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  1. Hi, I don't know if I understood right, But if you want to use break line only if your report has more than one page, you can create a detail with a break item, and in the propertie Print When Expression of Detail, you can use the variable Page Number, like this "$V{PAGE_NUMBER} > 1"
  2. Hi everyone, I use XML DataSource in my template, and I want to limit a quantity of nodes from a XML sorted on Ireport, I tried this steps: 1- I create a Dataset go to "Edit Query", click on button Sort options and select a field to order. 2- Create a table, link with dataset and on Edit table datasource I put a parameter REPORT_MAX_COUNT with value 10. After this I get a result of the ten first nodes of xml sorted by the field chosen, and not the ten first of all the nodes sorted by this field. Example: I have: <person> <name>Chris</name> </person> <person> <name>Adrian</name> </person> <person> <name>Bruce</name> </person> If I use REPORT_MAX_COUNT with value 2, I get Adrian Chris And I want this return Adrian Bruce Please anyone knows how to get this result? Thank's PS: Sorry about my poor english...
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