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  1. Thank u so much. I followed your instructions and i am able to see the tables. Regards, Raju
  2. I am trying the same with some other database. (Vertica). I have the same problem too. Posted some message and waiting for response. I dnt think this is an Oracle specific. Regards, Raju
  3. Though i was able to connect to the database. When i try creating a new Domain from this datasource. The objects are not replaced. From the Admin-> resources page. I selected the menu option to create a new domain. Application asked me for the datasource. I have provided the datasource that i have newly created. Immideately i got a popup asking to select the "schema" to which i want to connect to. Upon selecting and pressing ok, the tables are not loaded. Is there any alternative for this? Regards, Raju
  4. Ignore my question. I was able to identify the proper path where to place the JDBC jar. I placed in the wrong location. I am able to connect to this datasource
  5. Hi, We are using Vertica database, trying to connect to Jasperserver. Where do i place the jdbc driver of Vertica in jasperserver ?(currently i placed it at <localpath>/jasperserver/scripts/drivers) and while configuring the JDBC data source i have provided the driver name as com.vertica.Driver and the jdbc url as jdbc:vertica://<ipAddress>:5433/dbname When i tried testing the connection. It gives me a message saying "connection Failed". Can any one help me on this? Regards, Raju
  6. I am unable to find the war file to install on jboss server and some other database server. The only war file that i could see is for liferay server. Can some one help me with this Regards, Raju
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