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  1. Je t'ai envoyé un message separé par email - merci!
  2. Does anyone have an idea how to create a landing page for when users login that only shows a list of analysis views or reports? The repository tree and other stuff on the left is confusing - that's all I'm trying to get rid of.
  3. Hi Stefan, I have 3.7 RC - do you know where I can find a sample / instructions on how to implement this in the controls? THanks Reg
  4. On the project wiki I see the following: How do I change the home page for users?Find WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp (Community) and WEB-INF/jsp/home/home.jsp. Here you can add logic into determine what page (JSP) you want to include. This could be based on user role, like: <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_DEMO"> <%@ include file="homeForDemo.jsp" %>[/code]</authz:authorize> ___________________________________________________________________________________________ That's not really enough info for me to make the changes. - Where shall I insert this in the code? - The home.jsp file now contains items that are not self-explanatory: detail1,2,3,...- How can I now which one to keep to show only the repository (reports and analysis views)? Here's the current code: <body> <form name="fmHome" action="" method="GET"> <table cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td> <br/> <br/> <b><spring:message code='jsp.home.content_title'/></b><spring:message code='jsp.home.summary'/> <br> <br> <b><spring:message code='jsp.home.detail1'/></b> <br> <spring:message code='jsp.home.detail2'/><br> <spring:message code='jsp.home.detail3'/><br> <spring:message code='jsp.home.detail4'/><br> <spring:message code='jsp.home.detail5'/><br> <spring:message code='jsp.home.detail6'/> <input type="hidden" name="topage" value=""> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body>
  5. Hi - just saw your reply after I sent you also a private email. So yes, I am using 3.7 RC - and I am keen to find out how to do it.
  6. I found this tutorial : www.jaspersoft.com/node/4199 It's pretty tedious to implement and shows where to install files under pro directories. I am experimenting with community edition => will it work for it? If not, I just saved myself a boatload of work. Thanks!
  7. When I login into my Jasper analysis, I instantly have the view with the repository on the left and the list of reports and analysis views on right. I'd rather see the welcome page with the 4 big icons (one for reports, one for views etc...) => this is the one you see on the demo's and recent 3.7 webcast... Do you know how to get to that view / which jsp is it? thanks!
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