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  1. I am using java code to compile and export to JPG a report. It works without issue for english text. Problem comes when I use Thai characters (but I believe this is the case for most non-latin characters). When I use a Text Field that must be justified, I have the following error: Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 145 at sun.font.ExtendedTextSourceLabel.applyJustificationDeltas(ExtendedTextSourceLabel.java:985) at java.awt.font.TextLine.getJustifiedLine(TextLine.java:1362) at java.awt.font.TextLayout.getJustifiedLayout(TextLayout.java:790) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.AbstractTextRenderer.renderParagraph(AbstractTextRenderer.java:419) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.AbstractTextRenderer.render(AbstractTextRenderer.java:295) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw.TextDrawer.draw(TextDrawer.java:127) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw.PrintDrawVisitor.visit(PrintDrawVisitor.java:105) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw.PrintDrawVisitor.visit(PrintDrawVisitor.java:55) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRTemplatePrintText.accept(JRTemplatePrintText.java:936) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw.FrameDrawer.draw(FrameDrawer.java:231) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw.FrameDrawer.draw(FrameDrawer.java:179) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRGraphics2DExporter.exportPage(JRGraphics2DExporter.java:259) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRGraphics2DExporter.exportReportToGraphics2D(JRGraphics2DExporter.java:232) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRGraphics2DExporter.exportReport(JRGraphics2DExporter.java:171) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print.JRPrinterAWT.printPageToImage(JRPrinterAWT.java:259) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print.JRPrinterAWT.printPageToImage(JRPrinterAWT.java:102) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager.printPageToImage(JasperPrintManager.java:245) The JRXML fragment is as follows: <textField> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="0" y="102" width="276" height="38"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$P{NonLatin}]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <textElement textAlignment="Left"> <font fontName="Garuda" size="4" isBold="false" isItalic="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{Conditions}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> I am using the "Garuda" font which is properly installed on my Linux Ubuntu 11.04x64 desktop. It also fail when I use from iReport 4.0.2 and 4.1.1 Is there a way to make it work, or to find the right font to use?
  2. How did you get the -pro version? Is it available for download? Else you must have registered with JasperSoft and they should be able to help you if you contact their support. But from your description it might be a bug in their installer. A ref from a previous post related to your question shows that the correct flags are 0 or 1: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=50827 Try with the command line arguments: --install_ireport 0 --install_sampledata 0 -- JSC Post Edited by jscoobyced at 11/09/2010 04:17
  3. Hi, Here is what I am trying to achieve: - I have created a custom AuthenticationProcessingFilter that performs the login and adds up some logic to define an external UserId (currently hard-coded but I will have no problem getting it from the DB) - I want to use this UserId in the report as a $P{UserId} (it has to be a parameter because it's going to be used in the SQL query as well) I thought that eventually I could push the UserId in the HttpSession and then from iReport I could access the session from a constant parameter (like a HTTP_SESSION parameter). However it doesn't look like I can get this. Could I 'inject' a new parameter using a scriplet? Where is the scriplet API? EDIT: it seems that using $P{REPORT_SCRIPLET}.getUserId() I should be able to get what I want. Now I just need to see if I can access the session from the scriplet. Thanks, JSC Post Edited by jscoobyced at 11/04/2010 09:27
  4. @mdahlman Agreed that you can run all in 64 bits. It's just that using the installer I got some issues using the bundled tomcat and MySQL on Windows 7 64bits. Windows 7 has these nasty popup every now and then to 'Allow to run something', 'Allow to open this port', .... With bundled MySQL the issue was with the Windows Firewall so you need to do some tricky enable/disable steps With Tomcat if you want to run your own version and be able to start it using the Windows Service, there were issues (back in January when I actually did that) and you needed the 32 bits version additional steps. -- JSC
  5. It seems JasperSoft didn't includes the xml-apis.jar that comes with the (included) xml-apis-ext.jar (version 1.3.04 in my JS 3.7.0). You could try to add it in your jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib and see if it doesn't create class-path nightmare to JasperServer :)
  6. As far as I know, you need to have matching versions between iReport and JasperServer. I suggest you download iReport 3.7.1 (or ) and save the JRXML from there. -- JSC
  7. Just from the top of my head: - try moving the location of the legend (below or above the chart) - try increasing the size of the 'Maps Pro' properties (in your case, a bit wider) I met sometimes issues when exporting due to internal boxes or containers being to small (missing labels, Axis values...) JSC
  8. Hi, I am trying to get a report using a URL. I can do that with authentication stuff and all parameters. Now the last part missing is to find the URL parameter where I could define my customer JSP instead of the default 'DefaultJasperViewer.jsp'. Example would be: https://server.com/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&ParentFolderUri=%2fReports&reportUnit=%2fReports%2fDesignation&decorate=no&output=html&customJsp=MyCustom.jsp I am looking for the right '&customJsp' parameter. Does it exist for the Community edition? And for the Professional Edition? Thanks JSC
  9. You need to run tomcat with the java 32 bits so it works with the wrapper (used for running as service). I think there are also some other 64bits restrictions with opening port and the like that don't prompt for the Security popup. MySQL can be 32 or 64. Post Edited by jscoobyced at 10/27/2010 10:39
  10. The 'Prompt box' is here to enable the filter when the report is ran, not to actually prompt it when you open it. Just a quick thought: one workaround could be to add a NULL row of data in your table and select it as the default (yuk! that's ugly and isn't guaranty to work... )
  11. You might want to have a look at the 'aru015606' kind of files (names starting with 'aru') or in the 'Temp' folder of the repository. They are temporary files generated by reports and dashboards. Depending on the version you are running, there might be a bug related to the dashboard deletion that doesn't cleanup the temporary file associated, which itself hold a reference on the reports.
  12. Hi, I once created a quick step-by-step item list for Windows 7 64 bits. I just edited to update some info and make it more general (not custom to my build). Not sure this forum allows cross-site URL: www.rochefolle.net/kb/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=31&p=33
  13. Hi, I have exported the Jobs to a WebService and deployed. Quite simple and effective. Now I would like to return more than the error code (0 by default if success, and other values I can control through tDie components). Is there a way to return more info? I saw in Talend forums about suggestion on a tWebServiceOutput but it seems this isn't there yet. Is there workaround or alternatives? Thanks, JSC
  14. What are the restrictions/permissions allowed with JasperETL community edition? If my company want to build Models and Jobs internally and export the packages as Java code. Does the community edition allow us to run this Java package as is, on our server, using our database, to process client data? Basically: the Job package would sit on our production server, and when a client upload a file to our server and click a button to kick the task, it will call the .sh script from the Java package and perform the ETL. Does it require OEM/ISV licensing? Thanks, JSC
  15. I would like to setup log4j while I work on iReport. My need is basically to see what SQL queries are executed by iReport during I develop my reports. I tried enabling log4j using the various -J-D* options but the logs keep showing stuff like below (I set the log4j.configuration property to the ireport root folder, bin, etc, ide10... all subfolder at the first and second level with no success. Where can I place the log4j.properties? I also used the "Options" within iReport to add classpath but I think this is used at report generation time, not for the IDE. Code:log4j: Trying to find [/usr/local/ireport/ide10/config/Modules/log4j.properties] using context classloader SystemClassLoader[113 modules].log4j: Trying to find [/usr/local/ireport/ide10/config/Modules/log4j.properties] using org.netbeans.StandardModule$OneModuleClassLoader@47db9852[com.jaspersoft.ireport] class loader.log4j: Trying to find [/usr/local/ireport/ide10/config/Modules/log4j.properties] using ClassLoader.getSystemResource().log4j: Could not find resource: [/usr/local/ireport/ide10/config/Modules/log4j.properties].
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