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  1. Hi all, I would like to some show custom date patterns in my report's date fields, such as of 6/1/10 @ 9:58 AM. But, I can see only few list of patterns, on the pattern dialog. How can I set some custom Date Pattern for date fields in my report? Thanks, Arup
  2. Hi, You can find all the previous version of IReport from here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/ireport/files/ Thanks
  3. Hi all, I have a very simply query which will call a function from my oracle database. It takes an argument of type, Number. So, I have added one parameter of type java.lang.Number. Below, is the Query I am using in IReport 3.7.1.SELECT pkg_num_to_word.func_number_to_word($P{num_val}) AS NUM_WORD FROM "DUAL" DUAL But, When I am trying to run the report, I am getting the error, " net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid : 1. Parameter type not supported in query : num_val class java.lang.Number " But, When I am just passing a hard coded value to the func_number_to_word() function, It is working well. Can anyone please, help me in this regard. Thanks, Arup.
  4. Hi All, I have created a report basing upon a Datasources of type Database JDBC Connection connecting to a database. My Report Query is fetching data from some of the tables by using SQL Joins for that Datasources. Now, I need to join some other tables, but those tables are not in this databse. So, How can I join those tables? Do I need to create another Datasource? Then, How can I use those tables in my Report Query? Can any one please help on the same? Post Edited by arupranjans at 09/08/2009 07:18
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