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Everything posted by phantastes

  1. Thanks for the reply! I guess that could work but it doesn't really take font and text size etc into account. I'll probably give it a try though since it's the only solution I see right now. Magnus
  2. Hi, Has anyone tried adding a dotted line after the text in a textfield? What I want to achieve is this (textfields are represented by [ ] ): [Dynamic text string 1:.......................] [Another string:....................................] [Third text string:.................................] The end of the line of dots should be the same for each textfield. I've tried the different stretch options without any luck. So anyone? Any ideas?
  3. Hi, I've got a problem with crosstabs that I hope someone would be able to help me with. I'm working on a student report card that looks a bit like this: COURSE Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 English A A A - Science B A B - Now let's say the report card is printed for Quarter 3, then there will be no grades for Q4. Therefore there will be no, let's call them input objects, provided to the crosstab. What I've done is to create an almost blank input object that only contains info about the quarter info but all the other info, like course and grade is null. This gives me the extra column I need. But the problem is that it also gives me an extra row with null values all the way across. I've tried checking "Remove line when blank" and "Blank when null" and it removes the data and cell borders but actually seems to print an invisible line that then adds padding at the end of the crosstab that I want to remove. So, any thoughts on this? Help would be much appreciated! Magnus
  4. That sounds like a bit of a pain in the rear end. I am using iReport 3.0 because there are certain features in the classical iReport look that i prefer. We're using a later version of JasperReport (3.1.4) but reports created with earlier versions of iReport should be compatible with later versions of JasperReports. So maybe you could try using an earlier version of iReport instead.
  5. Have you tried to just reinstall iReport? It could be worth a try.
  6. At a quick glance there doesn't seem to be any barcode coverage in the iReport Ultimate guide. There is a barcode tutorial in the JasperReports Ultimate Guide though. Not sure if that is what your looking for.
  7. Have you made sure that the right fonts are installed on your linux box? I've come across a similar issue when everything is looking just fine on my developer windows machine and when the report is uploaded to the server (linux) certain fields get cut off. In my case it was because the right fonts were not installed on the server so a font was used that was "wider". I don't know if this is the case for you.
  8. Check out the iReport ultimate guide. It can be bought from this site. You might also want to have a look at the JasperReports ultimate guide. Otherwise I'm sure that The Powers That Be around here should be able to answer your questions.
  9. Have you made sure that all fields are lined up? Both vertically and horizontally. Some times this will take a bit of tweaking.
  10. Thanks! I ran in to the same issue today.
  11. Well if you have managed to create a report with static columns you will have set a number of Fields, right? Now, create a crosstab object (start with putting the crosstab in the summary band). Then set the Fields you want to use in the crosstab. Let's say you have a list of the objects I mentioned above where each object has two parameters: String month String typeOfIncident Now by setting these as Fields in iReport and using these fields in the crosstab you will get a dynamic number of columns based on the number of different months you have in your data. I hope this helps somewhat. Magnus
  12. Hi, it sounds like you will need to use a crosstab. The crosstab will generate a dynamic number of columns that are based on what type of value you use horizontaly. For example if you have a POJO with values: String month String typeOfIncident By setting the horizontal value in the crosstab to month and the vertical to typeOfIncident you can get the following resut: Incident Jan Feb March April A 4 5 4 3 B 10 3 12 5 C 12 3 34 2 Total 26 11 40 10 There is a lot more that you can do with crosstabs so try it out. They are a very powerful tool to use in your reports. I hope this is somewhat clear. Magnus Post Edited by phantastes at 05/13/2009 17:15 Post Edited by phantastes at 05/13/2009 17:16
  13. Thank you for your quick reply! Just one follow up question: Are there any specific functions in iReport 3.5.1 that you know produces jrxml tags that are not compatible with JR 3.1.4? Could I look at the release notes and from that gather what would produce incompatible tags? (meaning all new functionality). Or would I be taking a too big risk in using a newer version of IR? And thank you for a great product!
  14. Hi, forgive me if there already is a comprehensive list some where that I haven't been able to find, if such a list exists then please point me in that direction. My question is, what is the compatibility between different versions of iReport and JasperReports? Could I, for example, use iReport 3.5.1 with JasperReports 3.1.4? My problem is that I can easily install and use a new version iReport but migrating to a new version of JasperReports is not within my realm of responsibility and needs to go through a longer development process. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated! Post Edited by phantastes at 05/06/2009 17:20
  15. Hi, I'm glad it worked for you. No I don't know of any other way to solve the issue with crosstabs than to use a subreport. But I wonder if you could jar your report files into one .jar file and save that in the database? http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/jar/ Magnus
  16. Hi, Put a subreport in you report and then put the crosstab in the summary band of the subreport instead of in the main report. I hope that makes sense! Magnus
  17. Hi, you should probably be a little more precise in your question. What part of crosstabs do you have problem with? Best Regards Magnus
  18. Hi, When you say that you can't access the image, in what way are you having problems? I'm using a parameter in my reports that are of the class type java.io.InputStream. That parameter ($P{imageInputStream}) is then used as the image expression and the Image Expression Class is set to java.io.InputStream. One issue I ran into was that the Using Cache flag needed to be checked, otherwise the image would not be displayed more than once in the report. Hope this helps you somewhat, Magnus Post Edited by Magnus Fiore Palm at 01/22/09 17:24
  19. Hi, Would you be able to describe what you are trying to do a bit more? Do you know what the text will be or will there be a number of different strings? In these strings will there be a number of defined key words that will then change the text to be bold etc? Magnus
  20. rasikow, You could set up different Styles or you could use two different fields with different font colors. Then put the a filter in the "Print When Expression" : new Boolean($F{currentStatus}.equalsIgnoreCase("Submitted") == true) Magnus
  21. Hi, could you describe, with a bit more detail, what it is that you want to do? Magnus
  22. Thanks for putting me on the right track Mary! I found that adding the environment variable _JAVA_OPTIONS with the value -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true solved it for me. I found that solution here irui.ac/archives/2005/12/04/solving-java-and-directdraw-problems Magnus Post Edited by Magnus Fiore Palm at 01/14/09 17:35 Post Edited by Magnus Fiore Palm at 01/14/09 17:38
  23. Hi Gaby, Have you tried the columnFooter? (Leaving the Floating Column Footer unchecked) Magnus
  24. I do apologize if this has been solved somewhere else but so far I have not seen any solution for alternate rows in Crosstabs. Anyone?
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