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  1. Hi Pradeep, I belive you need to convert the string to Double and then you can pass the pattern.
  2. HI, My requirement is I want to export my Data in excel, my data is in particular cell but spanning across three cells without merging the cells. How I can achive this ? I could not found any specific property to have this functionality.
  3. Thanks Matt, But still problem persist , though I am putting proeprty as follows : <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.1" value="groupHeader"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4" value="PAY_ADV_NO"/>
  4. Hi, I have one problem, in our report development one requirement is like when loc_id is "" then print "N/A" else loc_id is having values like '002530' and need to printed like '2530' , I cant use substring as '002530' can be '0002530' also so I want to convert this to integer and to display , I used new Integer(parseInt.(str)) but then it is giving me error can not cast string to integer , can you guide me on this ? -Thanks & Regards Darshan
  5. We are using Single Report object for exporting in PDF / Excel . We would like to know Can we Uncheck Reprint Header when I am exporting to excel. Darshan
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