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  1. Hi, Im trying to upgrade to jasper server 6.2.1. I have run to the problem mentioned at http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/javalangnumberformatexception-input-string-nu Where can I find the hotfix mentioned in the above link? Thanks
  2. Hi, Has anyone ever been able to create a script which puts the report into jasper server from JRXMLs in a file repository like Perforce? Is it possible with the command line tools given? Thanks, pw
  3. Have you tried changing the margins in your subreport?
  4. Its looks fine. This a VM which is allocated 16GB of memory, and cpu usage barely reaches 10% when browsing around. CPU has 8 cores according to taskmgr. Its running on windows 2008 R2. I tried loading the report listing in IE and Firefox. IE takes about 5 seconds to load more reports in the list, and FF takes about 2 seconds. It doesnt matter whether its on localhost or externally, results are the same. I haven't measured any reports, but I never thought they were quick to load regardless of where I ran them. But some users are complaining that the behavior or listing the reports is too slow. I mean should it be instant or is it normal to wait 2-5 seconds for the next set of reports to be listed?
  5. Hi, I noticed that when I browse to a folder to see the list of reports, it will only load a partial list. After I scroll down to the bottom of the list then it will load another set of reports. Is it also really slow just loading the next set after scrolling to the bottom. Is there a way to tell Jasper Server to list all reports under a folder? Does anyone have any experience in fixing the loading speed issue? Thanks.
  6. Does anyone know if this feature has been implemented? Or a way around it?
  7. After implenting the changes, i get the same blank page. When I look at the log file, it shows the following error message: 010-08-10 14:23:46,982 ERROR JSErrorPage_jsp,http-8080-2:359 - org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'principal.fullName' of bean class [org.springframework.security.providers.anonymous.AnonymousAuthenticationToken]: Bean property 'principal.fullName' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter? at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyValue(BeanWrapperImpl.java:540) at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyValue(BeanWrapperImpl.java:532) ... If you do a search for principal.fullName, it comes up with two files. decorator.jsp and header.jsp. I'm guessing its trying to fetch the fullName when there is nothing to fetch because we are anonymously logging in. So it will crash and you will get a blank page. So if we look at header.jps, we see where its trying to get(? i guess) the fullName. <authz:authorize ifNotGranted="ROLE_ANONYMOUS"> <p id="userIdentification"> <c:if test="<%= com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserAuthorityServiceImpl.isUserSwitched() %>"> <span id="casted"> <%= ((com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User)com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserAuthorityServiceImpl.getSourceAuthentication().getPrincipal()).getFullName() %> <spring:message code="jsp.main.as"/> </span> </c:if> <authz:authentication property="principal.fullName"/> </p> </authz:authorize> Correct me if i'm wrong, but It shouldn't go into that block unless we had other ROLES besides ROLE_ANONYMOUS when going directly to the report. If we were to comment out the line <authz:authentication property="principal.FullName"> in both jsp files, then the blank page should have something. But of course, then you won't see the user's name when they do actually login. But I am unsure what modifications to make so that we can login and still display the user's fullName. Any suggestions?
  8. What if I wanted to have a prompt asking the user for the year or date when the report is ran manually, but when scheduling it should just fetch the current year? Is that possible? I was thinking in the SQL, i would do this: Check if the date parameter is null. If null then get the current year, else use the date parameter passed in.
  9. Hi, Has anyone tried hiding certain Refine filters based on user role for Jasper Server For example, ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR can see all filters, but ROLE_USER can see all except Dashboard, Datasources, Analysis Views in the 2nd drop down list. Thanks, wp
  10. Hi, Does anyone know of a way to get the path the report sits in so that I can show it in the footer or header after the report finishes running. It doesn't seem like there is a built-in parameter for that. It seems that I may have to create a scriptlet for this purpose. If I happen to create a scriplet which gets the path, will it work when the report is run from jasperserver? It is my understand that everything in jasperserver is stored in the database, so its not a real filesystem right? Thanks, PW
  11. Hi, I'm trying to remove some icons in the repository explorer by modifying repositoryExplorer.jsp. For example, i want to remove Schedule Reports icon and Run in Background icon by using the <authz:authorization> tag to only allow ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR to use those features. This works, but it breaks the javascript(repositoryExplorer.js) that sets the other icons to either _enabled.gif or _disabled.gif, so everything else down the line ends up with enabled.gif by default. So it seems I would also have to modify repositoryExplorer.js Is there a proper way of setting security around those icons? Thanks, pw
  12. Hi, I'm using Jasperserver Pro 3.5.1 1) Once I assign a user ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, it seems I can not remove that role from the user. I get an "A unexpected exception has occurred." Is this a bug or its how it is suppose to work? 2) Whats the difference between giving a role Adminsitrator privilege vs Read + Write + Delete to a folder. 3) When i'm at the screen where I assign a role to a user (maybe thruogh Edit Roles for a user), and I hover over the role names, it shows the text "Undefined" and thus I can't see which organization the role was defined under. For example if I had two roles name "ROLE_123". One is under organization_1, and one is under a sub organization, then its impossible to tell which role belongs to which organization. Is there something wrong with my setup? 4) What would be the purpose of giving ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR read only access to a folder (say Public folder), when the user can just change the permissions anytime? Thanks, PW
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