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  1. Hello People! Has anyone else tried adding a JSON datasource yet? How are we supposed to do it? This thread: Need help connecting to a non-standard datasource, says that a patch's available to enable XML and CSV datasources,but the page it refers to tells us to contact the administrator for the code.. Please help!
  2. hey! is it possible to create a personalised dashboard using the ce of jasperserver? where'd you find documentation? I thought that it was only a feature of the pro edition..
  3. Thanks so much. FROM_UNIXTIME() works just fine..:)
  4. Hello people. I need to print dates that are stored as long(int) in a mysql db in the proper format(dd/mm/yyyy) But when I try changing the field pattern, it simply prints dd/mm/yyyy and the long number next to it. I've attached a snapshot for reference. Any pointers on how to get the job done?
  5. problem's solved..:) changed the port at which tomcat's running and restarted the postgresql db(main culprit!) manually(not using ./ctlscript.sh)..
  6. i'm using linux have placed the connector in tomcat's lib..and tried restarting jasperserver using ./ctlscrip.sh too..tomcat's restarting..but postgresql refuses to shut down.. am buried under an avalanche of errors!
  7. I've got the same problem and haven't been able to make the jdbc connection between jasper server and the sql db work yet.. Have attached the log at jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out What's puzzling is I've checked the port at which tomcat's supposed to run and there's no other process using it. But still it stops after a very short time..Can't make sense.. Post Edited by bookworm at 03/26/2012 05:38
  8. 6 years later, I've the same doubt.did you get the solution?
  9. how do u write the connection expression for a subreport that doesn't use the same connection as the master report?
  10. Hello people. I'm new to iReports and can't figure out how to add a different datasource to the subreport( the master report needs data from an sql db and the sub-report from an xml file). Can anyone tell me how to do it or point me to a tutorial on the subject? All the examples I've gone through till now showcase reports which contain subreports that use the same data source as the master report..
  11. Have added the fields and renamed them to reflect the data that they are supposed to contain. But when i try to add the query, again the fields disappear and the old "activate the jbc connection" message pops up. Also, my parameter list isn't showing the JSON_INPUT_STREAM parameter. Do I have to add that too? Have added a couple of snapshots.. P.S. I did check out the example in the samples folder but couldn't make any sense of it. Besides, it isn't even compiling. Please help!
  12. Thanks for the reply millernegro. I've attached the json sample that I'm using in the code section. I've tried giving the name of the property that contains the data(in my case "glossary") as the query but no fields are displayed in the right, to drag and drop like in xml. Code:{ "glossary": { "title": "example glossary", "GlossDiv": { "title": "S", "GlossList": { "GlossEntry": { "ID": "SGML", "SortAs": "SGML", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", "Acronym": "SGML", "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "GlossDef": { "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"] }, "GlossSee": "markup" } } } }}[/code]
  13. Hey! I'm not able to add a JSON datasource. It accepts the JSON file as a source and the Test Connection icon says its successful, but when I try to write a JSON query it tells me to activate a jdbc connection.. What'd you do? P.S. I've added a couple of snapshots.Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Post Edited by bookworm at 03/12/2012 06:33
  14. Is there a query designer in jaspersoft studio? I have searched and searched but couldn't find it.. One can use the create dataset facility of course, but it works only when queries references the fields that were mentioned in the beginning..
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