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Friendly User

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Posts posted by Friendly User

  1. Report will automatically paginate if your detail band + other bands go beyond the page size and your Ignore Pagination parameter is set to False. Some formats like HTML do not have pagination by default.

  2. I guess you're using JasperServer to export reports. To change this behavior go to your WAR file location, for example for tomcat: /tomcat/webapps/WEB-INF/classes and edit the jasperreports.properties file. Find and switch this to false:


    Save and restart the server.

  3. You can try downloading the existing domain XML schema and the creating a new domain from that schema. To download the schema edit the domain in the domain designer and press Export Design button. Save the schema.xml. Then create a new domain and instead of creating a new domain using the domain designer select the Upload option and point it to your schema.xml file.

  4. The input control and the report can have different data sources. If your input controls are internally defined you'll need to go through all the reports and change them manually. To avoid that in future it's a good practice to use external input controls and use profile attributes in the data source values so you can have exactly the same structure in the repository but have an option to define the data source connection details through the server or organizational or user level profile attributes. You can read more about that in JRS Admin Guide.

  5. If the images are part of the report itself (report content resources) you can just reference them by ID in your image expression like "test.jpg". If the image is a repository resource you can use "repo:/path/to/image" syntax to reference the image.

    For REST v2 there is a parameter called attachmentsPrefix that you can try using. I am not sure it's present in 5.6.

    For HTML output, this property specifies the URL path to use for downloading the attachment files (JavaScript and images). The full path of the default value is:


    You can specify a different URL path using the placeholders {contextPath}, {reportExecutionId}, and {exportExecutionId}. The {contextPath} can be also manipulated through deploy.base.url property in js.config.properties file.

    If you are to use REST v2 it's generally recommended to use 6.3/6.4 version as it has more ironed out and more feature complete REST web service.

  6. It's an either/or scenario. The way I do it so that I can see image in both server and JSS is that when I add image I select the "Workspace item", pick an image from workspace and work from there. Then when I publish the report the publish option will ask me if I want to publish the images too and I can pick that. These images will be publish as report resources and they will be referenced by the server too.

  7. The Gantt chart in Jaspersoft Studio is under Components Pro -> Widgets Pro -> drag it to the pane -> select Gantt Chart.

    It is a fairly complex chart with a lot of datasets that can be used. I don't have any documentation at hand for it unfortunately. I'll see if I can find something.

  8. Responsive as in resizable so they can be properly viewed on any device? Yes, visualize.js can help you with that but bear in mind that visualize.js is a library/framework which provides you JavaScript wrappers for REST v2 calls. You can call reports on demand using visualize.js and embed reports into a web page like that.

  9. So you want something like pass a JSON data source for the report and that JSON data source will need to run SQL queries to obtain data for those values? That won't work unfortunately. You can either have an SQL query to a data source or have a JSON file as a data source. You can try to write a program that would execute these queries and form you a JSON file as a result which you can then feed to a JasperReport for data. Or create a custom data source object but that would also require additional coding.

  10. Hello,

    i don't think you can use the SQL functions in the $X{} clause. It's $X{Function; Field_name; Parameter_name}. Field_name needs to be something identifyable for the compiler, it can't identify the functions. The $X{} clause is made to avoid the specifics of certain database engines about how they require different operations to be coded. Adding extra functions there removes the whole purpose of this.

  11. JasperReports Server does not have tools to create a Gantt Chart report. You'll need to download the JasperSoft Studio Professional and use that instead. Charts Pro component in Jaspersoft Studio Professional has the Gantt Chart option. You'll need an active license to use that component tho.

  12. Hello,

    one ad hoc view references one data source. If you need two or more data sources to be used by one domain -> ad hoc view then you can use Virtual Data Source feature and unite different data sources under one, create one domain, create calculated fields in that domain and then create a view based off that.

    Alternatively you can create JRXML topics that use stored procedures and do all the complicated calculations inside a stored procedure instead.

  13. Visualize.js needs to point to a client, there is no extra configuration there. Underneath it's all just regular REST v2 wrapper calls. Might want to check the developer tools (console and network tab) for more information on what is going on on the client side.

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