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Everything posted by vsoneta

  1. I got the reason why it's giving me an error as it's not able to execute the @sql so the results set is empty and it gives an error. But how to fix it so that it executes this storeproc. The issue is with the statement; SET @sql = ' SELECT OrderNumber, Line,OrderDate, PickUpDate, ERPDescription,QtyOrdered,ActualPrice,Tax,Department,StoreName,BTFirstName,BTLastName FROM OPENQUERY([hq1svrsql007\website], ''EXEC [hq1svrsql007\website].InSite.dbo.[reporting_StoreOrders] ' + '''''' + convert(varchar(10),@StoreNo) + ''''''') ' EXECUTE (@sql) Jasperserver is not executing the above sql statement -- basically query for linked server store proc... PLEASE HELP... and it works fine with the ireport PLEASE HELP I AM LIKE STUCK FROM LAST WEEK.. PLEASE
  2. I digged more into the error and found that it also give this error : The statement did not return a result set. Please help
  3. I digged more into the error and found that it also give this error : The statement did not return a result set. Please help
  4. Do I need extra jar or anything do to do with OPENQUery.. Please help me...
  5. Here is the sql 2000 query to call SQl 2005 sql server's store proc. Mind this is working fine when I execute the sql is sql 2000 server and also in ireport, it's just not in Jasperserver ? USE [Reporting] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[reports_CurrentStoreOrders] Script Date: 10/23/2009 10:55:30 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[reports_CurrentStoreOrders] @StoreNo as varchar(10) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @sql varchar(8000) SET @sql = ' SELECT OrderNumber, Line,OrderDate, PickUpDate, ERPDescription,QtyOrdered,ActualPrice,Tax,Department,StoreName,BTFirstName,BTLastName FROM OPENQUERY([hq1svrsql007\website], ''EXEC [hq1svrsql007\website].InSite.dbo.[reporting_StoreOrders] ' + '''''' + convert(varchar(10),@StoreNo) + ''''''') ' EXECUTE (@sql) END
  6. Here is the sql 2000 query to call SQl 2005 sql server's store proc. Mind this is working fine when I execute the sql is sql 2000 server and also in ireport, it's just not in Jasperserver ? USE [Reporting] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[reports_CurrentStoreOrders] Script Date: 10/23/2009 10:55:30 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[reports_CurrentStoreOrders] @StoreNo as varchar(10) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @sql varchar(8000) SET @sql = ' SELECT OrderNumber, Line,OrderDate, PickUpDate, ERPDescription,QtyOrdered,ActualPrice,Tax,Department,StoreName,BTFirstName,BTLastName FROM OPENQUERY([hq1svrsql007\website], ''EXEC [hq1svrsql007\website].InSite.dbo.[reporting_StoreOrders] ' + '''''' + convert(varchar(10),@StoreNo) + ''''''') ' EXECUTE (@sql) END
  7. Hello, I have created a jrxml which is very simple, takes one input parameter and passes the information to the SQL 2000 select query which calls 2005 sql database and displays the values. In Ireport when I click Preview it executes perfectly fine and my results gets displayed. But when I create the Report unit with the above jrxml and when I run this it gives me an error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error executing SQL statement for : WebIntranetStoreOrdersReport at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createDatasource(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:141) I make it sure my input has data to be displayed. This is happening only in Jasperserver. Please help.
  8. Hello, I have created a jrxml which is very simple, takes one input parameter and passes the information to the SQL 2000 select query which calls 2005 sql database and displays the values. In Ireport when I click Preview it executes perfectly fine and my results gets displayed. But when I create the Report unit with the above jrxml and when I run this it gives me an error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error executing SQL statement for : WebIntranetStoreOrdersReport at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createDatasource(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:141) I make it sure my input has data to be displayed. This is happening only in Jasperserver. I have attached the jrxml Please help.
  9. 2) Show a blank line after TR=43 Added a logic to display a dotted line <line> <reportElement x="0" y="27" width="800" height="1"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean(($F{TR}.toString()).equals( "43"))]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <graphicElement> <pen lineStyle="Dotted" lineColor="#000000"/> </graphicElement> </line> Attached with the latest code that has answers to the questions
  10. 1) But still now logic to calc to SUM of the rows of that column expect the row that has TR=43 Changed Varuable expression of the the variable properties: <variableExpression><![CDATA[(!(($F{TR}.toString()).equals( "43"))?$F{Product}:null)]]></variableExpression> 2) Show a blank line after TR=43 STILL DON"T KNOW-- PLEASE HELP 3) Each new group should start in new page.. In Group Header selected the propertie: <group name="STR#" isStartNewPage="true"> The latest code is attached
  11. what if I don't want else then ? I am getting an error if I have it ($F{TR}!=43 ?$F{Product}) What should be the extact syntax
  12. I Got the total to display after each group based on STR# -- Using Group by when creating jrmxl. 1) But still now logic to calc to SUM of the rows of that column expect the row that has TR=43 2) Show a blank line after TR=43 3) Each new group should start in new page...
  13. Hello, I need help.. I have query that returns this coulumns -- TR, STR#, Date, Product,Supplu,Allow, total RT,WH orderby STR# and WH So the records would be 43, 0602, 09-01-2009, 120945.36,0.00,0.00,120945.36 ,00,00 12, 0602, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 12, 0602, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 12, 0602, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 43, 0605, 09-01-2009, 120945.36,0.00,0.00,120945.36 ,00,00 12, 0605, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 12, 0605, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 12, 0605, 09-01-2009, 17.16,0.00,.51,21.54,01,01 .... So now in Ireport 1) it should a 2 blank rows as soon it TR =='43' and then continue 2) Should give the totals as soon as the previous ST# is not equal to next STR# Vertical which doesn't include row which is TR ==43 3) Once the above 2 is done then new group should start in new page. For eg the above will be shown as TR STR# Date Product Supply Allow total RT WH 43 0602 09-01-2009 -120945.36 0.00 0.00 120945.36 00 00 12 0602 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 01 0602 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 73 0602 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 * TOTAL * 51.48 0.00 1.53 53. 01 NEXT PAGE: TR STR# Date Product Supply Allow total RT WH 43 0605 09-01-2009 -120945.36 0.00 0.00 120945.36 00 00 12 0605 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 01 0605 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 73 0605 09-01-2009 17.16 0.00 .51 21.54 01 01 * TOTAL * 51.48 0.00 1.53 53. 01 Please suggest as to how this can be implemented
  14. Hello, I need to schedule a report that send an email only when that file exist in other server location. Can this be possible in Jasperserver. Scheduler should only trigger based on the file availablity in that location?
  15. Hello, But that's not good as Once I am done testing in ireport then I have to change the file to "repo:subreportname". the subreport should work same in irreport and jasperserver. Am I doing something wrong that I have to change everytime I deploy to jasperserver. In Ireport my subreportexpression is : $P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"Users_jrxml_ContractsARRpt_Details.jasper" and it runs perfectly fine in ireport. But when I deploy the same jrxml with subreports it gives me cannot load from that location : .\Users_jrxml_ContractsARRpt_Details.jasper. After reading this thread I changed subreportexpression to "repo:Users_jrxml_ContractsARRpt_Details.jrxml" and then then created a report unit in UI of jasperserver and it worked fine, it found all the subreports as a resources and ran perfectly fine. But when I open the changed report on ireport, gives me error, cannot load from that location: repo:Users_jrxml_ContractsARRpt_Details.jrxml. So this means I have keep on changing if I need to test in jasperserver or in ireport. Please let me know if I am missing something or it has to be like this...
  16. Got the solution: using <PrintWhenExpression> KEY WAS to new NEW Boolean... <image scaleImage="FillFrame" vAlign="Middle" hAlign="Center" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="374" y="2" width="76" height="28" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" key="barcode-1"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($F{UPC1} != null )]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <box></box> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" fill="Solid" /> <imageExpression class="java.awt.Image"><![CDATA[it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(5,$F{UPC1},true,false,$F{UPC1},0,0)]]></imageExpression> </image>
  17. Hello, I have to display the barcode only if my field from SQL is not null.. can you please help me how to achieve this.. my image tag in the jrmxl is : So I need to check if $F(UPC1) != null then create a image otherwise keep a blank field for that row and column.. Code:<image scaleImage="FillFrame" vAlign="Middle" hAlign="Center" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="374" y="0" width="76" height="28" forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" key="barcode-1"/> <box></box> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" fill="Solid" /> <imageExpression class="java.awt.Image"><![CDATA[it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(5,$F{UPC1},true,false,$F{UPC1},0,0)]]></imageExpression> </image>
  18. I am having the same issue, included - iReport-1.3.3.jar , iReport-utils-2.0.1.jar and barbecue-1.0.6b.jar in WWB-INF/Lib folder of jasper server 3.1 but I still get the error : com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Error evaluating expression : Source text : it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(5,$F{UPC1},false,false,$F{UPC1},0,0) Restarted the tomcat 6.0 with java jdk 1.6 Please help...
  19. Stupid of me.. I should define a different id for different datasources ... ie <bean id="EBTID" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.CustomDataSourceDefinition"> Don't worry about this thread.. I wish there would an item about to close the thread...
  20. I hope so there is no restriction on # of custom Datasources. If not then why is the custom datasource is not visible in the list of datasources available in Jasperserver ui page. I created .properties (message catalog) , Implementation Classes, Spring bean defination. Acctached r the files. I followed the same way as in Samples/customDataSources -- CustomDataSource.. All my above files also r working as I replaced the content to the mine custom datasource in the applicationContext-sampleCDS.xml and I could see my datasource and when I replace with the original content that uses cdstest.properties.. my new custom datasource doesn't appear. I did restart my server also.. but still no use.. Please help..
  21. I am trying to configure ACEGI security using JAAS in Jasperserver. I have followed the instruction and still no success. Basically I am trying to achieve is, the users in Active directory should be able to login to jasperserver without having to reenter there username and password in jasperserver. And from the forums it was suggested to use ACEGI security and I accordingly configured it. I am able to get the user authenticated also but still getting the login page. The forum that I have used is : http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/Jasperserver/AuthenticationConfiguration Here I have used my own JAAS (Starting with SSO.., web.xml, applicationcontext-)which is also attached in this email and logs from tomcat are : Url : http://hq1svrdev001/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/testing/SampleReportCDS&LocationID=6&DepartmentID=2SSO Filter: DoFilter calledSSO Filter: Chaining to next filterSSO Filter: DoFilter calledSSO Filter: Chaining to next filterSSO Filter: DoFilter calledSSO Filter: Chaining to next filterSSO Filter: DoFilter calledSSO Filter: Chaining to next filterSSOLoginModule: Initialize calledSSOLoginModule: Subject = Subject: SSOLoginModule: CallbackHandler = javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext$SecureCallbackHandler@1eee3fbSSOLoginModule: Login calledSSOCallbackHandler: Handle calledSSOCallbackHandler: NameCallback passedSSOCallbackHandler: Found username = sonetavSSOCallbackHandler: Found requestSSOCallbackHandler: SSOCallbackHandler: SSOLoginModule: Found user! sonetavSSOLoginModule: Commit calledSSOLoginModule: Subject = Subject: Principal: com.dierbergs.auth.JAAS.SSOPrincipal@87144dd5 SSOLoginModule: Committed = trueSSOAuthorityGranter: Grant called11:00:01,312 WARN LoggerListener,ajp-8009-2:55 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: sonetav; details: null11:00:01,327 WARN LoggerListener,ajp-8009-2:55 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: sonetav; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@255f8: RemoteIpAddress:"SOMETHING"; SessionId: "SOMETHING"SSO Filter: DoFilter calledSSO Filter: Chaining to next filter11:00:02,233 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,ajp-8009-2:618 - Added following external roles to: sonetavROLE_USER 11:00:02,233 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,ajp-8009-2:654 - Updated user: sonetav. Roles are now:ROLE_AD_Internet_-_Corporate_Users_FullROLE_AD_Developer_Server_AdministratorsROLE_AD_Application_DevelopmentROLE_ADMINISTRATORROLE_AD_SQLServer_AdminsROLE_AD_allsubscribers62740734ROLE_AD_allsubscribers0dca2bceROLE_AD_IT_DevelopersROLE_AD_Website_DevelopersROLE_USERROLE_AD_CentralOfficeROLE_AD_Server_AdministratorsROLE_AD_(AA)_All_Central_Office_EmployeesROLE_AD_VPN_AccessROLE_AD_Information_Technology 11:00:02,296 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,ajp-8009-2:660 - Updated user: sonetav. Roles are now:ROLE_AD_Internet_-_Corporate_Users_FullROLE_AD_Developer_Server_AdministratorsROLE_AD_Application_DevelopmentROLE_ADMINISTRATORROLE_AD_SQLServer_AdminsROLE_AD_allsubscribers62740734ROLE_AD_allsubscribers0dca2bceROLE_AD_IT_DevelopersROLE_AD_Website_DevelopersROLE_USERROLE_AD_CentralOfficeROLE_AD_Server_AdministratorsROLE_AD_(AA)_All_Central_Office_EmployeesROLE_AD_VPN_AccessROLE_AD_Information_Technology
  22. Did you ever get this working.. I am having the same issue.. I am getting the username and password (using JAAS) on to the login page.. but not going to the mainpage... Please let me know what did you do...
  23. I don't want to have it passed in the url.. and mine is not passing in the url... whenever I change anything in login.jsp it doesn't reflect the changes in the webpage... Can I change them.. as I want to have a workaround to my solution.. I get the username and password on those 2 text fields and I want in javascript as soon as the page is loaded and if those fileds are not empty submit the page... in this way the user won't be able to see the login page at all... Please help me to solve this workaround or suggest anything else.. Do you have samples for JAAS and Jasperserver... as I just having issues as to how to get them into the reports without seeing the login page.
  24. Did anyone figured this out... I have in my application-context-security.xml: <bean id="jaasAuthenticationProvider" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.jaas.JaasAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="loginConfig"> <value>/WEB-INF/login.conf</value> </property> <property name="loginContextName"> <value>dierbergsJAAS</value> </property> <property name="callbackHandlers"> <list> <bean class="com.dierbergs.auth.JAAS.SSOCallbackHandler"/> </list> </property> <property name="authorityGranters"> <list> <bean class="com.dierbergs.auth.JAAS.SSOAuthorityGranter"/> </list> </property> </bean> and in my filter class I am able to get the username and password onto the login page... but I don't want it to go to the login page.. it should directly do the login and get him to the jasperserver page if the authencation is correct.. Please help me where do I need to change so that it doesn;t show the login page...
  25. Hello, I get the username and password from the Active directory onto the login page of jasperserver and the user just need to click the login button. But I don't want the user to do that.. somehow it should automatically login them to the jasperserver with the username and password... Can anyone please tell me what setting do I need to change.. so that it automatically logs them in with the username and password shown in that form...
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