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  1. Does any ppl help? It seems that when I reboot the windows, the report I made can't be run. Do I miss something that some jaspersoft 7.8.0 report server's service should be up manually or not?
  2. Dear all, I have installed jaspersoft report server and than create oracle jdbc source and then put the report into report server. The report was run successfully. But after the windows rebooted, the report could not be run after login as jsaperadmin. It keeps showing error message please contact site administrator as shown below: Error Message There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: d5efcfa7-3d14-48f8-a6ae-8fe353c91ad7) Please advise
  3. Dear all, I have installed jaspersoft report server and than create oracle jdbc source and then put the report into report server. The report was run successfully. But after the windows rebooted, the report could not be run after login as jsaperadmin. It keeps showing error message please contact site administrator as shown below: Error Message There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: d5efcfa7-3d14-48f8-a6ae-8fe353c91ad7) Please advise
  4. Dear all, I edit the data source, it return the error Error MessageThere was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 30c6f2b4-5aad-40d2-84f9-9f9c68cf47c7) I also delete a user, it returns the error There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 743eced2-eb3b-4372-b7e0-41e7a9f29fd6) It seems that the Jaspsersoft report server got something crash I am using the jasperReports Server CE v7.8.0 Please help Regards, Eldon
  5. I have installed jasperserver 3.5 for windows. I created serveral reports in pdf format by schedular. Does any people how to delete obsolete reports or reports some days ago automatically in jasperserver?
  6. I installed jasperserver 3.5 for windows. I would like to set up report notification in report scheduler. I have modified C:\Program Files\jasperserver-3.5.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\js.quartz.properties but I still could not receive any notification. I have searched the forums about similar issues. It seems that most of people got the same problem. I would like to know if this function is working or not in the jasperserver free version. Attached file is the screen shot of error
  7. I installed jasperserver 3.5 for windows (free version). In the jasperserver 3.5 , I can't find any ultimate guide I just find some guides or pdf attached which does not contain iReport guide .
  8. are there any iReport guide free of charge becuase http://www.jaspersoft.com/ultimate-guides. needs to be paid?
  9. I just installed jasperserver 3.5 (free version) for windows in which there is no ireport document but it got jasperserver user guide.pdf attached It shows me how to schedule ireport on session 3.2 Using iReport scheduler. I have followed its instruction but I can't receive any report notificaion. I have attached the screen shot for your reference Do you know what is the problem? BTW, I got some queries Questions 1) how does JapserServr send email notification to me because the guide does not show me how I can configure my company's email server or etc..? 2) In jasperserver 3.5 , I can't find any iReport document as you mentioned . Do you know where I can download full iReport document with free of charge?
  10. yes I have followed the JasperServer user's guide.pdf. but I still could not get the email notification Moreover,I just wonder how jasperserver could send an email because I don't have configured smpt in jasperserver.
  11. Thank you for your help .. It works now BTW, I raised another queastion about report email notification. could you help?
  12. Does any body know how to configure report email notificaion ? I could not get notification even I input an email address in report schedular please help
  13. But I just want the user account that could see REPORT folder only not others. How can I do it? Right now all folders are shown.
  14. 1) Do you mean ROLE_USER must be needed? 2) Could you please see my attachment that no folders I could see after removing ROLE_USER from user account even I assigned read only permission to REPORT folder. please help
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