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Posts posted by vsoneta

  1. I had to install adobe reader 9 and it worked fine with the PDF but Still getting a blank page when exporting it to excel or rtf or csv file from adobe air... Please HELP ME.... Please if anyone has used the Jasperserver with Adobe Air.. Please help me...

  2. I am not sure whether this question belong in this forum.. But If anyone has used jasperserver with Adobe air please help me..


    I have my application build in Adobe Air and one of the feature is to show the reports. I am able to see the report properly on adobe air when I pass the url through Iframe. But when I pass the URL with Output=pdf or when I click the pdf icon from jasper report, opens a new adobe air window with a black screen and this happens for all the different exports ie excel....  When I use the same application by triggering in IE, Firefox or Google chrome, it opens a new window or tab and shows me the pdf version.


    So I need help either to get me the pdf in that new adobe air window or open in the users deafult browser that pdf.


    I have attached the screen shots. PLEASE HELP


    <iframe id="frmReport" src="about:blank" width="100%" height="100%" />					<zscript><![CDATA[			private void showReport() {							Object parameters = winReporting.getParameters();				System.out.println("In main.zul:  " + parameters);											HashMap params = (HashMap)winReporting.getParameters();					winReporting.setTitle(params.get("name"));					String url = "http://" + params.get("servername") + winReporting.getAppConfigValue("settings/server");					if (!url.endsWith("/"))						url = url + "/";					url = url + "flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=";					url = url + params.get("path");									frmReport.setSrc(url);													}			}		]]></zscript>
  3. I hope so the issues is resolved by now.. I also faced the same problem.. So I went on Web interface of jasperserver and gave permission of the root folder to ROLE_USER.  So basically you can give the permission to the role specific or you can give it as per the user specific also.. And then I went to Ireport and tested it by adding the folder and it worked...


    Thanks for posting this issue... :)



  4. I am using Jasperserver 3.1 community package which has Iplugin bundled and Tomcat 6 on dev001 server and I have my mysql jasper scripts in another dev 002 server.

    When I configure the jasperserver plugin in Ireport then it ask me the below information and I accordingly change it


    Name: Dev001

    JasperServerURL : http://dev001/jasperserver/services/repository

    Username: jasperadmin

    password : ********


    when I click save and refresh it, gives me an error 401 unauthorized.


    When I take the same above url and paste it in a browser it allows me to see a page with saying "


    Hi there, this is an AXIS service!

    Perhaps there will be a form for invoking the service here..."




    I am not sure what I am doing wrong or what is needed... PLEASE HELP ME... I AM STUCK HERE.....



  5. Thank you so much sherman. I was able to login to the report url without having to login... But in the jasper page ont he header it gives "Welcome, anonymousUser !"

    Due to <property name="userAttribute"><value>anonymousUser,ROLE_USER</value></property>

    As the report will be used by Internal folks -- using active directory authencation .. have configured my SSO.. So I need to show in the header the intranet name...

    And I want to get the username from the HTTP header... as I have set the login_user name in IIS_Rewrite ... Can you please help me in that ...


    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{LOGON_USER} HEADQTRS\(.*)
    RewriteHeader X-SSO-USER: .* %1



  6. Even I am facing the same issue not getting the folder...  I able to successuly login to the jasperserver page but as soon as it comes to the default page it just tries to load the fodler and gets the below error in Tomcat and just hangs.

    Tomcat logs I am getting the below error :


    11:12:19,817 ERROR JSErrorPage_jsp,ajp-8009-2:339 -
    com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.null.uri
        at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl.findByURI(HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl.java:572)


    My Context.xml has :

        <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
            maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
            username="jasperdb" password="XXXXX"


    Using Jasper 3.1, Tomcat 6.0 and MySQL 5.0..






  7. When I download the jasperserver-3.1.0-src.zip  from the " http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962&package_id=195243&release_id=642675 "

    The file names are incomplete for the hibernate xml files  ie. it should  ***.hbm.xml and not  ***.hbm


    The path is:   jasperserver-3.1.0jasperserverjasperserver-repository-hibernatesrcmainresourcescomjaspersoftjasperserverapimetadatacommonserviceimplhibernatepersistent


    Please correct it and upload it and let us know once that is done...

  8. When I download the jasperserver-3.1.0-src.zip  from the " http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962&package_id=195243&release_id=642675 "

    The file names are incomplete for the hibernate xml files  ie. it should  ***.hbm.xml and not  ***.hbm


    The path is:   jasperserver-3.1.0jasperserverjasperserver-repository-hibernatesrcmainresourcescomjaspersoftjasperserverapimetadatacommonserviceimplhibernatepersistent


    Please correct it and upload it and let us know once that is done...



  9. Thank you so much clhubert. I will go ahead and then use the mysql only.. But then I am having an issue to login with the username and password from the jasper login page.. Can you please help me .. I am trying out with username and password as joeuser /joeuser  as suggested by the login page... Should I be using the my own Database username ?

  10. Can I configure MS SQL in Jasper Server. If yes then how.  I have already project working under mysql but my other projects are using MS SQL, so wanted to make everything in one DB. So can anyone please help me to achieve that.

    Thanks in advance.


    Post Edited by Vaishali Soneta at 02/04/09 13:55

    Post Edited by Vaishali Soneta at 02/04/09 14:07

    Post Edited by Vaishali Soneta at 02/04/09 14:08
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