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  1. Hi I have a very basic report with one field for testing. When I open the report with either iReport 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 and change the Expression Class from the default of "java.lang.String" to "java.math.BigDecimal" and save the report, the changes are not saved to the jrxml file. If I close and re-open the report, the "java.lang.String" setting is still there. I have downloaded iReport 3.7.5 (arbitrary selection) and did the same test and the setting are saved correctly. I am very new to Jasper Reports/iReport and need some guidance on whether this is expected behaviour in v4.x.x or a bug? Thanks O
  2. Hi I am new to iReports and have strarted using Jasper Reports as part of OpenERP (NAN-tic addon). In order to format the date, I was told to use SimpleDateFormat and the resultant xml code looks like this <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"><![CDATA[new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse($F{Lead_Date-lead_dt})]]></textFieldExpression> When I try to run the report, I get an error - 'Failed to invoke method execute in class com.nantic.jasperreports.JasperServer' The report work fine without the inclusion of this function so I assume it must be a class path issue or something. Hopefully this is an easy question for an expert java person to answer. I do also have another related question. All of the values in my report are displayed with many decimal places (100.0000000) and I think it is because they are also being passed as text fields. How would I convert them so that I can format them. Thanks in advance. O.
  3. Hi I am new to iReport and need some help. I have a Postgres database where the schema has columns and tables which are case sensitive which means that an sql statement needs to put quotes around table/column names (“AccountName” for example). iReport does not seem to like this because when I use the “Design Query” tool, the columns do not show up for any of the tables. I have created a test table in the same database where everything is lower case and the columns are successfully displayed in the “Design Query” window. I have tried also the Postgres JDBC4 driver instead on the JDBC3 driver that comes with iReport, but still no luck. All help greatly appreciated Thanks in advance Post Edited by ocset at 07/31/2010 15:51
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