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  1. Hi Lucian, Could you explain in clearly the code that you have wriiten, i have a requirement to set page height, page width of the report dynmaically. Could you write the code that i need to integrate it my requirement. Thanks, Naveen Chanda
  2. Hi, I have a requirement to add the page border for the report of type pdf, i need to display entire report in a box. How can i add the page border in Ireport ? Could any one help me on this.
  3. Hi All, I have a requirement to pass the x, y, width, height as a parameters for each element in the report. Is it possible to do ? How can i pass the above coordinates from java ? Please suggest me to move forward. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  4. Hi All, I have a requirement to call the two or more jasper reports, when print button is pressed. How can call the two templates simultaneously using the java. Could any one suggest me the way to solve my above requirement. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  5. Hi, I have a requirement to set the default band height , so that when the record for atleast for one also, the band must show the with default height. If the no. of rows exceeds, the band height must increase. Is this possible, using ireport 3.1v. Please help me on this. Regards, Naveen Chanda
  6. Hi, I have a requirement to change the pdf report (English Language) to portuguese (Language) , for which the template is created from Ireport 3.0 version, and it is generated using the Java program. How exactly, i can change the language for the report, which is created with English verstion to Portuguese version. Is it Posssible using Ireport, and how exactly i can create a template and integrate for mulitlanguages. Please suggest me. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  7. Hi, I have a requirement , to export the report of pdf type in a separate browser, could anyone help me. Here, the code which i am using: if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf")){new JRPdfExporter();JASPER_PRINT, jprint);OUTPUT_STREAM, pdfReport);contentType = "application/pdf"; fileName = jrFileName + "__" + ".pdf"; The output, which i am getting is right, but it is opening in the Adobe reader window, please help me to open in a browser. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda JRPdfExporter exporter = exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter. exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter. exporter.exportReport(); bytes = pdfReport.toByteArray(); }
  8. Hi, I facing a band problem while creating a report with Ireport 3.1.4 version. The detail band must be constant of length given when one row is retrived from the database.And, it should be stretchble when the detail overflows. And also, i am gettting an empty space b/w detail band and column fotter band. Please find the attached pdfs, which shows the 1) Multiple 2) Single row. Help me solve my issue. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  9. Hi All, I have a requirement to create a local hyperlink for a report, my requirement is, i have a static text in the header section, now i need to keep an hyperlink for that text, so that when i press on that link, it has to taken( target) to Summary Section created in the report. Is this possible using IReport. Please help me to solve my problem. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  10. Hi, I have a requirement to display the summary information of the entire report at the top of the report, i have created some variables and displayed at the summary band, which is at the end of the report. Could i make the summary band above the column header, is it possible in Ireport. If possible, please help to solve my above requirement. Thanks and Regards, Naveen Chanda
  11. Hi, I have successfully, generated a pdf report using jasper with ireport tool, with the java programming, i called the template created. My application is web, i called the report using servlet, it is downloading and printing fine, but my problem is it is downloading inthe same browser, i need to do that task in different browser( i have used an html tag target ="_blank") but not used. Please help me to slove my above issue. Thanks and Regards, Naveen
  12. Hi, I have a requirement to place an image in the jasper report, using ireport tool, i have used the image tool in the ireport but, facing the problem while accessing the image. The above problem is rectified, when i give the absoulte path of the image, but facing the problem when it will be used in any web application. Please help me, how exactly, i have to give the path of the image, so that it can access in any web application.
  13. Hi, I have a requirement to place a link in Jasper Report, i.e, if we press the link, a new report has to displayed. Is it possible using IReport . Thanks, Naveen
  14. Hi, I have a requirement to get the pdf format report from the java code using jasper reports, i have seen many examples, we have only jasper viewer to view the report from the java program. My requirement, is when i compile a java program, a report has to be viewed in pdf format. The code which i am using is: JasperPrint jprint = (JasperPrint) JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperFileName, parameters, con); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jprint, pdfFileName); JasperViewer.viewReport(jprint,true) ----> here, this line says that to view in the jasper viewer. But, i need to view in PDF format. Please help me. Thanks and Regards, Naveen
  15. Hi, I have a requirement to get the pdf format report from the java code using jasper reports, i have seen many examples, we have only jasper viewer to view the report from the java program. My requirement, is when i compile a java program, a report has to be viewed in pdf format. The code which i am using is: JasperPrint jprint = (JasperPrint) JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperFileName, parameters, con); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jprint, pdfFileName); JasperViewer.viewReport(jprint,true) ----> here, this line says that to view in the jasper viewer. But, i need to view in PDF format. Please help me. Thanks and Regards, Naveen
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