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Everything posted by kchaudhry

  1. What version of ireports are you using? Also, can you post your jrxml here?
  2. Ok, the only thing that I can point out is that your order by statement is: order by a.shop, a.repair_order_number, a.work_classification, a.full_name whereas your groups are 1. <group name="MOW Discipline" isStartNewPage="true"> <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{SHOP}]]></groupExpression> 2. <group name="Work Order" isStartNewPage="true"> <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{REPAIR_ORDER_NUMBER}]]></groupExpression> 3. <group name="Work Type"> <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{WORK_TYPE}]]></groupExpression> It seems like WORK_TYPE and WORK_CLASSIFICATION are two different fields so you might need to update this. This is pretty much the only thing that sticks out.
  3. In your query do have these groups in the "ORDER BY" clause in the same order?
  4. Try this: 1. Create a new parameter: <parameter name="LastPageFlag" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.Boolean"> Set the default value expression = Boolean.FALSE 2. Create a blank Text Field in the Summary band with expression; ($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.put("LastPageFlag",Boolean.TRUE)) and set Eval.Time to 'Group' then select your group name and class to 'Boolean' Note: This MUST be in the Summary band, even if that band is not used (band height set to zero), it can be given a negative y offset but be aware that moving it subsequently via the iReport interface will change the band that it is associated with and this must then be reset to 'Summary'. 3. Add the continued message Text Field with Eval.Time set to 'Page' and class to 'String' and expression; ($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("LastPageFlag").equals(Boolean.TRUE))? null:$F{yourgroupfieldt}+"** Continued **" This should do the trick. I have also attached a test report I created to verify that it works! Hope this helps!
  5. You can move your subreport to the "summary" band.
  6. kchaudhry

    New bie

    Muneer, It seems like you have placed the expression in the wrong place. Its needs to be moved to the "print when expression" area which is listed under the "common" tab. As for the textfield expression under the textfield tab that should only have $F{AvgAmount}. Hope this helps!
  7. Try this in the variable expression. Code:($F{REJECT}.intValue() = 3)
  8. kchaudhry

    New bie

    Can you post your jrxml here?
  9. Which band did you place your cross tab in? It probably needs to be moved to the "summary" band.
  10. kchaudhry

    New bie

    Try this new Boolean(($F{AvgAmount}.intValue() >= 5000 )? true : false ) or new Boolean($F{AvgAmount}.intValue() >= 5000 ) Hope this helps! Post Edited by Kaleem Chaudhry at 03/24/09 14:57
  11. Under your subreport, go to your Client_Name parameter and try removing the "$P{Client_Name}" from the default value expression.
  12. If you have already created a group and placed the "project number" field in the group header then all you need to do is to go to group properties and check the option "Print header on each page" this should be set to true. So if you the details are more than one page then the group header will be printed on each page. Hope this helps!
  13. What version of ireports are you using. I am using 1.2.8 and I wasn't able to recreate your issue. Since this is only happening in pdf preview, I would suggest that you go to the font properties of the filed placed in the page header and make sure the pdf font name is not set to something bold.
  14. Hmm ... I don't see anything wrong with the report (probably not the answer that you're looking for) ... but you might have to use the outer join in your query.
  15. In your previous post you mentioned that you were grouping by "class_name". Do you mind posting your jrmxl?
  16. Not sure what your question is but if you are trying to display the content of your title band on the first page and the content of the subreport on the second page then you can do the following. Go to Edit > Report Properties > More > Check "Title on a new page". This will print title on it owns page and the remaining on the next page(s). If you are trying to achieve something different then please clarify your question.
  17. Place it in page header/footer or any other band that repeats on each page.
  18. When you go to crosstab properties > row and column groups, what groups are listed there?
  19. Have you tried using "Reset page number" listed under the group properties and then by placing your page number in the page footer band?
  20. How about moving the logo and address in the title band since it only prints once on the report.
  21. What I normally do is create two small images, one with an "x" in it and the second one is another image of a blank box with borders. Place them on top on each other and then display/hide them conditionally using the "Print When Expression". In your case, I would suggest that you modify your query and bring the "day name" back from the date. Then use the above mentioned approach to display the x.
  22. The other reason could be that the font size is too small. Increasing the font size might solve your problem.
  23. I have done something similar in the past. What I did was created a style with different colors based on the calculation results. Created a frame and put all my fields in that frame and then applied that style to the frame. Here is an example of what I did for one of the style conditions (yellow color). new Boolean(((new Date().getTime() - $F{PaymentDueDate}.getTime())/86400000) >= 15 && ((new Date().getTime() - $F{PaymentDueDate}.getTime())/86400000) <= 30) Note that under the style that you are creating for each color you will have to do a new "style condition". Hope this helps!
  24. Not sure what your question is. If you just want to show the line at the bottom remove the "float" property and change it to "fixrelativetobottom". Otherwise, please post your question.
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