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Everything posted by ramandeep1980

  1. I will really appreciate if anyone can clarify how to work on this authentication where even though report is not visible we still can dril down or Raman
  2. Hi Matt, Thank you for replying. Yes this was the problem.I have made the change in Compatibility to Jasperreport 3.5.0 in the iReport 3.5.3 and now it is working fine. Thank You, Raman
  3. Hi Sherman and Everyone, I will really appreciate if you can help me in materialising this feature. Is it possible that the report present in the same folder as other reports but only one of them is visible at a time but still can acess other report thru drill down.Bcoz i dnt want customer to get confused regarding which report to click but still want them to be in same folder. Actually, my requirement is:- There are 4 level of reports suppose from A to D and we can drill down from A-> B -> C -> D each representing a role W, X, Y, Z .When W will log on, he will see only report A but can access to all other 3 levels(B,C,D) When X will log on it will see only report B but can drill down from B to C,D and When Y will log on it will only see C but can drill down from C to D and so on. I know we can control visibility of reoprt by ROLEs but then i will end up seeing multiple report at same level.I will appreciate your help.Also i dnt want redundancy in saving report on the server i.e. i dnt want same report to be saved on server in multiple places Regards, Raman Post Edited by ramandeep1980 at 09/12/2009 00:00
  4. Hi Sherman and iReport team, Any Update on this problem.Can we fix this.Because this is being a trouble for usage of iReport 3.5.3, this tag :- ITEMLABLE is not letting server to load JRXML and message which comes up is :- Not able to Parse.. Please do reply. regards, Raman
  5. Hi Sherman, Oracle portal was using same webservices which are used by iReport for accessing JasperServer directly. After few accesses to server from portal,server stops responding and requires Restart.Same thing happens when we access server from iReport.But if you access Server directly without using any Webservices it works peperfectly fine unlik using Webservices. But after using hotfix available in Tracker, problems got solved. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mantis/view.php?id=3477 This is regarding same issue that server was not able to handle multiple calls. I hope I made myself clear. Raman Post Edited by ramandeep1980 at 08/25/2009 03:09
  6. Hi Ana Rosa, Thank you for replying.Ya i have done but it was not still cuming but it was something wrong my part but otherwise it is working fine now. Anyway thanks for repling :) Raman
  7. Hi Sherman and iReport team, In iReport 3.5.3 and 3.5.2 version No Data Band is not working, if there is no data it shows blank page but No Data Band does not come up as it was working fine previously. I think this is again a new bug with iReport 3.5.3 version. Please have a look. Regards, Raman
  8. Hi prietopa, Yes you can do that.Just use Multi- Axis chart and while selcting required charts like Line or Bar graph in properties on top line you will get a property saying "POSITION" and option will be "LEFT OR TOP" and "RIGT OR BOTTOM". So for one chart select left and for another selct right and you will get your chart axis in mentiond manner. Hope this will be useful Regards, Raman
  9. Hi Sherman and everyone, There is still an issue with iReport 3.5.3 version.When we create multi-axis chart in the iReport it wont get parsed in Jasper Server.For loading JRXML on Jasper Server we have to delete a line from JRXML file MANUALLY.The line containing "ITEMLABEL" For example :- <itemLabel color="#000000" backgroundColor="#E2E2E8"/> Only after deleting this line manually from the JRXML file we can load it on jasper server. This is a bug for the present version.Please take care Regards, Raman
  10. For every one.I have got the solution.This is inherent problem with Jasper Server 3.5 (atleast) when we access server using Webservices. There is hot fix available in the TRACKER.Use that to fix this.Any other problem please do contact me. Raman
  11. Hi Sherman and everyone, Is it possible to get multi- sheet output in Excel (with TABS at the bottom) and every TAB havng different information. Please do share your view. Regards, Raman
  12. Hi Sherman, Just wanna to bring this to your notice again.That even though this feature is been confirmed in Tracker(although for next release)is there anyway we can get a patch for it to work on Jasper Server 3.5. or wat is the workaround for this cascading inuot control. Regards, Raman
  13. Hi Sherman, Thanks for replying.I would like to experiment with Cascading input and make it work.This is a requirement.So can you give me an idea regarding this patch and how to make it work.Where we need to load this patch and is it required for Jasper SeServer 3.5 version too. Regards, Raman
  14. Hi sherman and everyone, Can we have LOV in jasper server whre parameter_2 depends on selection of parameter_1 and Further Parameter_3 depends upon param_1 and param_2 selection Please do let me know how to make it work. Regards Raman
  15. Hey Everyone, I am facing some trouble with Jasper Server.When I am accessing Jasper Server directly it is working fine but when I am accessing Jasperserver through Oracle portal after few hits it stops responding.I think it is something wrong with Tomcat but when i checked it is fine coz memory which is getting used is almost same with not much of difference, with or without portal access. We are not able to figure out what is the real problem and Why Jasper Server stops working after few hits from portal but otherwise works fine. Till we dont restart Jasper Server it wont respond at all. Can you help in understanding what the actual problem could be. Regards, Raman
  16. Hi Everyone, I got a requirement related to LOV which I am not sure how to fulfill. Whenever user will select NULL in the LOV (with drop down)all the values will come up. I am able to do that , thats quite easy but what i need is showing "ALL" instead of blank place in the LOV drop down OR there can be a help text in the LOV pop-up saying that "JUST CLICK OK TO SEE REPORT FOR ALL USERS". The previous one is more preferable than later one. Now I am not sure to do either of them. I hope some one can come up with a solution. Regards, Raman
  17. Hi Sherman and Everyone, I am trying to work on this for a while and did try to get help from this forum also but not able to get something much worthwhile. So I am not left with much of time thus i am trying to implement this for last time else will move on with something else. I will really appreciate if some one can give me bit clear idea about how to move ahead with my problem. I have got Jasper Server(community edition) and im trying to integrate it with Oracle portal using SSO.So that user does not have to enter password again when he enters jasper server through portal. Can you tell me how to implement this with Jasper.I have tried to implement this by configuring this with OID with which user get created automatically when he enter to jasper server using Oracle portal. But I am still not sure how to make it work fully where everything between portal and jasperserver gets integrated properly and password passes on,(NOT externally as URL). I will really appreciate your help. Regards, Raman
  18. Hi Sherman, I think this is something wrong with jasper server itself.Coz im facing this problem for a while and whenever this happens i just need to refresh it 5-6 times or log on and log off or wait for a while and it start working fine..and jasper ireport works fine at the same time in separate wndow also DB conection is fine. After a while server will start responding suddenly.So u see there cant be something wrong with report or DB coz they both are working fine outside jasperserver at the same time but server without doing anything will start responding automatically.. Please lookinto this Raman
  19. I will also be waiting for this reply.Pleas elet us know that when we will be able to see cascading control. Raman
  20. Hi elimesika, You have to give full path of the image without extension like .GIF until it is part of the name.Put your image in IMAGES folder on jasper server and give the link like this in Image expression:- "repo:/Images/red_hat_logo" IT will be done :-) Raman
  21. Hi Sherman, Can you elaborate bit more on this topic. That is how can we pass on OID to Jasper Server using ACEGI framework. Can you be bit nmore descriptive Raman
  22. Hi, This is something weired with iReports,again something which is hapening automatically.Its behaving unusally. I have to pass a field of a report to second report through hyper link as a parameter. I have to click on some field and try to pass a value as aparameter to second report.This is that parameter <hyperlinkParameter name="cust_id"> <hyperlinkParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID}]]></hyperlinkParameterExpression> </hyperlinkParameter> here cust_id is name and i am using this to pass BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID to another report but when i run this report it shows Cannot cast from BigDecimal to String. I hav created similar report previously thus i went back to that report and when i saw its XML there was a bit of dfference, the difference was :- <hyperlinkParameter name="cust_id"> <hyperlinkParameterExpression class="java.math.BigDecimal"><![CDATA[$F{BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID}]]></hyperlinkParameterExpression> </hyperlinkParameter> So u see there is difference of <hyperlinkParameterExpression class="java.math.BigDecimal">.now when i change this at background and add in the XML tage and then run report it works fine. My question is why i have to make this change by going to background and why not it happened on it own thru the iRpoert tool even though it did happen before in the previous report on it own. Regards, Raman
  23. Hi , I think i have got the reply.I am mentioning it hre so that it can be helful to others too. Make new role and user.Now for security purpose assign this new role and ROLE_USER to the user and the folder where u wanna to apply the security make ROLE_USER to NO ACCESS and use another role to do the work like READ ONLY or ADMIN.. or whatever you want.... Actually , all users need at least ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR roles in order to log in and select menu options etc. I hope it was clear. Regards, Raman
  24. Hi, I am having trouble using Role feature of jasper server.Im not able to restrict user and thus not able to implement security. When i am using already created Role "ROLE_USER" and using this im restricting the user from accessing the reports,r its working fine but when im creating new ROLE and assigning the user to that Role and restricting their acces its not working and as soon as i m signing as this new user im reach on window saying :- The user has no access to this page. Log out Even though im doing same for this new ROLE what i have been doing with ROLE_USER. What im doing is this..I have given access(Administrator or Read ONLY) of all the folder to this new ROLE and just restricting this new role not to access one report but whenever im signing in I not able to work and end up seeing this window :- The user has no access to this page. Log out Please help here . Regards, Raman
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