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  1. I dont know how you are creating jrxml file. I use iReport. if you too, then in Hyperlink options choose hyperlink type: "ReportExecution" and link parameters provide [parameter name : Expression] as [_report : /path/to/child/report (in jasperserver) ] [param_1(if any) : param_1_value ] Publish your report to jasperserver and test the reports. Please be noted, iReport does not provide the iteractivity(drill down), only you can preview the individual reprots. if you still facing the issues, check the exception details. if (works) karma++; /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif asif Ref: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=35699 Post Edited by asif_m10 at 10/29/2009 11:18
  2. Hi avinash can you pls explain it in littlebit detail. what is this "_report" ? will it be used by jasperserver? suppose, I have a toplevel report [employees] containing employee detail (emp_id,emp_name). a detailed report [employee_details] containing employee information with "emp_id" as the parameter. suppose these two reports resides in the same directory, could you please provide the configuration details? thanks in advance. asif Post Edited by asif_m10 at 10/27/2009 12:16
  3. Hi eldonlee, I would suggest you to go through the jasperserver interfaces for creating the report. These are very user friendly interfaces to publish your report to the jasperserver. my understanding is that you are done with creating a .jrxml file. Now your next move will be to publish this to jasperserver. Start with Add Resource Icon > jasper server report on the home page and follow the steps. asif
  4. Can somebody provide me the info in adding new views(jsps) to the application? thanks in advance asif
  5. Thanks Sherman for your response. Some how i'm able to start working with jaspersoft in eclipse. It was quite simple, just import it as the existing project and use the ant script provided. Yes as you said, my project code will overlay/merge with the jaspersoft code, but will try to use the jaspersoft code as it is and would add the code required. Regading GPL Licencing, the project is under POC. if the extension is worth publishing will definetly make the source available. thanks once again. asif
  6. finally came to know that, its due to lack of awareness in maven (we use ant for build). trying to figure out how the multi modular projects can be build using maven. your valuable help in understanding jaspersoft build(custom plugins,...etc., if any) and building it from eclipse ide is very much appreciated. thanks asif
  7. For last few days, i have been evaluating the jaspersoft enterprise bi soulution ver 3.5 , and found it awesome. first i thought about using the jaspersoft report and analysis components to build the BI solution. after evaluation we found, jaspersoft is providing the major portion of the functionality to meet our business requirement. so, why can't we use the jaspersoft community edition as the core and extend it to add the minor portion?. I started with downloading the community edition source code... and able to build the jaspersoft ce with the doucment provided(thanks to jaspersoft team for providing such beautiful documentation and the buildomatic scripts, with out which it would not have been possible) i have the jaspersoft community edition running and i could able to use my own data source and do the analysis... reporting and dashboards in community edition are not yet tried, but our major interest is jasperAnalysis and is beautiful. My concern is how to extend the jaspersoft community edition? setting it up in eclipse and do further developement to meet our business requirement. I read some where in the document that buildomatic scripts are not meant for any IDE. and also i observed, buildomatic scripts are accessing remote svn repository for maven build configuration files and some resource(dont know what exactly) is there any way i could use the jaspersoft as the core to start with and add functionality (importing project in eclipse and editing) to make the solution as per our requirements? please be noted that , my interest is to use the jaspersoft as the core solution and add the functionality on the top of it, but not to use the jaspersoft APIs/webservices in the existing application. thanks in advance asif Post Edited by asif_m10 at 10/07/2009 11:17
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