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Everything posted by andrewsok

  1. It might be PostgreSQL related, works fine on MySQL. I'll try it on PostgreSQL and let you know..
  2. I tried to reproduce your issue and I cound not. So let me describe what I did. I took SuperMartProductsTopic.jrxml as a base, added a new parameter: <parameter name="productClassId" class="java.util.Collection" isForPrompting="true"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[java.util.Arrays.asList(new java.lang.Integer[] { new java.lang.Integer( 1 ) })]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> and then added extra expression in WHERE part of SQL query: AND ( $X{IN, product_class.product_class_id, productClassId} ) The I created a new JasperReport in /adhoc/topics folder, uploaded JRXML, added bundle and two InputControls:1) single select query, name:productFamily, sql:"select distinct product_family from product_class"2) multi select query, name:productClassId, sql:"select product_class_id from product_class" Then I was able to run it as report, use it as topic in Adhoc, and run report from Adhoc, with no problem.
  3. Oh, you mean, proxy server, not proxy class from the stack trace. Yeah, it might be the case where proxy server intrudes into AJAX request parameters and messes them up.
  4. LDAP integration may require som work depending on how your LDAP server is set up. applicationContext-security.xml configuration file has commented out LDAP related beans from the beginning. You need to uncomment 'ldapAuthenticationProvider' reference in 'authenticationManager' bean, and then uncomment the following beans : initialDirContextFactory, ldapAuthenticationProvider. This will assume you have a flat user structure, each user has DN attribute "uid" which is a user name. If the user structure is not flat, you may need to uncomment 'userSearch' bean, and then in ldapAuthenticationProvider - BindAuthenticator remove 'userDnPatterns' property and add the following: <property name="userSearch" ref="userSearch"/> You may also reference to www.acegisecurity.org/guide/springsecurity.html#ldap When integrated with LDAP, you should be able to log in to JasperServer using LDAP defined user. When LDAP integration is done, then you can continue integrating BPM and JasperServer
  5. Not working sample datasources does not sound right.. Few questions on it: 1) Do you have FOODMART and SUGARCRM schemas created and populated with data? 2) Did you make sure JNDI datasources "foodmart" and "sugarcrm" are set up properly (driver, url. user name and password)? 3) Did you make sure JDBC datasources (repository path /Data Sources and /Analysis Components/Analysis Data Sources) are set up properly? You should be able to enter Edit mode, click Test Connection and see Test successful
  6. Copying my message from another thread. My experience with Vertica was that their JDBC v.2.1 driver has a bug. If you get DatabaseMetaData object and call getTables method on it, and pass an array of table types, it returns nothing unless you request just "TABLE" type and nothing else. If you add "VIEW", "ALIAS", etc., it stops returning even tables. Therefore, to make Domain Designer work , you need to edit jdbcMetaConfiguration bean in applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml file and comment out all table types but <value>TABLE</value>.
  7. My experience with Vertica was that their JDBC v.2.1 driver has a bug. If you get DatabaseMetaData object and call getTables method on it, and pass an array of table types, it returns nothing unless you request just "TABLE" type and nothing else. If you add "VIEW", "ALIAS", etc., it stops returning even tables. Therefore, to make Domain Designer work , you need to edit jdbcMetaConfiguration bean in applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml file and comment out all table types but <value>TABLE</value>.
  8. Could you attach the stack trace from your log, please? Do you have Recycle Bin option enabled in your Oracle, and if so, could you make sure you have exclude filter for BIN$** tables in jdbcMetaConfiguration bean of applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml configuration file? Do you use synonyms? Oralce driver does not show columns by default for synonym tables, this issue will be fixed in next release of JasperServer Pro (coming soon).
  9. No, it does not. As for now, Domains support only JDBC/JNDI data sources.
  10. Here is example of multi-select InputControl, I will post only key parts of JRXML which are parameter declaration and SQL syntax. <parameter name="P_Country" isForPrompting="true" class="java.util.Collection"></parameter> <queryString><![CDATA[select * from orders where $X{IN, SHIPCOUNTRY, P_Country}]]></queryString> Example uses SugarCRM sample DB. Note the java.lang.Collection class as a parameter java type. Setting it to java.lang.String may cause the error you see. Use String only in case of single value.
  11. Oracle complains that you use non-date expression (formatted string) in "between .. and.. " condition. Modify you SQL query that it uses plain reference to the field in the condition. You may still use formatting if it is required for the output. Therefor , you SQL will look like : SELECT ..., to_char(convert_time(ss2s_log.event_gmt, 'GMT'), 'mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi'), .... FROM ss2s_log WHERE ss2s_log.event_gmt BETWEEN $P{DATETIME_FROM} AND $P{DATETIME_TO} ... You use to_char(.) for the output, but use just ss2s_log.event_gmt for "between".
  12. Oracle is not supported by JasperServer version (it is supported by Pro). But it does not mean you cannot make it work. You need to use the following settings : <repository.database.driver.groupId>ojdbc</repository.database.driver.groupId> <repository.database.driver.artifactId>ojdbc</repository.database.driver.artifactId> <repository.database.driver.version>14</repository.database.driver.version> <js.quartz.script>/home/devuser/js-src/jasperserver/scripts/quartz/tables_oracle.sql</js.quartz.script> But there is a "technical difficulty" here. Oracle's driver is not published in public repositories, only .pom file which has the following download link http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html(which didn't open for me, btw). If you try to build it as is, you'll get "Unable to download the artifact from any repository" error. You need to manually download ojdbc14.jar driver from the Oracle site, and then install it into the local repository by running the following command: mvn -o install:install-file -DgroupId=ojdbc -DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=<path-to-jodbc14.jar> After these steps you should be good to build.
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