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Friendly User

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Posts posted by Friendly User

  1. I have tested two different versions on my side and it works same for me - I drag the field to the filter pane and a new EQUALS filter is created with first value selected but not applied. If you want to select other values you click on the value and start searching. List type of filter only appears for IS ONE OF type of filters.

    Do you consider drop down for equals not appearing immediately after you drag the field to the filter a bug?

  2. This will require you to create a completely new role and then define where users with the role can navigate to in the actionModel-navigation.xml. The actions that user with the role can take in the repository is defined in actionModel-search.xml. Both XML files can be found in {JRS-WAR}/WEB-INF/.

    For more information on this refer to chapter "Customizing Menus" of the JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide.

  3. You will need to use two separate report objects in the band (summary band I guess) - table and crosstab. Both can use same data set or you can use different data sets. When exporting to Excel though I'd recommend to put them both on different sheets as crosstab columns and table columns can have different size and that can cause the exporter to merge a lot of cells and generally give you a messy output. To force a page break add a break element between Table and Crosstab elements. To force Excel exporter to print each page on it's own sheet use this property in the report:


  4. You can create a domain based on tables from data source connection and not stored procedure. You can use stored procedure in an ad hoc topic to return fields you want and then build ad hoc view based on the topic. To create a topic simply create a JRXML with a stored procedure call and then upload that JRXML to the server /ad hoc components/topics location.

    If you're a licensed user and your implementation is stalled you probably should contact support instead.

  5. The multiselect input control is passing the value into the report as a collection. That collection is then used in an $X{IN} statement in the query as I would imagine. The IN statement in SQL translates in exactly what you see in your situation. It shows all the records that contain any of the items from the array. What you would need is probably a different $X{} operation or different query all together but that would depend on how your data is stored in the database.

  6. 1. Not domain. If you want to use stored procedure for ad hoc you'll need to use a regular topic. Upload a JRXML that calls your stored procedure as a query to the /adhoc components/topics folder and then you can select it when creating a view. You can add parameters to the report and then use these parameters in the query and build input controls on these parameters on the server. When in ad hoc editor you can press a button to bring up the parameter window and pass parameters to the topic.

    2. See 1.

    3. You can use Visualize.js to embed the dashboard. Visualize.js is a javascript library that allows you to embed content from JasperServer into your own applications. See visualize.js guide for more info on that.

  7. Unfortunately it's not possible to make one input control to be dependent on another input control like that unless they are query based. Cascading input controls operate in a sense that selection from one input control automatically is passed to the query of a dependent input control. So if your date ranges are returned by a query then it's possible but I doubt they are. You may want to allow users just to enter both and have an auxilliary parameter in the report that has a default value expression based on the other parameter values and do the calculations in that expression.

  8. When you create a domain you specify the domain repository object details first and then click on Edit with Designer hyperlink-like button on the lower part and then go to domain designer. In domain designer select the tables, define joins, derived tables, etc., then go to Display tab and put some objects to be visible.

    Once you have a domain designed in the designer and have the save location - your domain will be saveable.

  9. The input types on the server need also to be correct. Should be date/time for the date input controls. I guess you already have that. The displayed date for the fields is based on the pattern masks you choose for the text fields. Do you only see this problem for the display or you get actual incorrect time value passed to the calculations?

  10. JasperServer starting from version 6 has an option to use profile attributes in the data source definitions. Take a look at the chapter 4.1 "Profile attributes in data source definitions" in the JasperServer Admin Guide for more information on the feature.

    Another thing you can do to restrict the data based on the user logged in is to use domain data security. For that feature take a look at Chapter 5 in JasperServer Security Guide.

  11. It looks as if the web client cannot establish connection to the server and does not get back the response with server information from the connection attempt. What exactly is the remote server in this case? Is your server behind a proxy? Are you able to do Test Connection successfully in the server properties? Can you try to do Advanced Settings -> Use SOAP Only to see if you get a more meaningful error than this one?

  12. Depending on how you installed the server, your server might be looking for license in an incorrect folder/location. If you used installer, it'll look in the root folder of the installed package. Find the jasperserver.license file there and replace it. Otherwise the server will look for license in the user home folder.

    Check out the installation guide for information about how to apply the license and how to troubleshoot issues like this.

  13. The description of the input control repository item might be obtained through the /rest_v2/resources service. It will return the generic information about the element. The /inputControls/values request returns all the values that input control allows to have and information about which values are selected. It is an expected result for /values request.

  14. For the location of the file the JasperServer plugin is looking at the following properties:

        <property name="ireport.jasperserver.url" value="http://somewhere:8080/jasperserver-pro/"/>
        <property name="ireport.jasperserver.user" value="superuser"/>
        <property name="ireport.jasperserver.report.resource" value="/public/report1_files/main_jrxml"/>
        <property name="ireport.jasperserver.reportUnit" value="/public/report1"/>

    Do you have them set in your JRXML? If not, you may want to specify them manually. If yes, are they set correctly?

    As for problem #2 try to either re-create the connection to the JasperServer or take a look at existing connection -> advanced settings. There is a property named "workspace folder". It may point to a folder that doesn't exist in your current workspace. Might be worth specifying a concrete folder if none is specified.

    Another thing is to try to run JasperSoft Studio with -clean flag to clear your workspace (add the -clean to the .ini file or shortcut target)



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