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PP Ocean

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  1. Hi, I have created a report in studio. I have two graphs on top, and a table at below the graphs. These are all designed in summary band. When I export the report, both graphs and table are exporting. But I have a requirement to export table only and it should be export from first row in excel or csv. Would it be possible?
  2. I replicated same report in jasper studio and exported to CSV format. I am NOT getting any issue. So that means, issue with adhoc view only. Does that mean I need to add any property in jasperserver settings?
  3. Sorry I can't post the report mate. Reason is, this report is NOT created in jasper studio. THIS IS AN ADHOC VIEW.
  4. Can anyone have solution for this? Thanks.
  5. I exported to excel whick is fine. problem is with CSV only. As i said above, this is an adhoc view. NOT created in jasper studio. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I have a field in domain like below. When I added to adhoc view and export it to CSV it was splitting data like below. There is no issue if I export it to excel. Only problem with CSV. FieldCSV export2011,2012,2013201,120,122,013 This is an adhoc view. Can someone help me on this? Thanks.
  7. Hi, I have 3 fields with below condtions. Can someone help me with text field expression? IF "Column 1" equals "A" THEN "Text 1" OR IF "Column 2" equals "B" THEN "Text 2" ELSE "Column 3"
  8. Hi Any comment on this? Is it possible to export from comma separated to pipe delimiter for just one report? Thanks.
  9. Hi Any comment on this? Is it possible to export from comma separated to pipe delimiter for just one report? Thanks.
  10. Hi I have a report which I want to export to CSV with pipe delimiter instead of comma. I have data in the columns in the report something like this. A,B,C I want to export to A|B|C I have tried adding below property in the JRXML but didn't work. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter" value="|"/> I know we can chage jasper report settings in the server from comma to pipe delimter, but I do not want to do it. Becuase if I change it, the change will reflect to all reports. I want to change comma to pipe, only for one report. Any suggestions on these? Thanks.
  11. I have found a workaround. Yes this is possible by creating hyperlink on chart.
  12. Then what condition I need to give at each table to show and hide?
  13. Hi Does Jasper Studio support show/ hide functionality with Table component? I am creating a report from studio. I need to show/hide table based on parameter. For example, I have 2 input controls (A&B) and 2 tables (Table1 & Table2). 2 tables are created with in single JRXML with 2 separate datasets. When I select any value in Input Control A, Table 1 should be visible and Table 2 should hide. Similarly, When I select any value in Input Control 2, Table 2 should be visible and Table 1 should hide. Table 1 and Table 2 are created using seperate datasets, and parameter A passed to Table 1 and parameter B passed to Table 2. I knew show/ hide will work at column level but not sure whether it is possible with table. I have tried various methods but didn't work. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
  14. Hi I am creating a report from studio. I have a list of values in a column like below. In a bar chart, I want to show two bars one with how many >=5000 and one with how many <= 5000. Column 3030 4550 5200 6050 7010 8300 Thanks.
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