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Everything posted by sjongenelen

  1. Hi, i've tried this.. there is currently no sollution for AD based Internal Windows Authentication (like IIS has). There is, however, a CAS SSO sollution and perhaps even more (my knowledge of XML/JSP/LDAP/CAS/etc is null, hehe. You can find information about authentication in the 'External Authentication Cookbook' for JS3.5 (you must buy this document). Also, you can let Jaspers' payed support make this for you edit: best thing i did was to set the time-out on the usersession to one working day. This will keep the session alive as long as at least one iexplore.exe stays alive :) edit2: got you some clickables: http://www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-authentication-cookbook-jasperserver spring info: note: in 3.7 the whole authentication changes (due to all of it becoming Spring ive read somewhere) so if you're planning on upgrading do it before :) http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/Jasperserver/AuthenticationConfiguration Post Edited by sjongenelen at 03/19/2010 10:11 Post Edited by sjongenelen at 03/19/2010 10:17
  2. could you elaborate some more? im having simmular issues, and your answer isnt mine :( thank you
  3. Im having the exact same issue. Did you resolve this? I've read somewhere on the forums that the used classes do not exist anymore...? my 3.5 setup was: <bean id="initialDirContextFactory" class="org.acegisecurity.ldap.DefaultInitialDirContextFactory"> <constructor-arg value="ldap://fs-ad.domain.nl:389/dc=domainname,dc=nl"/> <property name="managerDn"><value>cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=nl</value></property> <property name="managerPassword"><value>password</value></property> </bean> the Bold sentance has been replaced in 3.7 with: org.springframework.security.ldap.DefaultInitialDirContextFactory however, this shouldnt matter ofcourse..? the constructor and attributes look the same in both files.
  4. i cant tell you the 3.1 -> 3.5 enhancements, but the new (3.7) ones are found as a sticky on this forum! also, you can just download and install with samples to get the feel of it :)
  5. heya, i wanted to address an issue regarding ' upgrading ' to 3.7rc i know, its an RC, but i want to test the new functionalities badly, also, i want to be prepared for when the full version comes out - so thats why i want this. first; i have jasperserver pro, 3.5.1. I want to migrate my users,roles,etc to 3.7 - even if it does not support domains etc. i would like the installer to notice that i already have tomcat/mysql (ill point them towards it) and upgrade (or copy) the tables etc. What i've done to make things work: open 3.5.1 jasperserver mysql database (im using mysql maestro), export the database as script (only table and index definitions) Import it in to the new 3.7 server (this way, the missing 'pro' tables are copied so the import export later on wont fail) run the export, and run the import and this should work. BUT, í've got an issue; the importer is putting the Reports through the XML-parser - which fails on a single report due to a 'splitType not allowed' parse error... this is because i used to make reports using iReport 3.6.1 which were bugged at times. therefore my question is: is it necesary to run all the reports through the XML parser? I cant find the broken report and the parser doesnt say which one it is :@ i dont want to run through hundreds of reports! furthermore; the 3.7 release seems just like what jasperserver needed! good work
  6. So ive been wondering around a bit and found the JS-export.bat script. When i try to run these, using the following command: C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1scriptsjs-export.bat --everything --output-dir js-backup.zip Which will result in the following error: "WARNING: Did not find a JAVA_HOME environment variable setting. Script will con tinue." Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Filesjasperserver-pr o-3/5/1scriptsjs-export/bat --configResources --everything --output-dir back up/zip Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1script sjs-export.bat --configResources --everything --output-dir backup.zip at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source) Could not find the main class: Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1scriptsjs-export.bat --configResources --everything --output-dir backup.zip. Program will exit I've not set a JAVA_HOME variables in my win2k3 machine, but that's because im uncertain where to point it to... edit: i've read in the following topic that i might not be possible to run the batch scripts on non windows 2000 or XP machines.. is this true? (source:http://www.jasperforge.com/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=52101) ppf update: after referring the JAVA_HOME variable towards my java directory on the server (and a reboot) i got it to work :) next step is to import it in 3.7 RC ill just leave it here on the forums for others :) Post Edited by sjongenelen at 01/21/2010 12:48 Post Edited by sjongenelen at 01/21/2010 14:26
  7. My screen looks the same - no icons! although i must say i didnt even know they should have been there xD 3.7c fresh install on windows 2003 server and separate mysql5.1 server. usign IE8 and FF
  8. Is there any upgrade procedure for JasperServer 3.5.1 pro to 3.7RC? i'm trying to upgrade using the windows installer. I do not wish to maintain the pro version, i just want to check out the functions of 3.7 I've done the installer, but it doesnt install my current reports and users so i guess its not 'picking up' my current config.. When i choose 'use existing tomcat server' and 'use existing mysql server' it says that all data will be overwritten...?! that doesnt seem right? I think i've chosen the wrong MySQL source, but the one in C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1mysql is giving an error that i cannot use that one. I've read this is a known error and i should first uninstall the current JasperServer, but doesnt that remove all my settings?? also, should i run the MySQL statement (mysql-ce-upgrade-3.5.0-to-3.7.0.sql) before or after the installation? What is the way to go? The older upgrade guides i could find are all Linux based, and old 'thx in advance Post Edited by sjongenelen at 01/21/2010 09:57
  9. by changing the 'jasperserver-3.5.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF' files - you will succeed in what you were doing what the other ones are: no idea
  10. read the forums :) set the data source timezone to blank
  11. I've personally contacted Jasper' Support. they were willing to implement SSO/IWA for a static enviroment. costs: 10k 0o If you would succeed, please post a how-to :)
  12. i'd say recreating input controls is not acceptable i hope this can be implemented :)
  13. i would suggest, to create a REPORT GROUP in ireport, and put in a group expression: ($X{IN} ? $F{location}: other) this way, when $X{IN} = true, the grouping wil be done on $F{location} else do nothing or group other. then, ofcourse, check 'start on new page'
  14. erhm, charts can be Hyperlinks too? And yes, also the slices. I have it working using iReport 3.5+ and jasperserver 3.5 this cannot be done using PDF exports though
  15. i've had the same issue: its the fault of JDBC. My solution was to set the 'Time Zone' value in the datasource to blank
  16. what is the status of this bug? I'd really like to use Reports + parameters in dashboards!! -using jasperserver 3.5 pro
  17. i already resolved the issue... i've accidently set the 'always prompt' at the the Report Unit to 'on' :( thanks for your input though!
  18. Hi, I've set up 2 reports, one Hyperlinking ReportExecution towards the other (in JasperServer). This works, but every time i pass a parameter to the 2nd report, i need to press the 'OK' button on the input box. The parameter has been passed succesfully ofcourse. Is there any way to avoid this by adding a parameter to the hyperlink or something? Thus avoiding the user to click 'OK' every time in JasperServer's inputbox. Greetings
  19. change 'C:\Program Files\jasperserver-pro-3.5.1\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\jasperserver-servlet.xml' and edit the line(s) with the redirect: '<value>ROLE_USER|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow</value>' in this example, i've set the users with the ROLE_USER to be redirected towards the reportsummary :)
  20. thank you for your quick and precize reply; worked like a charm! one question though; i presume the Date input field is passed as a Date object (java.util.date?) to the JRXML? if so, there will be no problem with existing report units :)
  21. Hi there, I was wondering if it is possible to change the format/pattern of the Date displayed in the Input Controls? Currently, when i select a date (using the Calendar), the date field is displayed as '12-01-2009', in my country, it is custom to use a dd-MM-yyyy pattern: '01-12-2009'. However, the input control does not accept this. Can i change this? and how :)/uploads/projects/jasperserver/23-12-2009%2010-15-52.jpg note: changing the pattern on the local resource does not seem to work/uploads/projects/jasperserver/23-12-2009%2010-14-26.jpg
  22. cant you 'just' hide the menu bars? and then change the home page for the role ROLE_USER? the first option ive read about and thus should be possible, the second one i've actually done: -open jasperserver-servlet-pro.xml -change <value>ROLE_USER|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=homeFlow</value> to <value>ROLE_USER|redirect:/flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow</value> (or any role for that matter) EDIT: wow i must be blind @ 9:42 in the morning :D have you restarted the JasperServer afther the configuration change? are you sure you arent logging in as ROLE_ADMIN or any other? good luck :) Post Edited by sjongenelen at 12/23/2009 08:32 EDIT2: whaha still blind, you are talking about the 'jasperserver-servlet.xml' and im talking about 'jasperserver-servlet-pro.xml' perhaps you didnt edit the right XML? Im using JasperServer pro btw Post Edited by sjongenelen at 12/23/2009 08:34
  23. im very unsure about this thought, but perhaps you can load the $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} using a Input Control? Like, make a 'Single Select List of Values' in which you create a 'Report connection'? im not sure if its possible to create the REPORT_CONNECTION object during report creation :) just a thought....
  24. there is support - but you must be a customer
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