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  1. thanks for the help! I did it in a different way using a Variable called "$V{shiftdateEEEE" to retrive the DAY of week : new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE").format($F{shiftdate}) and calling the variable from the field expression in this way: ( ($V{shiftdateEEEE}.equals("Monday")) ? "X" : null) and works! but I have the problem to show all my "X" on top of the TABLE and not in each row or hide/show images on top of my header for each day of week which exist in the details... I've attached an image to show you what I want to do... I would like to show/hide black box when the day exist or not in the details.. how can I do it???
  2. Hi all I'm tring to use the following syntax "(( $F{shiftdate} == "Mon") ? "X" : null)" to print X into the report if the date is equal to Mon... but because I can't compare a date with a string, this doesn't work. can anyone tell me how to do it and print "X" if the date is Monday? I hope to receive a solution to my problem... thanks Code:(( $F{shiftdate} == "Mon") ? "X" : null)
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