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Everything posted by ernestoo

  1. Strange one! allowUserPasswordChange is off by default (though not 100% sure on Amazon!). Are you perhaps importing a repository export (either by the UI or js-import.sh) that is overriding the password?
  2. You could try xpath2 and not use a data adpter, just override the XML_SOURCE parameter, similar to this person: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/855206/parameterizable-remote-xml-source-jasperserver-601
  3. Virtualizer would be a good way to go but you can also look at page 149 of the JasperReports Ultimate Guide, talks about Image Renderers
  4. Unfortunatetly ad-hoc views can not be consumed via any REST or Visualize.js API - you will have to instead embed them in an iFrame, some of that is discussed on this wiki page: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/embedding-ad-hoc-http-api
  5. Hi there, I guess you should probably use subselects in your SQL between the two parametrized queries. If you want something *BEAUTIFUL* then OLAP + MDX is pretty nice with the PrevMember function
  6. According to their blog - http://blog.wedjaa.net/elasticjasper-one/ you will need to create separate data adapter "When you create sub-reports you can recycle the connection from the master report. That’s all fine, until you want to use some kind of different query results in the subreport. So: your master report is using a ElasticJasper adapter for facets and you want to use aggregations on the sub reports: you will need to create new adapters for these sub reports. I know – it sucks, but so many things suck in life, why would you want to be worried about this one?"
  7. String Encoding for Talend/JaspersoftETL for Basic Authentication/md5/sha-256What is a convenient way to encode usernames/passwords for use in my ETL jobs?First copy the java code on this Github Gist into yourclipboard: Second Create a routine calledhashingUtils (name is important!). Paste the Java code from above and save theroutine http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sao3plG5UwI/VUzr3a2RoVI/AAAAAAAADlk/B5B2ckDyWj4/s200/routine.png Third you can now use the following methodsin any component: hashingUtils.basicAuth("username","password") hashingUtils.md5encode("string") hashingUtils.sha256encode("string") For example, in a tHttpRequest Component: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sQE7in1n64A/VUzsJJOwddI/AAAAAAAADls/Invobjf0YEM/s400/example.png
  8. You can look at this article http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/installing-and-configuring-apache-httpd-server-ssl
  9. Are you saying you want to parametrize the JDBC URL? If that is the case there is a cool new feature in 6.0 that allows this - see the manual here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v601/attributes-data-source-definitions
  10. You should use $X{IN, columnName, parameterName} - this will expand to work correctly (reference: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/query/)
  11. Seems like you're experiencing something similar to this http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/525672/postgresql-jasper-reporting-server-error Maybe try setting read only off in context.xml or using JNDI connection instead
  12. I would recommend installing the server, then using the far simpler REST or Javascript (visualize.js) APIs to get your report into your webapp.
  13. It is probably a font issue? See information about embedding PDF fonts. You can upload photos with something like https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html
  14. Hi Sameer, if you're looking for information regarding a commercial edition of Jaspersoft, please contact sales@jaspersoft.com with your questions
  15. Can you try to use regular < script > tags instead of jsp include?
  16. Can you reach the Jaspersoft web application in your browser? If that fails this will fail too...also do you have any Proxy configured? Also, why not use the far newer and better Jaspersoft Studio instead of the now obsolete iReport?
  17. Is your application web based? If so it would probably be easier to use visualize.js and do it directly in javascript. The thing is that REST is easy enough to use without a wrapper - depends on what you're trying to do!
  18. can you post a picture of what you're looking to achieve?
  19. Hi there ... essentially you are trying to do something similar to this article, it is quite similar for XML & JSON so should be helpful http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/accessing-nested-repeated-fields-your-xml-document - best of luck!
  20. So not 100% sure what you're looking to do but here is a little video explnation that might help you get going http://screencast.com/t/4uzHZ0tJojjh
  21. Very late to answer this but here is an example: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/dynamically-updating-bar-colors-html5-bar-charts
  22. Can you post an example JSON? This is a good service for doing so https://gist.github.com/
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