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Everything posted by jgust

  1. Yes, you can but as either multiple DataSets or as a subreport. When you create a DataSet the wizard is simple and doesn't allow you to specify the query language. You can either create an empty one or add a temporary SQL in the wizard. DataSet Wizard: Once the bonus DataSet is created you can edit it and specify the plsql SQL language and update the text to the procedure call. If you are going to use the multiple dataset route then you can use a List, Table, or CrossTab to present your data for each stored procedure.
  2. Another option is to use a stored procedure. Move your code into a stored procedure then use a data adapter with plsql language. That plsql language is not just for Oracle but it works on sql server too. When you change the SQL language a new default parameter is created as $P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR} which holds the result of the procedure. Here is an example of how to call a stored procedure: { call SP_RPT_STAFF_PAYROLL_SPEC_PGM($P{PS_M_ACAD_YR},$P{PS_M_COLL_NAME},$P{PS_M_SUBM_NUM},$P{PS_M_ORG_ID},$P{PS_M_SSN_SELECTION},$P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR}) }
  3. There are several options available: 1. Create an unused variable and store the comments there 2. Add a new band that is suppressed then put a static text with your comments there 3. Use a stored procedure to capture report details and added the comment there
  4. If your requirement now is that the column headers need to be in the repeating group due to other requirements then that suggests that you have another group before this one or that your group header has other data elements. If that is the case then you can move the column headers to the bottom of the previous groups' header. That way it won't repeat.
  5. You will need to add a sort to the report. In other report engines grouping and sorting is one transaction. In Jasper, it is two. With Sorting Without Sorting
  6. You can enable the HTML palette by going to the palette preference and unchecking HTML.
  7. If you want all PDF exports to have the same values you can set the values using the PDF export properties in Jasper Studio. If you need each report to have its own set of values then you can add the property name to the jrxml file and set it there.
  8. For PDF You are limited to the with and height of the main report. You will need to figure out how wide that data might get and set the appropriate value in the page format. These format sizes offer over 2000 pixels ARCHE_D ARCHE_E B2 B1 B0 A1 A0
  9. Pass Variables from Subreport Back to the Main Report (Shared Variables)Crystal When you declare your variable as SHARED you are then able to pass that variable to subreports or the main report. To use it in the main report or subreport you simply need to redeclare it and the value will be available. SHARED NumberVar shStuCount; shStuCount := DistinctCount({D_STU.STU_UNQ_ID}, {D_STU.LEA_ID}); Jasper This ability is accomplished by using the “Edit Return Values” on the subreport. This allows for the main and subreport to talk to each other through the use of the specified variable. Click the add, edit, delete button to manage the shared variablesAdd the subreport variable that you want to pass to the main reportAdd the main report variable that you want to pass the variable toAdd a calculation type that you would like the shared variable to have. If you are just passing a value back and for the then “No Calculation Function” should be used. In the example above the vSubRPTVariable/vMainRPTVariable is acting as running total between the main and subreport.
  10. No, unless you have a font that has the vertical bar built-in. To achieve that static form presentation you will need to use lines to create your boxes then have a text object in each box that extracts and displays 1 character.
  11. You can use the property net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.enclosure
  12. Here is a blog post that covers one user experience with using Arabic font in Jasper. It involves adding the RTL font and adding a FormatFactory to convert Arabic numbers into Hindi numerals. https://ahmedgalalpost.wordpress.com/2016/10/16/using-arabic-in-jasper-reports-tips-and-tricks/
  13. Move your code into a stored procedure then use a data adapter with plsql language. That plsql language is not just for Oracle but it works on sql server too. When you change the SQL language a new default parameter is created as $P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR} which holds the result of the procedure. Here is an example of how to call a stored procedure: { call SP_RPT_STAFF_PAYROLL_SPEC_PGM($P{PS_M_ACAD_YR},$P{PS_M_COLL_NAME},$P{PS_M_SUBM_NUM},$P{PS_M_ORG_ID},$P{PS_M_SSN_SELECTION},$P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR}) }
  14. I had this problem when I worked in the newspaper industry. We used a pagination program that would round up on the 10th of a point. The simple solution is to add the threshold difference to the number you are rounding up. If .35 is your minimum threshold then you can add .15 to the number (.5-.35=.15) giving the knowledge that .5 is the universal round-up number.
  15. Yes, but the team is over 10 developers with 10+ years of reports (~700) being converted from Crystal to Jasper. Renaming variables as we convert the reports to workaround this 1990 era limitation is not an option. We have such wide screens now, can we not limit ourselves to screen sizes of the past? zellers ty for comment. It is good to keeping mind that we can do the easy renaming to workaround this.
  16. Is there a way to allow for more characters to display in the Outline? I am forced to highlight each one or search for variables in the XML when debugging a report. Either way, it is not an enjoyable process.
  17. This is a presentation choice that Jasper has made. Oracle does not have a BLANK. What you are seeing are NULLS. You can choose to display NULL or BLANK when you display the value on your report using the text field. There is a "Blank When NULL" checkbox in properties.
  18. From a SQL perspective here is how you can do it using ROW_NUMBER. I added RANK and DENSE_RANK so that you can determine how you would like to handle duplicate values. I added a test duplicate value as *TST*. select STUDENT, SUM(SCORE) AS TOP_4_SCOREFROM ( SELECT Student , class_cd , SCORE , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY student order by score desc) as rn , RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY student order by score desc) as rnk , DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY student order by score desc) as drnk FROM ( SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'LIT' AS class_cd, 74 AS score UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'REL', 82 UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'MAS', 85 UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'CHE', 87 UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, '*TST*', 87 UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'PHY', 88 UNION ALL SELECT 'Charis' as Student, 'MAM', 91 ) A ) BWHERE RN <= 4GROUP BY STUDENT;[/code]
  19. Thank you for the details. I see you are attempting to find the record count from code and not from inside the report. I think you can use JRVariable interface in the net.sf.jasperreports.engine package to read that ${REPORT_COUNT} variable. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JRVariable.html
  20. I use the following print when expression to display a special "No Data Found" section in my reports. Perhaps you can also use the built-in variable in your solution. $V{REPORT_COUNT}==0
  21. I suspect it is a parsing error by the IDE. When I use SQL as the language I see the errors you are asking about but I'm able to refresh with no issue. If I change the language to PLSQL I get no parsing error and I can still read the fields.
  22. I believe that is the "Show heap status" in general preference.
  23. OK, It's clear I didn't understand your initial question. You want one set of data side by side with another set of data. To do that you can display two table elements, two list elements, or two sub-reports side by side.
  24. Below is a screenshot of a sample report where each group has 3-4 records. The last column is a record counting. Record 1 is on the left while record 2 on the right... Attached is my report. Hopefully, you find it useful.
  25. Modifying the query then clicking on "Read Fields" should update the fields in the report outline. The problem at that point is you have to fix all expressions that were using the old name to use the corrected new name. The easiest way of finding that is to go to the XML source and doing a text search.
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