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  1. When I put Arial font in my report to export as pdf file, the size of file is x2. Why? Why SansSerif is more light? Best regards
  2. not found!! this don´t work. I use "Right or botom" / "Left or top" but Jasper(3.5.3) don´t show any diference. I up my jrxml and test class.
  3. I need put the percentage axis to right, like image. But I want see all my Chart Line. I change de order of chart, but not solve the problem, de axis change. anybody help me? thanks
  4. 1) you must create getter and setter method, and a static method tha give you data I´m not compile my code 2) in iReport in ReportDatasources new JavaBeans set DataSources... 3) in options/classpath add the path of the complied classes 4) run report and subreport with preview that´s all Code:public class Person { private String name; private String address; private List<Phone> phoneNumbers;// getters// setters// method that return data public static Collection giveMeData(){ Collection<Person> myPersonCollection = new ArrayList<Person>(); myPersonCollection.add(new Person("John","Street in somewhere",Phone.giveMeData())); myPersonCollection.add(new Person("John","Street in somewhere",Phone.giveMeData())); myPersonCollection.add(new Person("John","Street in somewhere",Phone.giveMeData())); return myPersonCollection;}}public class Phone { private String number; private String name; // ie \'Home\', \'Work\', \'Cell\', etc// getters// setters// method that return data public static Collection giveMeData(){ Collection<Phone> myPhoneCollection = new ArrayList<Phone >(); myPhoneCollection .add(new Phone(54245848, "home")); myPhoneCollection .add(new Phone(46846486, "work")); myPhoneCollection .add(new Phone(63546641, "car")); myPhoneCollection .add(new Phone(54544885, "summer")); return myPhoneCollection; }}
  5. yes, you can do it. Only uses two axis. good look
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