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  1. I'm trying to use an XML data source using the example given in the wiki but the reports returns no pages This is the data <addressbook> <person> <name>ETHAN</name> <phone>+1 (415) 111-1111</phone> </person> <person> <name>CALEB</name> <phone>+1 (415) 222-2222</phone> </person> <person> <name>WILLIAM</name> <phone>+1 (415) 333-3333</phone> </person> </addressbook> this is the report <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="report5" language="groovy" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20"> <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/> <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/> <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/> <queryString language="xpath2"> <![CDATA[/addressbook/person]]> </queryString> <field name="name" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[name]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="phone" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[phone]]></fieldDescription> </field> <background> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </background> <title> <band height="79" splitType="Stretch"/> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="35" splitType="Stretch"/> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="61" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="277" height="20"/> <textElement/> <text><![CDATA[name]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x="277" y="0" width="277" height="20"/> <textElement/> <text><![CDATA[phone]]></text> </staticText> </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="125" splitType="Stretch"> <textField> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="277" height="20"/> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{name}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField> <reportElement x="277" y="0" width="277" height="20"/> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{phone}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="45" splitType="Stretch"/> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="54" splitType="Stretch"/> </pageFooter> <summary> <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/> </summary> </jasperReport>
  2. Thanks for your answers, but nothing did work, I will come back the the 3.7.0 version
  3. Using JasperServer 3.7.1 and Ireport 3.7.4 I have just installed last release of Jasperserver If I try to run on jasper server a report with a Graph that works perfectly on Ireport I get the following error : If I remove the graph it works. Could you help ? Code: Post Edited by amietd at 10/27/2010 15:23
  4. I don't call it form an application I use Jasper portlet with the jasper parameter screen.
  5. Does somebody knows how to setup a parameter to offer the to the user a list of choices. For example A have a report whre the slection can be done by Color or model or size I would like the user to have parameter giving the 3 choices so he can click on one Thanks for the help
  6. Hello I'm using IReport 3.7.1 and when I try to use the .getMonth() or the GetDay() class it returns me 0 If I use the .getYear() on the same field it works. $P{DateReport}.getMonth() Could you help me ?
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