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  1. Presumably you want some users to create and others not to that's why you're not using the community edition!!! We've done this for our read only users. You'll have to hack around with the underlying code I'm afraid because not sure it can be done completely via permissions and roles. The problem is that the defautl role of role_user has access to create and all users have this. The main create tab is defined in JI-menu.xml - if you've got the source it will be in <src install path>/jasperserver-pro\jasperserver-war\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\JI-menu.xml You need to do something like this for the create menu : <menu-item name="NAV_005_CREATE"> <roles> <!-- comment this line out <role>ROLE_USER</role>--> <!-- add this line --> <role>YOUR_OWN_ROLE_THAT_HAS_CREATE_PERMISSIONS</role> <role>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</role> </roles> <sub-items> <menu-item name="NAV_051_ADHOC_REPORT" url="/flow.html" servletParams="_flowId=adhocFlow"> <roles> <role>ROLE_USER</role> <role>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</role> </roles> </menu-item> <menu-item name="NAV_050_DASHBOARD" url="/flow.html" servletParams="_flowId=dashboardDesignerFlow&createNew=true"> <roles> <role>ROLE_USER</role> <role>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</role> </roles> </menu-item> </sub-items> </menu-item> One caveat is that this is from JS 3.5.1 so may be different for newer version. Hope this helps.
  2. I wrote something similar on a previous thread see http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=68898 (note the bit about avoiding javascript errors). For the pop up menu you might want to look at doing something similar on \WEB-INF\jsp\repositoryRepositoryExplorerResourcePopUpMenu.jsp. Note this was on JS 3.5 so may be slightly different on 3.7
  3. We disabled certain icons for certain roles within this jsp. The key is to ensure that the display style is set to none for users who shouldn't see the icon otherwise you'll get javascript errors. Shouldn't need to mess with the js file. i.e. to display the open in Designer button for a certain role(s) <authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="SOME_ROLE"> <td style="cursor: pointer;" width='50' height='50' onClick='' id='design_td' align="center"> <a href='#' class='normalpx' id='design_td_a'><img src="images/design_enabled.gif" border='0' title='<spring:message code="RM_BUTTON_DESIGN" javaScriptEscape="true"/>' id='design' /></a> </td> </authz:authorize> Then for users who don't have the role you need to set display:none <authz:authorize ifNotGranted="SOME_ROLE"> <td style="cursor: pointer; display: none;" width='50' height='50' onClick='' id='design_td' align="center"> <a href='#' class='normalpx' id='design_td_a'><img src="images/design_enabled.gif" border='0' title='<spring:message code="RM_BUTTON_DESIGN" javaScriptEscape="true"/>' id='design' /></a> </td> </authz:authorize> I think this is correct, it's been a while since I made this change so may not be quite right. Hope this helps.
  4. Choose the Calendar Recurrence and you'll see a host of options. Then choose month days and type 1 into the box alongside. You can then untick what months you don't want it to run of keep the default of All months. Very flexible. See the attachment for a better description.
  5. Sorry maybe missing the point but isn't the order they are displayed in is just based on the order you add the input controls to the report in Jasperserver?? If you want them displayed in a certain order, then just make sure they are added in that order when assigning the input controls to the report.
  6. Ok sounds complicated. Not sure if this helps or will meet your needs but may be worth having a look at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.reportManager.ResourceRowModel as this seems to hold the info you're after for each report (id,name etc). Within JasperServer the jsp RepositoryExplorerAjaxTable.jsp uses things like ${resource.id} to render out the id for a hyperlink etc. Maybe able to use this in some way?? Admittedly I've changed the source code but I use it to render out a link to a help guide for each report we run using the resource.id as a unique identifier to the individual help guide.
  7. This is a known issue that we had to implement a pretty simple hotfix for (see below). You're right in that it only affects firefox 3.5. Not sure when this will make it into a patch - perhaps the jasper guys can confirm this? Issue report: If any of you have upgraded to Firefox 3.5, there is a fatal problem on ad hoc. All of the adhoc topics and domains are gone on the report creation page! Solution: The problem is caused by the addition of support for the script defer attribute in Firefox 3.5 (see http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/defer). FF 3.5 seems to defer the evaluation of such scripts including loading the defined functions. This causes a problem in adhocTopics.jsp which does document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", start(), false); (btw, start() seems wrong here as it actually calls the function immediately, start would have made more sense as it would pass the function object as event callback). The problem in FF 3.5 is that the start function is in a deferred script which is only loaded after the entire document has loaded, so at this moment the browser does not know what start is. A hotfix could be to change the above mentioned line to document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {start()}, false); This works due to the fact that DOMContentLoaded events are executed in FF 3.5 after deferred scripts. Another way to fix this is to move the start function out of the deferred script file (it doesn't need to be there).
  8. You might want to have a look at this previous post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=58091&topid=58341 The problem you have is that users need access to the resources to be able to run the reports which means they must have at least read only access. Having read only access means the folders are displayed in the repository tree. You can set the hidden flag in the jiresourcefolder table which means the folder gets hidden for all even administrators or change the code to hide the folder for certain user types. Anyway have a look at the post as it's all detailed here.
  9. Sorry maybe missing the point but why don't you use a version control system to store changes to the reports rather than jasperserver? We simply store the jrxml files in subversion, check out and amend in iReport, commit changes to subversion which stores all the revision history. We then upload the latest revision to jasperserver (as the previous post mentions jasperserver simply stores one copy of the report which is the latest one). As part of the amend process to the jrxml file we manually update a text field on the report to say what revision number the report is. Admittedly this probably isn't foolproof but don't really see why you're trying to create versioning in jasperserver when there are tools that will do it for you.
  10. You can set some properties in web-inf/classes/jasperreports.properties that control what happens when certain exporters are called (csv, xls etc). For example my properties file has the following settings for csv : # keep the first column header on export to CSV net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1=columnHeader # this gets rid of the repeating column footers in CSV exports net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.2=pageFooter #this gets rid of last page footer net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.csvSummary=summary Some of the properties mentioned can be found at http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/config.reference.html?group_id=252 Hope this helps.
  11. Don't think you can change it at the UI level but can at the database level. The underlying metadata sits in the database tables jiresource and jiresourcefolder - have a look at altering the name column in jiresource and the name and uri columns in jiresourcefolder to match. I think the jiresourcefolder entry puts _files onto the end of the uri/name which needs to be maintained. For example I've got an entry in jiresource called myreport and an entry in jiresourcefolder called /myreport_files. I could change this to changedreport in jiresource but would need to change jiresourcefolder to changedreport_files. Hope this helps.
  12. Sorry that wasn't code, pasted it in the wrong field!!! I think I'm right in saying that at a database level folder and resource permissions are stored in the jiobjectpermission table. You'll probably find that for your folder (the uri column) the permissionMask column has values of 0 meaning each roleid in the recipientobjectid column has no access. Simply change the permission mask back to a suitable value for each role (probably 1 for administrator and 2 for role_user).
  13. Code:I think I'm right in saying that at a database level folder and resource permissions are stored in the jiobjectpermission table. You'll probably find that for your folder (the uri column) the permissionMask column has values of 0 meaning each roleid in the recipientobjectid column has no access. Simply change the permission mask back to a suitable value for each role (probably 1 for administrator and 2 for role_user).
  14. Is the appropriate jdbc driver deployed in tomcat/jasperserver? The only problems I had were with using mysql and finding that the appropriate jar wasn't deployed so I put it in tomcat/common/lib and all was ok. May not be related but would explain why you can connect through mysql command line but not through jasperserver. Would expect one of the logs to show some sort of error though - try either catalina.out (in tomcat logs) or jasperserver.log (in jasperserver webinf/logs).
  15. Have done so under http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4070
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