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Posts posted by Friendly User

  1. Hello,

    Not sure what you mean by iReport equivalent query but iReport can use any query as long as JDBC driver can execute prepared statement against the DB and return you the result set. There is no special iReport query language that would require you to adopt your queries to it.


  2. Hello,



    Can you please shed some light on the props files.?.. where exactly should we create and keep Properties file in application?


    That's the JasperReports.properties file which is the configuration file for JR. It can contain different options and export hints and stuff like that. The file can be read from the file system, accessed as a resource from the classpath, or loaded from an URL. The default name of the properties file is jasperreports.properties.

    If you want to specify the different source then you need to alter net.sf.jasperreports.properties system property and specify a different file name or location. The default or custom name is successively interpreted as a file name, a resource name, and an URL; the properties are read from the first succeeding source.

    If you need to access that property at runtime at runtime you need to use the class called net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties and it's static methods.


    Also how will our application will come to know about this properties file as we are just creating the file and not making any entry in code or web.xml????


    JasperReports library will look for this file.

    Regarding your license - was it hooked up by iReport? Was the report design compilable in iReport in the first place?


    Best regards,
    Vadim Chepuryaev

  3. 1:

    zip archive is zip distribution of iReport 3.6.0

    tar.gz is the same but for Linux.



    You don't need actually to build JasperReports library, it is already built and is located here:


    It is used by iReport to generate reports.


    I think the release notes also cover the JR Pro library. What you should just do is install the iReport and use it :) Fusion Charts will be already there available for you to use. That is if you need to use iReport.

    Regarding the libraries - I think I have covered that part in your previous thread.

  4. here is what needs to be done:
    -jasperreports.license is put to location where you have the classes, in the root package.
    -JR Pro JAR files where you have your JAR files in your app
    -SWFs are to put in the Web app folders, to be accessible just like images or other web resources are.

    And you need to specify the URL for the SWF files using 3 config props:



    The value must be a URL that indicates a directory or web location containing the SWF (Flash) files to render the components. For example:
    Program FilesiReport-Professional-3.6.0ireportproFusionMaps_EnterpriseMaps

    hope this helps.

    Vadim Chepuryaev

    Post Edited by chvadim1 at 10/08/2009 13:10
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