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  1. Do you get the same result when you place the crosstab in the summary band?
  2. Hi, As far as I know, REPORT_COUNT variable is not the some as REPORT_DATA_SOURCE prameter, so you can't compare them. REPORT_DATSOURCE the data source used by the report when it is not using a JDBC connection, while REPORT_COUNT is contains the current number of records that have been processed. Try to check what is the large data you can fill in subreport that will cause the "continue" word, and compare it, hard coded, to REPORT_COUNT variable.
  3. try this: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/Jasperserver/Documentation
  4. When you configure the server to generate report, one of the requiered steps is to define "input control", that componant will prompt you to specify value when you choose the report. Do you have a documention for the jasper server? (user guide or admin guide)
  5. Parameters are take effect in jasper server when they place as "input controls". How do implement this in the server?
  6. You can use the "return variable" technic. In the subreport you have some build - in variables. They represent the data you generate in the subreport. So, you can return the right variable for your porpose to the master and use the "printWhenExperssion" that contain condition to show the "continue" word.
  7. Ok, I did some tests and this is what I got: If in the subreport variable the "variable experssion" is empty - you will get null. So, all the instration are the same except that in the master report the variable definations are: class="java.lang.String", incrementType="Report", calculation="nothing", resetType="Report" And in the subreport the variable defination are: class="java.lang.String", incrementType="none", calculation="nothing", resetType="none" and the Variable Experssion is not empty. The result that I got was that in the master report I could display the subreport variable. Good luck.
  8. As ireport guide said, If you want to get a value from subreport you need to do those steps: 1. In the master report, create a new variable (let’s call it SUBBREPORT_VAR) that is type java.lang.String and calculation type System. 2. Select the subreport element and open the Return Values property dialog by clicking the appropriate ... button. 3. Click the Add button to create the new return value; the Add/Modify variable dialog will appear. 4. Select a calculated value from the subreport’s variables. 5. Next, select a calculation type. If you want a subreport value to be returned as-is, select the type Nothing. Good luck!
  9. You have the "print when expression" attribute. If this expression will return false, the field will hide. Code:<textField> <reportElement x="37" y="20" width="100" height="20"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$P{myParameter}} == true]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{field}]]></textFieldExpression></textField>
  10. I think you should check number 2. If the query didn't return 0, how iReport will know to convert the "no data" to "0"? Also, when you choose the data musare in the report inspector window, you have the "Blank when null" attribute. The defualt is false, so in the default behavaior the "no data" will disapper. Good luck.
  11. Try to put "#0.00%" in "Value Axis Tick Label Mask" property. Code:<valueAxisFormat> <axisFormat tickLabelMask="#0.00%" verticalTickLabels="false"> <labelFont> <font fontName="Arial" size="8"/> </labelFont> </axisFormat></valueAxisFormat>
  12. some questions: 1. Is the crosstab on the summery band and the query is the main query? Or you use dataset? 2. Is the query give you zero (in the 1,3 quarters for 2004), when you run it outside of iReport? 3. What are the values you specify in the crosstab data? (right click on the corsstab element -> crosstab data)
  13. Hi, How did you create the crosstab? How do you fill the "Measure"? (the data in the crosstab).
  14. How did you configure the main report to select the right subreport? Thank you for share it here.
  15. Hi, Have you notice the build - in two colunms support? in iReport IDE, you get it when you chose the report in the report inspector, and you have the report properties window. In that window you have colunms section. Here you can configure 2 colunms report. This is the relevant documetion from iReport guide (page 50 - 51) "4.1.2 Columns As we have seen (4.1, “Bands,” on page 45), a report is divided into horizontal sections, that is, bands. The page, which comprises the report, presents portions which are independent of the records coming from the data source (such as the title section, or the page footers), as well as other sections that are driven by those records (such as the group headers/footers and the detail). These last portions can be divided into vertical columns in order to optimize the available space. Figure 4-3 Page Format dialog In this context, the concept of “column” can be easily confused with that of “field”. A column is not connected to a record field; we are just defining the layout of the page, not a table or something tied to the format of the data to print. This means that if you want to print records having, for instance, ten fields, and you want to create a report that looks like a table, you don’t need ten report columns, but you’ll have to place the report elements (labels and textfields) in a single column report in order to get the table effect. Use columns when you need a layout similar to that of newspapers, where the text rows are presented on several columns to improve readability and make better use of the space on the page. In the following figures we present two examples. The first shows how to set up a report to use a single column (actually, this is the default and most common configuration; in this particular case the size of the page is a regular A4). The values are set in the Report Properties view. The number of columns is 1 and the width is equal to the entire page width, except for the margins (that’s 535 pixels). Since there is just a single column, the space between columns is not meaningful and it is set to zero (this property is actually disabled when the column number is 1). Figure 4-4 Report objects in the outline view Figure 4-5 Layout of a single column report showing a set of names As you can see in Figure 4-6, most of the page is not used (the figure shows only the first page, but the report is composed of other pages that look very similar); in fact, each record takes the whole horizontal width of the page. So the idea here is to split the pages in two columns, so that when the first column reaches the end of the page, we can start to print in this page again in the second column. Figure 4-7 shows the values used for a two-column report. In this case, the columns number property is set to 2. iReport will automatically calculate the maximum column width according to the margins and page width. If you want to increase the space between the columns, just increase the value of the Column Space property. Multiple columns are commonly used for prints of very long lists (for example, the telephone book). The sum of the margins, column widths and every space between columns, has to be less than or equal to the page width. If this condition is not verified, the compilation can result in error. When working with more than one column, you should put elements (fields, images, etc.) inside the first column only. The other columns are displayed in the designer just for reference, but any element placed here at design time would be treated as part of the first column (in fact, you are just defining a detail template, so there are no restrictions about placing elements outside the horizontal band’s bounds, but it would be like putting elements outside the page)." Sorry about the long answer, but I think this is what you need. Let me know if I wrong. Also, about the differant styles, you can create differants style conditions that apply as your business logic need.
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