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  1. Dear luke thanks for the ans but I have to take the fields in group header for fulfill the other requirements can you please told me how can I stop repetition of the header within the group band? looking forward from you
  2. Hi, I'm new in Jaspersoft reports. Please any body can help me with my problem I'll be so obliged. I've an issue in group field .I make an group with Directors. My required output is DirectorFavorPercentageExecutive1050%Linda1560%Rigan2045%But the table create a repetitive data header for each data like the below one that is not required. DirectorFavorPercentageExecutive1050%DirectorFavorPercentageLinda1560%DirectorFavorPercentageRigan2045% Can anyone please help me with this?
  3. joseng62 thanks for the answer.Do you solve this kind of problem or implemented it?If you then please told me how can I implemented it to iReport Designer.
  4. Hello, I have created a Jasperreport. It is connected with the database . Now I want one extra column, which can have value on per row basis. Other columns will display the values from the database, but this column will not contain any values after it is being displayed to user. For any perticular row, If user want that this column should have value, user can type the value. So how can I add such field/column in JasperReport, so that user can change it's value at any time. In short I want such Text Box which can be edit by user. Please, help if anybody already worked on it? -Thanks in advance.
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