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Everything posted by mennei

  1. Hi! The much I got is to show the page footer in the first page while in the other is ignore. I try those ideas: 1) use varibale that initialze with the $V{PAGE_NUMBER}. 2) debug the condition that apply in the "printWhenExspression" to apply as need. Let me know, please if you solve this issue as well. Good luck.
  2. Do you try to warpped the text fileds with a frame? The frame have those attributes as well...
  3. try to check the "Remove line when blank" attribute. From the ireport guide "This option takes away the vertical space occupied by an object, if it is not visible; the element visibility is determined by the value of the expression contained in the Print when expression attribute or in case of text fields by the Blank when null attribute too. Think of the page as a grid where the elements are placed, with a line being the space the element occupies. Figure 5-12 highlights the element A line; in order to really remove this line, all the elements that share a portion of the line have to be null (that is, they will not be printed)"
  4. I notice that in text field you have the evaluation time property as the print when experssion property. So, I'll try to put the "page n from m" expression in text field and in the text field properties do the logic, not in the band, so in page one case the band will be display empty because the text field's printWhen experssion, and in more than one pages case the text field will appear.
  5. Try this code: where id, version are some numbers (could be 18000 and 1). This work fine for me. Code:String timezone = "";int occurrenceCount = 1; Integer recurrenceInterval = 0;IntervalUnit recurrenceIntervalUnit = null;JobSimpleTrigger simpleTrigger = new JobSimpleTrigger(id, version, timezone, startDate, null, occurrenceCount, recurrenceInterval, recurrenceIntervalUnit) ; theJob.setSimpleTrigger(simpleTrigger);
  6. Hi, Do you try to debug the print expression? The rule is that if the expression return FALSE the band will hide. Also, If I was in your postion, I would delete the last page footer band (if it exist) to unsure that it will not appears. To debug the expression just add text field with this expersstion some where in your report template. Good luck.
  7. Lot of experience in jasper technologies, see attached CV.
  8. Hi! Have you try the sort option on the edit query window (right click on the dataset -> edit query) ? You can sort by the name field. Mennei.
  9. mennei

    Date format

    Hi to all!I try to implement table subreport. When I generate the table I get org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Unparseable date: "1997/08/25"My pattern is "yyyy, MMM dd" and the class of the field is java.util.Date. This is the xmldatasource semple in jasper report package.What I missing?Please Help...Mennei. Post Edited by mennei at 10/26/2011 09:43
  10. Hi someliang! I glad to hear that the iText problem solved. I realy don't understand what you mean by the "x window skip out". Can you give more details? Mennei.
  11. Do you have the all package of jasper 4.0.0? if so try to match the itext version from the package. Mennei.
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