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Posts posted by vsoneta

  1. Has Anyone done JAAS with jasperserver ... if yes.. then..how can I not get the login page please.. if attach any examples.. I just stuck here... So please help..

    Post Edited by vsoneta at 05/01/2009 18:06
  2. Hello,


    I want to enable Single Sign On for JasperServer. I want to make sure this is not to be confused with the role_anonymous logon.All of my users have windows XP PC, and they are logon on to the active directory

    I am creating a url in my class file and directing it to the jasperserver.. it gets me the login page and 

    .Basically, I want they to browse to the Jasperserver without ever login in the Jasperserver's login.html page.  I want to know if this is doable?  and how..I have jasperserver 3.1 in IIS configured. MY server is Tomcat 6.0.

    Basically I have one application where I build my jasper URL with parameters and then navigate to the URL. So please help me what should be done.


  3. Need to know how can I migrate my data from 3.1 jasperserver to 3.5. Can anyone knows any documentation... we just bought couple of weeks back the documentation for 3.1 and found that someof the stuffs are not supported in 3.1 so need to try 3.5. Please help me...Using tomcat 6.0, MYSQL server 5.0.

  4. Is it possible to have the MS SQL database connection with jasperserver ?


    I followed the steps mentioned to install the driver.. ie http://www.altova.com/manual2009/Mapforce/mapforce-enterprise/index.html?mffjdbcdriversetup.htm  -- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver 1.1

    1) set the path to the where sqljdbc.jar is

    2) copied the file .dll to c:/Windows/system32

    But still same exception...

    Do I need to do something else with jasperserver... as this works perfectly fine with my other application.. it's just with jasperserver it does't work....

    Code is posted in the previous message...

    Please help, I am just stuck here....

    I am using community jasperserver 3.1 v.

     As I see an example in jasperserver 3.5 of an query through custom datasource... But jasperserver 3.5 has new MYSQL db structure (new table and there are dependencyies on exisiting tables). So please tell me wether I can query my MS SQL in customdatasource- java class ? If no then I can try jasperserv3.5... But this will be a big pain.. as I don;t know whether they have migration scripts from 3.1 to 3.5 ...

    Post Edited by vsoneta at 04/28/2009 15:11

    Post Edited by vsoneta at 04/28/2009 15:32
  5. Hello,


    I am trying to connect to MS SQL through custom datasource in jasperserver but got exception :


    com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(Unknown Source)
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.sendLogon(Unknown Source)
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.connectHelper(Unknown Source)
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.loginWithoutFailover(Unknown Source)
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
        at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:582)
        at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:207)



    Searched the web and found that "sqljdbc_auth.dll file to a directory on the Windows system path on the computer where the JDBC driver is installed." the question is where would I go ahead and install dll ? I have it on C:/WINDOWS and the same code works fine in my other java application. It's just not working in jasperserver application. Please help...


    Thanks in advance...



        CallableStatement proc = null;        String driver = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver";        String connectString = "jdbc:sqlserver://XXX;database=XX;user=XXX;password=XXX;integratedSecurity=true";               Connection con = null;            Class.forName(driver);                       try{            con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString);}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();return null;}try {            proc = con.prepareCall("{call spJDBCSQLConnectionStringNETGet(?,?,?)}");            System.out.println("got the proc");            proc.setString("ConnectionStringName", connectionStringName);            proc.setString("Environment", environment);            proc.registerOutParameter("ConnectionString", Types.VARCHAR);            proc.execute();            String connectionString = proc.getString("ConnectionString");            return connectionString;        } finally {            try {                proc.close();            } catch (SQLException e) {            }            con.close();        }
  6. What I am having issue in passing the paramertrs in url that basically does the GET functionality,

    I am generating the url in my class file and then forwarding directly to that url. So in jasperserver the url shows "



    and I want it to show to the user in : "http://servername/jasperserver/flow.html?" or anything but not showing these 2 parameters LocationID=2&DepartmentID=3.


    Please help .. I am just stuck here...



  7. Hi Vishal,


    I am creating the url in java and forwarding directly to jasperserver link.. So there is no jsp involved here basically whatever I have to do is in java class and then pass those parameters to the jasperserver and as an input controls and those will be accessed in the custom datasources. So can you suggest something else.

  8. Hi Joel,


    I also want to do the same with my report saying User should not be able to see the data passed in the url ie. parameters... Can you please tell were you able to accomplish the above issue and how ... I am really stuck here... I am using jasperserver 3.1

    Post Edited by vsoneta at 04/22/2009 18:54
  9. I need help in 2 things:


    I am constructing the url from java something like ... http://.../jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/DierTracts/Contracts&ContractID=907

    As you can see the url has ContractID passed in and is visible so it's gets a chance to the user to change it and see something else...need to send this parameter in that url for my results to run but at the same time I don't want users to view this so that they will get chance to change it..

    what should I do... I am using the custom Datasource in which I need those parameters.

    Can I do like this or is there any other way I can achieve this...

    1) How to pass the parameters without using the input controls in the url so that it is invisible to the user.. basically how a GET method does in the html...

    2) How to access those send parameters in my custome datasource.







  10. I am also stuck in this type of situation.. ie one value from the input control should determine what values in the second input control. ie 2 drop down 1st one is Location and end one is Deprt and when the User selects the location (list of values), the value from this should go and excute the query and generate another input control with the values passed from the db and then pass those both the values in the report and run it.... If anyone has a workaround please let us know as then we might have to think about Crystal Report, if this is not possible by JS.

  11. Hello,


    Need suggestion /advise -- We have to create report in which there will be 2 dropdown which will be display the values as per the user's role. Basically the report should call the java code which will return the data and that data needs to be populated in that dropdown.  As I already have the JSON service that will get the data as per the user's role (calling the active directory).

    I was just surfing the web and found that we can do that by creating custom datasource.. is that right and if yes then do we have any examples so that I can use them...


    Thanks in advance.


  12. Hello,


    I am also want to the same way as you have done . Can I get the code please... I am using Adobe Air with Jasperserver reports.. I get the jasperserver ui page in that Adobe air properly. But as soon as I click on pdf, csv, excel it gives me a blank page with no errors.. so it's not helping me. So I am looking for different options now. I already have generated url like :http://hq1svrdev001/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/DierTracts/Contracts&ContractID=512&ContractID=512 and now this should go ahead and run the report which will be saved in the repository. Once completed then it should go to that repository and get that file in whatever user wants ie. pdf,csv,or excel. And what you have mentioned is doing the same, so can you please provide more help in that. Please contact me at vsoneta@yahoo.com and one more small request is there any way you can share the code.


    My thing is : I have the url to the report generated. Now I want to run that url, will create the report and get that report and save it on user's local machine or direcyly access that file whether it's pdf, csv or excel and then open those files direcly from the available softwares.

  13. Hi Lauren,


    Yes you understood it right, I want to get a report from jasperserver and save a report as a file on the users local machine and give them an option to open it.


    You said that jasperserver reports are saved in JasperServer repository.. are they visible directly or I have to write a code to get them.. ie Can I see the file in MYSQL database and if yes which table are they saved.. I want to see the repository on my server...


    Do you have the code that retrieve those reports and write them to a file...


    Once again thank you so much for your help

  14. I am using Adobe Air with my application which shows the user the reports which uses jasperserver 3.1. I am having issues from adobe air to open the files in pdf, xls, csv and all the exports. I somehow got the pdf opening by installing adobe reader 9, but for others no luck.


    So I was thinking about one approach and not sure whether this can be done.. so need help from the experts. on my .zul file I have a button, when clicked, generates a url eg.  http://..../jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/DierTracts/Contracts&ContractID=512&ContractID=512

    From here it should generate(run) the above report and save it in there local( with the extension provided from the database and then the user can open it on there installed application.

    And the above thing should happen in that button click and the user will be given the path to open the file... Somthing like that.. Please help me how can this be achieved... or someother way ... please help




  15. I am running into this PermGen space issue on and off. I did set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m as mentioned in the installation guide.. But this keeps on coming.. When I restart my tomcat, it works fine for the first time and then again it crashes..


    Please HELP.. Thanks in advance.

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