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Everything posted by 2006 IR Open Dicussion

  1. By: Rob Guest - robguest Recognizing hibernate/ejb3 connection 2006-06-06 11:50 Hi, I am trying to use iReport with my POJOs that have EJB3 annotations. I first tried to create a Hibernate connection but discovered that this requires mapping files. Since I am using Java 1.5 annotations I am not using mapping files. So I tried the new EJBQL connection since it uses a "persistence.xml" file, which my web application has. This file is in the webroot/META-INF directory. I set my classpath to webroot. However I get an error message "No Persistence provider for EntityManager named bzem" where 'bzem' is the persistence unit name I used in the file. This doesn't make sence to me. Am I missing something (in my configuration perhaps, if not my thinking)? Thanks, Rob
  2. By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw No data message 2006-05-31 12:51 Is there a way to display a meesage if no data is returned? Like adding a text field that is visible only when no data is present (opposite to remove line if blank). It's just to display a message like analysis done but no data related found. Any help/idea is welcomed. Thanks! By: ryan - ryankee RE: No data message 2006-06-05 05:20 First, create a static text such as "No Record Found". Next double click the static text and in the Print When Expression, enter "new Boolean($V{COLUMN_COUNT}.intValue()== 0 & $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()== 1 )" Lastly, in the report properties, select "Floating column footer" and select "AllSectionsNoDetail" for When no data Hope this helps! Ryan By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw RE: No data message 2006-06-05 14:19 I assume that this field is to be placed in the sub report. I've tried many ways but it just doesn't work. It only shows an empty page (if in the subreport) or as an empty space (in the main report). Thanks for the help. By: ryan - ryankee RE: No data message 2006-06-06 02:59 This static field does not have to be placed in the subreport. You should place it in the main report in the column footer band. The Print When Expression will take care of displaying this message when your main report query does not return any record. By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw RE: No data message 2006-06-06 11:29 Thanks! It did work!
  3. By: Rob Karatzas - tutor oracle.sql.blobs work different: 1.2.1-1.2.3 2006-06-06 07:32 hi folks this one is driving me crazy. there are some things that were fixed in 1.2.1-1.2.3 that I'd like to use. However, the way oracle.sql.blobs work appear to be different (this stuff works fine in 1.2.0). The errors I'm getting on the compile point to: Print when Expression -->new Boolean($F{FILEIMG}!=null) and Image Expression -->($F{FILEIMG}).getBinaryStream() Would anyone be so kind to as tell me why these can't be evaluated to the proper Java type? Rob This is kind of urgent. We also have the free MS SRSS environment and management is asking to convert if I don't get this resolved.
  4. By: ryan - ryankee Passing JasperPrint as ByteArrayOutputStream 2006-06-02 05:31 Hi, I have the following code:: ************************************************* public class JRpt { public static byte[] runReport(Age, Gender) throws Exception { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("p_Age",Age); parameters.put("p_Gender",Gender); Connection jdbcConnection = connectDB(databaseName, userName, password); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportFile, parameters, jdbcConnection); byte[] output = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jasperPrint); return output; } } ************************************************* Basically, my the other class file that calls JRpt is expecting a return output in the form of ByteArrayOutputStream. How can i convert my output in JRpt so that the return format in not in bytes but in ByteArrayOutputStream? Thanks Ryan By: crrowland - crrowland RE: Passing JasperPrint as ByteArrayOutputStr 2006-06-02 06:37 Did you write this code that expects a ByteArrayOutputStream as the result? That object won't actually contain any data, but could be used to output the byte[] returned by exportReportToPdf. By: ryan - ryankee RE: Passing JasperPrint as ByteArrayOutputStream 2006-06-05 04:57 Hi Crrowland. i have modified the codes to generate out ByteArrayOutputStream. But now i have another problem. When i run the codes, it gives me "Error loading expression class : testreport_1144216235109_935139" What could be the cause of this? I tried to grant permission to createClassLoader in the server.policy file, but it is still not working!! Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ryan By: ryan - ryankee RE: Passing JasperPrint as ByteArrayOutputStream 2006-06-06 04:46 Hi. Got the answer. Just need to grant getProtectionDomain in the server.policy file -Ryan
  5. By: Javy Dreamer - javydreamercsw Recover reports JasperServer DB 2006-06-05 09:06 I was not sure where to put this, but here goes nothing! When upgrading to 1.2.3 and unistalling 1.2.2 all the reports where deleted! I know they are in the jasperserver db. Is there a way to retrieve them from the jasperserver? Please help is urgent. Thanks! By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Recover reports JasperServer DB 2006-06-06 04:07 Where were the reports deleted? In JasperServer? The JasperServer iReport plugin will be able to access them. http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jasperintel/iReport-plugin-0.9.2.zip?download You should have this discussion on the JasperIntelligence forums: http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=162962 Sherman JasperSoft
  6. By: Diego Ballve - doballve Barcode with text, different platforms 2006-06-06 01:46 I'm using iReport's 1.2.2 barcode field and I'd like to get the text printed under the bacode.. so I'm using the "show text" option. This is the generated element: <imageExpression class="java.awt.Image"> <![CDATA[it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(8,$F{UIBKoodi},true,false,null,0,50)]]> </imageExpression> My problem is that this works fine in my development machine, but renders no visible text in my production environment. I've verified libs (sha1sum) and they are equal. JDK is also the same. Are there other factors that may affect the text generation, like system fonts or such? Thanks, Diego
  7. By: Rob Karatzas - tutor dual page counters 2006-06-04 17:17 hi folks I have a report (v1.2.0) where I need to types of counters: A B 1 1 of 2 2 2 of 2 3 1 of 1 4 1 of 1 5 1 of 3 6 2 of 3 7 3 of 3 I'm currently doing "B", however, the customer now wants CAD drawings always to start on an odd numbered page (which requires me to know the running count). By doing "B" and don't seem to be able to have a second counter (A), so I can make the determination if the CAD drawing is going to land on an odd numbered page (so I can inject a blank page). thanks rob By: Rob Karatzas - tutor RE: dual page counters 2006-06-05 10:10 it appears the once V$PAGE_NUMBER is allocated to an expression, it can't be used anywhere else in the report successfully (with a different evaluation/grouping settings). "A" always shows the page# from "B". So even though I set the page counter "A" to evalutate now and group on something else, this doesn't change a thing. almost as thought jasper doesn't create another instance of the class. rob
  8. By: Rob Karatzas - tutor compound "print when expression" 2006-06-05 09:20 although this compiles, this doesn't execute as expected: new Boolean(($F{WTRQCRITICAL}.equals("Y")) || ($F{CATSAFETY}.equals("Y"))) 1. tried additional parenthesis 2. tried breaking this down into 2 booleans 3. tried other variations eventually, just performed the 'CASE' logic in the datasource. anyone ever successfully implemented a compound print when expression (using booleans)? thanks rob
  9. By: Malay - malay_mahapatra Data level Grouping Issue 2006-06-05 04:43 Hi I tried the Groups functionality and found that the grouping works when the data is in order, which means the grouping doesnot happen at data level. If the order of data changes then there are more than one group that gets created. Is there way to handle grouping at data level? Any insight in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks Malay
  10. By: perrin - perrin_hk Problem: engine.JRException 2006-06-04 21:32 Hello, I have some problem on ireport. Anyone can help me ? Thanks ! I created a simple report on ireport1.2.2 version, it is no problem run on ireport Designer. So it generated two files xxx.jasper and one xxx.java, then I open a Sun Java Studio Creator 2 to create a simple web page. This page will get data from MySQLDB then pass to JasperReport. After run the web page, it shows: error net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report design here is my program: public void test() { Connection Conn = null; Statement Stmt = null; ResultSet ResSet = null; String sql = ""; try { Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://","root","pwd"); Stmt = Conn.createStatement(); sql = "SELECT logtime,man,uin,cmd FROM usagelog WHERE logtime like '2006-05-01%'"; ResultSet rs = Stmt.executeQuery(sql); String fileName = "D:\Project\iReport\test3\usagelog.jasper"; Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("rptfromdate", "2006-05-01"); parameters.put("rpttodate", "2006-05-01"); JasperDesign design = JRXmlLoader.load("D:\Project\iReport\test3\usagelog.jrxml"); JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(design); JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report,parameters,new JRResultSetDataSource(rs)); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(print, "D:\Project\iReport\test3\usagelog.jrprint"); } catch(Exception e) { info("error " + e); } finally { try { Conn.close(); } catch(Exception e) { info("close mysql connection fail !"); } } }
  11. By: crrowland - crrowland Support for PDF bookmarks? 2006-06-02 06:17 I have found in jasper report's release notes reference to the "bookmarkLever" attribute for "hyperlink elements" that can be used to create bookmarks in a PDF document. I can't find any reference on how to actually put this in a report (directly editing the xml) or in iReport. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  12. By: laz - lazzeronis HTML 2006-06-02 04:40 hello when I to create a report in HTML there it to create but it to me is not nothing .however has posting code HTML is quite present my code : jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(pathJasperFile,parameters, conn ); JasperExportManager.exportReportToHtmlFile(jasperPrint,pathPdfFile+".html");
  13. By: mikesimonsen - mikesimonsen Google analytics javascript nugget 2006-06-01 11:20 What's the easiest way to get the javascript for Google analytics tracking (or any other javascript) into my HTML report output? <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-xxxxxxxxx"; urchinTracker(); </script>
  14. By: karibouxe - karibouxe create chart XY line 2006-06-01 06:39 I've three fields: - a product - a number order by month. I want to show each product product by month. I write in input: - Series expression: $F{product} - X value expression: $F{month} - Y value expression: $F{number} when i compile, i've this: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from String to Number value = (java.lang.Number)(((java.lang.String)field_month.getValue())); any hint? thanks for any advice By: karibouxe - karibouxe RE: create chart XY line 2006-06-01 06:52 An information to help me: my field month is a type java.lang.String By: Chris Collins - crusty_collins RE: create chart XY line 2006-06-01 08:25 I think you can change the type of month in your query to an integer. (untested) select CAST(month AS INTEGER),product,number from table order by month By: karibouxe - karibouxe RE: create chart XY line 2006-06-01 08:44 I try your solution but it don't work By: Chris Collins - crusty_collins RE: create chart XY line 2006-06-01 08:48 Sorry I checked it out and it is wrong, Not Integer but SIGNED my MySql. If you are using a different DB check out the docs. Give that a try and let me know. By: Chris Collins - crusty_collins RE: create chart XY line 2006-06-01 09:21 I tried this on my system... use select convert(month,unsigned),product,number from table order by month
  15. By: pea - misterpea Chart Parse Error (dataset must match EMPTY?) 2006-02-27 16:39 Hi All, We've purchased the manual and I've followed the instructions in the book to create a 3D pie chart. I have iReport 1.1.0. My report sql is: select name_type, count(1) as TYPE_COUNT from tblName group by name_type; and I set my chart properties according to the manual, with the following 'expression' values: Key Expression: $F{NAME_TYPE} Value Expression: $F{TYPE_COUNT} Label Expression: $F{NAME_TYPE} However when I try to run my report, I get the following error: Parse Error at line 148 column 17: The content of element type "dataset" must match "EMPTY". I've tried looking around for a solution to this but to no avail :( Does anyone know what I'm missing? thnks! nic By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Chart Parse Error (dataset must match EMPTY?) 2006-02-27 17:27 Perhaps you have an old jasperreports version in lib. Do not copy a new version of iReport over an existing one. Giulio By: pea - misterpea RE: Chart Parse Error (dataset must match EMPTY?) 2006-02-27 17:33 Hi Giulio, Thanks for replying. Yes I replaced the iReports jasperreports version from 1.1.0 to 1.0.1 otherwise I cannot upload these jasper report files to the latest version of OpenReports :( Maybe you or someone has run into the same situation as me, but in the meantime I will give it a go. Thanks again! nic By: Douglas Knudsen - douglasknudsen RE: Chart Parse Error (dataset must match EMPTY?) 2006-03-29 11:46 I am getting this same error in iReports 1.2.0 Report works fine, I add a chart enter in info for it and try to preview it and whamm. Seems to compile fine though java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null 'key' argument. at org.jfree.data.DefaultKeyedValues.setValue(DefaultKeyedValues.java:225) at org.jfree.data.general.DefaultPieDataset.setValue(DefaultPieDataset.java:187) at net.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill.JRFillPieDataset.customIncrement(JRFillPieDataset.java:126) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementDataset.increment(JRFillElementDataset.java:134) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChartDataset.getDataset(JRFillChartDataset.java:57) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluatePie3DImage(JRFillChart.java:1047) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluateImage(JRFillChart.java:577) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart.evaluate(JRFillChart.java:537) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementContainer.evaluate(JRFillElementContainer.java:275) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillBand.evaluate(JRFillBand.java:399) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillTitle(JRVerticalFiller.java:279) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportStart(JRVerticalFiller.java:220) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:128) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:730) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:651) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:89) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:601) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:517) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:653) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) Print not filled. Try to use an EmptyDataSource... By: Alex - alex1303 RE: Chart Parse Error (dataset must match EMP 2006-06-01 04:08 I had the same problem with iReport Version 1.2.1. Every time i tried to create a report from a template which contained a chart i got the error you described above. I solved the problem as follows: 1) i opened the template-xml file with the textpad and searched for the text 'dataset'. 2) in my template-xml file i found an entry which looked like this: <dataset resetType="Group" resetGroup="Datum" > </dataset> 3) I changed this entry as follows: <dataset resetType="Group" resetGroup="Datum"> </dataset> (Both dataset tags must be written in one line and you have to remove the blank behind "Datum") 4) Create the report with your java application. If you load this report template with ireport the xml file will again be saved in the wrong way so you have to make steps 1-4 again. Alex
  16. By: laz - lazzeronis html blank page 2006-05-31 22:52 I have a problem when I export in HTML .it create a white page with a file which contains a file named px. is this normal?
  17. By: Cristina - cristina79 Multiple tables one after the other?? 2006-05-31 00:59 Hi all. I'm very frustrated. I need to build a report with ireport and I don't know how to do it. I want to display 10 tables one with each header, and one after the other, like the example below: Table 1 -------- rec 11 Table 2 -------- rec 12 rec 22 ... I'm getting the data through a datasource. I cannot put everything in the detail band beacuse that band is repeated for each record, and then what I get is a mess. I don't want to use a subreport for each table beacuse first, could not be working beacuse I have to display as well the table header and moreover cos now I have to display around 10 tables and this number could increase up to 40!. Anyone has a brilliant idea about how to implement it??. I don't have about groups, frames, crosstabs, but any help will be appreciated! I cannot find any solution and I have to finish it quite soon. I'm lost :-( By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: Multiple tables one after the other?? 2006-05-31 09:59 Just use the groups option. You will need to ensure that the datasource supplies ordered information (Grouped by a value that changes with each table). Make sure you set the group expression to that value that changes with each table. Just look at the subreport example. This will alow you to group into 'tables' (actually a group) and let you to design each table in the group band + detail band. By: Cristina - cristina79 RE: Multiple tables one after the other?? 2006-05-31 14:06 Many thanks for the reply. I understand the idea, but how to print the header for each table?. With that approach I will see something like this or am I wrong?? Table 1 -------- Table 2 -------- record of table 2 record of table 2 record of table 1 record of table 1 each table has different number of records, and different column names. How should it be the sequence of information that the datasource should provide?. I'm implementing the JRDataSource interface and the next() method will return true until I process all the records in all tables, but as they come from different tables I don't know hot should be the order of the groups/fields to achieve this. In the group example, the final result depicted is like the one I showed on top. Could you please help me a little bit more?. By: Cristina - cristina79 RE: Multiple tables one after the other?? 2006-05-31 17:30 And I have forgotten to say I have also to insert static text and charts between some of the tables. TABLE 1 -------- record(s) of table 1 STATIC TEXT Chart1 Chart2 TABLE 2 -------- record(s) of table 2. PD: Anyone knows what's the use of the frames and the sub-datasets? Thanks in advance!! Anyone can help me with a workaround or an idea on how to achieve it?. Otherwise I will have to switch back to XSL:FO and that's too ugly after discovering iReport!!
  18. By: plookie - plookie SQL returns no data when testing Date = null 2006-05-31 12:00 Lots of great people here. Here's hoping someone can help me with my problem. I've been using JR for a while and just moved up to 1.2.2. I'm trying to run a simple query, as follows: SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE Type = 1 AND TerminationDate = NULL The goal here is to retrieve a list of employees of Type #1 that have not been terminated. This query works fine in other JDBC-based tools (e.g the host app, DBDesigner, other test apps). But in JR, it returns no data. Removing the test for TerminationDate = NULL will return data. For testing purposes, the database being used here is Access (yeah, I know, I'll hate myself later for it). Is there any reason why a simple query like this would not function properly in JR? Is there something special that has to be done when using Date fields? Any insight that folks might offer would be greatly appreciated. By: plookie - plookie RE: SQL returns no data when testing Date = n 2006-05-31 12:40 Some frantic Googling helped me to find the answer. Turns out that Microsoft's implementation of their SQL compiler (JET) allows for a condition such as "somedate = null". This turns out to not be ANSI compliant and should instead be written as "somedate is null". I'm not sure why it's worked up until now, but changing the query fixed the problem.
  19. By: laz - lazzeronis page break. 2006-05-29 00:16 hello, how to make a page break after an element thank you in advance By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: page break. 2006-05-29 05:01 A page break like a <br /> tag in html is impossible. If you ask me a huge blunder in jasperreports. What I do is create a new report, use that as a sub report. Set the title height to 1 and then set the flag 'Title on new page'. This causes elements on the sub report to appear on a new page. You can also take a look at the subreport demo. There you can have a new page when you group by a certain value. For example you have a list of addresses with a town name. When the report encounters a new town name it can start on a new page. I have discovered that jasperreports is bad when you want to print single information (1 javabean for example). I think it was designed with the idee to only print group information like a list of addresses or a list of names etc. So if you want a report that is really dynamic then you need to find another solution. You could look at crystal reports but I'm not sure how that works or what it costs (http://www.businessobjects.com/products/reporting/crystalreports/default.asp). By: crrowland - crrowland RE: page break. 2006-05-30 10:36 I've been trying to accomplish this as well (I'm guessing its a VERY common problem) I tried your trick of adding a subreport and setting the title on new page attribute, but that didn't seem to do anything for me. I basically made a new subreport where all bands were 0 sized except the title band which has height 1. I then added the subreport between several elements in the detail band, and it has no effect.. any ideas? By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: page break. 2006-05-30 23:26 If you dont fill the subreport with data then you are basically saying create this report but it has no data. Then it wont be printed. Go to report properties and set 'When no data' to AllSectionsNoData. That will print the report even if there is no data in the report. By: crrowland - crrowland RE: page break. 2006-05-31 06:00 I did have AllSectionsNoDetail on. The 'page break' report on its own displays as 2 blank pages. When inserted into my main report, it simply seems to have no effect :( My main report is largely a collection of static text and sub reports all with position type "float" Maybe using float positioning is keeping this from working? (It seems to be required to get the rest of the layout working, however) By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: page break. 2006-05-31 09:52 Hmm I have the same settings and it works for me. You could also try and set the title on new page setting for the subreport. If you set that flag and set the title height to at least 1 then the subreport will start on a new page. It's not the best way but really the only good way would be to have a page break element but that doesnt exist. By: laz - lazzeronis RE: page break. 2006-05-30 00:52 and if I have many element. how to make the page break between each By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: page break. 2006-05-30 23:27 View the subreport example to find out how to create a new page in a sub report. If you want to break on every value then you need to use a value that changes in each record forexample a unique id.
  20. By: Diogo Oliveira - diogosales Commenting jrxml code 2006-05-30 03:10 Hi all. I was trying to insert some comments on the .jrxml code, between <!-- --> but then iReport couldn't open the report correclty anymore. Doesn't .jrxml allow commenting like regular xml? Thanks. By: crrowland - crrowland RE: Commenting jrxml code 2006-05-31 06:03 It looks to me like that should work (I just tried adding 1 comment to my code and it was fine) Are you sure there wasn't a syntax error of some sort? I noticed that iReport puts in its own comment: <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> So it should be ok.
  21. By: Fadjar Tandabawaa - fadjar340 Hyperlink with $F{foo} 2006-05-31 05:16 Dear All, I already tried the IReport and use the sample reports but I need to use the hyperlink with value from the field. Is is possible?? Regards, Fadjar
  22. By: Rupert Barrow - rbarrow Mac OSX packaging as clickable app 2006-05-30 16:19 Please refere to Patch no. 1497838 : I have posted a patch to package iReport as a clickable app.
  23. By: SirronD - sirrond Running reports without a web server 2006-05-29 11:53 Can I start iReport with a pre-designed report and have it run the report and display the JasperViewer window without showing the design windows? Background: I am new to Jasper Reports and iReports. I am also NOT a java programmer. iReports allows me to design and generate reports from our MySQL database. And those reports can be executed from the designer and render in a JasperViewer - which then allows for printing, or saving as pdf, or excel. How can I get a pre-designed report (some_report.jrxml designed with iReport) to render in this JasperViewer without the "designer" windows displaying? I would like to design a report, and then have someone else run it. But I don't want that person to have to see the iReport designer window, but rather just see the parameter entry window, and then iReport JasperViewer. They can then save or print or export to pdf or excel. It seems there should be some command line parameter I could pass along with the report.jrxml to allow the report to render and then pop-up in the JasperViewer (that is included with iReport). We are not a java shop, but we all have current JRE's installed and so we can all run iReport. We want to run these on our desktop machines attached to the database server (as a replacement for crystal reports for example) without needing to setup some kind of web server. Thanks for your help By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: Running reports without a web server 2006-05-30 00:06 Just compile the report in iReport and then load the .jasper file in your java code. Then export using the different exporters available in the jasper report package By: SirronD - sirrond RE: Running reports without a web server 2006-05-30 09:48 No java code. We are not a java site. I want a pre-built report viewer (it can be java as we all have JRE's) but we have no java programmers.
  24. By: laz - lazzeronis problem number page. 2006-05-29 23:24 I have a reportwhich has like pageHeader a subreport. this subreport must contain the number of principal page of the report. I cannot has to make pass in parameter this number of page how must I proceed By: Martyn - martyn-hi-ss-nl RE: problem number page. 2006-05-30 00:03 I'd like to help but could you please speak english. I dont know what you mean. By: laz - lazzeronis RE: problem number page. 2006-05-30 00:21 there is a report which contains in pageheader a subreport. in the subreport I want the number of page of the principal report By: C-Box - c-box RE: problem number page. 2006-05-30 03:26 You only can pass the current page number from MasterReport to SubReport but you CAN NOT show the total number of pages within a SubReport. So it's not a good idea to use a SubReport if you wan't to show the total number of pages! hth C-Box
  25. By: laz - lazzeronis sum 2006-05-29 00:22 hello, I want to make the sum of a field but it puts the result to me in bottom of the page and I want that it is right in lower part of the field By: Rick62 - rick62 RE: sum 2006-05-30 02:55 Do you use Subreport ? In this case, use a Group in the subreport and put your sum variable in the footer of the group.
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