problems suddenly appear a problrms. Be careful.
  21. class="java.lang.String" ? Which result when it changed to java.lang.Double ?
  22. Add another field from table evaluation into report to check the result of execution sql-query And show jrxml and result of execution. It is so hard to undestand error (in report? in query? in textfield?) without jrxml... For instance you wrote that count of record from sql-query=3 But in screen presents only 2 records: tewlawte tewlawte Why?
  23. You can realize incrementer on java which return null (or your own specific object in terms of java) instead zero http://www.jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/fill/JRExtendedIncrementer.html http://www.jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/fill/JRExtendedIncrementerFactory.html But... There are few information about realization of such classes in internet and documentation And this way not for newbies imho I guess you have choose the easier way. For example you can calculate count not null values on column (row?) of crosstab and hide sum variable if this count = 0 see here http://www.stackoverflow.com/questions/23473887/count-number-of-rows-where-a-field-is-a-specific-value/23491357
  24. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/542175/setting-page-format It is worked. Show your code in case 2
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