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Everything posted by englbrechtful

  1. Hello alexx1, you have to add "Input Controls" for your Parameters in JasperServer. Log into JasperServer, select repository, right click your report, select "edit", ->Controls & Resources -> add Control Use same name and datatype like you setup in your report. Dont forget to also check the Box "Always prompt", to get asked for the parameters at report startup. HTH Stefan Post Edited by englbrechtful at 01/27/2010 16:14
  2. Hello regw, yes it also works with the community edition. Its really no biggie to set it up. By the way: This feature has been added to JasperServer in the current version 3.7.0, so if theres anychance you can upgrade to 3.7, do it! Way more easy to use there (no editing files needed...) :) HTH stefan
  3. Hey Sherman, thx for the hint, but doesnt seem to work for me org.springframework.webflow.definition.registry.NoSuchFlowDefinitionException: No flow definition 'removedReportsList' found
  4. Thats it. Works!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Ive been sitting on that problem 24/7 for almost a week, completely rewrote my classes and shit, and its just those two lines, haha. again thank you !
  5. UPDATE: just upgraded from RC to final version of jasperserver 3.7.0 CE and theres still the same problem. Jasperserver application is not starting, while same configs works for Jasperserver 3.5.0
  6. Hey everybody, I recently updated my JasperServer 3.5 CE installation to JasperServer 3.7 CE RC. My custom datasource isnt working anymore since then. I did not change anything and cannot explain the problem myself. I found a similar error on the bugtracker (http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4466) I need my custom datasource to be working, so my question is if that is a problem on jaspersoft or on my side and if it will be fixed soon or if i have to downgrade back to 3.5. Thanks! Code: Post Edited by englbrechtful at 01/25/2010 13:16 Post Edited by englbrechtful at 01/25/2010 14:42
  7. Thanks Matt for your quick help. Problem 2 I already solved myself. "This is intentional." Thats a pitty. I liked the old html view, the repository is very confusing for "non-developer". And also the report specifications get cut off ugly. Am I the only one thinking that way?
  8. Thats not Analysis View, its a Report. If you want to know how to do this with a report, let me know.
  9. Hey, i just upgraded my JS to 3.7.0 CE, and this looks pretty buggy too me. Im wondering if something went wrong during upgrade or if this is just because its not a final version. problem1: when i click view->reports i get the same view like view->repository problem2: im using a singel cascading input control. Its working so far, i get the expected reports. BUT i dont see what i choose. the dropdown menu is just to small to see anything. check attached picture to see what i mean.
  10. Hey, I created a report using data from a JRMapCollectionDataSource and I can run the report from my Java Application. Works great. But I need to add the report unit to my JasperServer! How can I do this? How can I tell JasperServer to use my JRMapCollectionDataSource custom class which returns the List<Map> which is used for my report? // from my java app: public void report(ArrayList<HashMap> al) { JRMapCollectionDataSource ds = new JRMapCollectionDataSource(al); jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(this.getXmlsource()); jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameter, ds); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"customhashdatasourcegraphtest.pdf"); } Post Edited by englbrechtful at 12/09/2009 16:08
  11. Im not sure if thats what your looking for: Put your $F{Field} into details band, and reduce size of details band to the height of your field.
  12. Nobody can help you without knowing what your problem actually is. Please post the whole error stack, your Schema and your query.
  13. Hello Jagrut, iReport is a GUI for creating Reports (JRXML/Jasper Files) to use with JasperReports. You probably want to use JasperReports in your Java Project. To do that you have to include the JasperReports TAR file in your projects class path.
  14. Thanks a lot Sherman, its working!!!! :) Theres only one question left: how does "artikelgruppe" fit in? where can i put it? as a level of Artikel? ( Artikelgruppe = articlegroup // the articles are divided into certain groups ) should be look like in the pic i attached
  15. come on swood, mdahlman, someone help me, or tell me at least if thats a bug or its problem on my side. Im totaly lost here.
  16. Where can I find that fix? I got same issue and its pretty important for me that certain users can only access/see certain reports. Using JS 3.5.0
  17. What DB application are you running? why do you want to do that such complicated? I would use two parameters $P{START} and $P{END} both java.sql.timestamp type. your sql query would look like this then : select eno, ename, doj, sal from employ where doj between $P{START} and $P{END}
  18. try this: $F{delta}.doubleValue() > new Double(0) ? new Double(1.0) : new Double(0.0) i didnt really understand what your up to as the boolean part is confusing me pretty much. If thats not what you wanted please explain once again. best regards, Stefan
  19. Hey renek, usually this kind of error appears when you run java files with a different/older JRE than the compiler that was used. try java -version and javac -version
  20. I investigated a bit further and figure out the problem is that all shown measures are multiplyed with 1024! Here some data to understand what im talking about: PostgreSQL DB table: umsatz_cube Columns: name, artikelgruppe, artikel, jahr, quartal, monat, menge, nettogesamtbetrag now if I do a sql query like this : "select sum(menge) from umsatz_cube where name = 'certainname' and jahr = 2009 and quartal = 4" I get the correct value: 21849 JasperAnalys shows if i drill down to that name the value 22373376 Same with all other values of my Measures its always original value * 1024 which JA shows!?!? how can that be? ; 22373376/21849 1024 ; 43602944/42581 1024 ; 45289472/44228 1024 Im running JasperServer 3.5.0 CE on debian lenny. My MDX query: SELECT { [Measures].Netto, [Measures].Menge } ON COLUMNS, { ([Kunde].[All Kundes], [Artikel].[All Artikels], [Time].[Year].&[2009]) } ON ROWS FROM [umsatz] Attached is my schema, and screenshots to underline the problem. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
  21. Try CTRL+TAB+7 or manually Windows-> Properties. You will see a properties on the right now. There you can set your printwhenexpression. ps: use new Boolean with capital B
  22. I would need to know how your source is looking like to give you precise instructions. But this should be possible with variables, doesnt sound like a big deal.
  23. Hi, new Integer(Integer.valueOf($F{loc_id})) This should work, assuming your loc_id field is called $F{loc_id}. To get the N/A thing working you could use this: $F{loc_id} == "" ? new String("N/A") : new Integer(Integer.valueOf($F{loc_id})) (i.e. if string = "" then print new String N/A, else print integer value of string) Stefan Post Edited by englbrechtful at 10/20/2009 13:00
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