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  1. By: b10 - ball_g10 background band problem? 2006-07-11 10:51 When i used background image,I created report with background band heigth = X report height = X + Y and when i generated report by ireport,my report's height equal X + Y,It's height of background image and white space (because my data is on background image).How can I get report with height only X? Thanks in advance.
  2. By: Rasmus Kl沫e - rasmusk quering a synonom table 2006-07-04 01:43 hi i can't create a report using a synonym table in Oracle - have anybody managed to do that..? Rasmus By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: quering a synonom table 2006-07-06 09:12 You mean using a synonym to a table in your query? There is no reason why this shouldn't work. If you are having problems login to the database (with SQL Plus or another SQL command-line tool) as the same user that you are running the Jasper reports test as and run the same query there. It maybe the user you are logging in as can't see the synonym(s) or doesn't have the proper grants on the table(s). You'd have to post the Oracle error for it to be diagnosed further. By: Rasmus Kl沫e - rasmusk RE: quering a synonom table 2006-07-11 07:47 hi david thanks for your reply. I can use the same login to query non synonym tables without any trouble. i was told that it might be due to the jdbc driver i am using (i am using oracle thin) and that i should use oracles OCI driver and thereby use tnsnames to connect to oracle. The OCI driver does however not work (when i test connection i get no response from ireport..). have you successfully used the thin driver to query synonym tables..?? regards Rasmus
  3. By: yonghl - feliciayong Javabean datasources for Jasper subreports 2006-07-11 02:38 Hi, I 'm exploring how to use custom data sources (java bean datasources). The GUI tool that I’m using is IReport 1.2.1. When i added a subreport tag to masterreport and include "subreport.jasper" sub report data is not displaying (but in the case when JDBC connection is used, there is no problem with displaying the subreports). Is there any way to include subreports using java bean custom datasource ? My current problem is that I'm not sure how to print the subreport details of each master report's record, let's say I want to achieve the following output: ----------------------------------- name: Garfield, age: 10 subject: english, marks:90 subject: maths, marks:80 name: Ernie, age: 12 subject: english, marks:88 subject: maths, marks:77 subject: science, marks:66 ----------------------------------- Read this in the Ireport 1.2.1 manual: "A datasource is in general a consumable object that is usable for feeding a report only once; so a datasource passed as a parameter will satisfy the needs of only one subreport. So therefore the parameter technique is not suitable when every record of the master report has got its own subreport of detail (unless that in the master there is only one record). When we explain the Datasource we will see how this problem is easily solvable by using custom datasources." ---> Can u show me by an example how this can be solved by custom datasources. My current codes start as follows: public class MainBean { private String name; private String age; /** * @return Returns the age. */ public String getAge() { return age; } /** * @param age The age to set. */ public void setAge(String age) { this.age = age; } /** * @return Returns the name. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @param name The name to set. */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } public class SubBean { private String subject; private String marks; /** * @return Returns the marks. */ public String getMarks() { return marks; } /** * @param marks The marks to set. */ public void setMarks(String marks) { this.marks = marks; } /** * @return Returns the subject. */ public String getSubject() { return subject; } /** * @param subject The subject to set. */ public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } } public class WrapperBean { private MainBean mainBean; private SubBean subBean; /** * @return Returns the mainBean. */ public MainBean getMainBean() { return mainBean; } /** * @param mainBean The mainBean to set. */ public void setMainBean(MainBean mainBean) { this.mainBean = mainBean; } /** * @return Returns the subBean. */ public SubBean getSubBean() { return subBean; } /** * @param subBean The subBean to set. */ public void setSubBean(SubBean subBean) { this.subBean = subBean; } } public class WrapperBeanFactory { public static Object[] getBeanArray() { ArrayList beans = new ArrayList(); MainBean m1 = new MainBean(); m1.setAge("28"); m1.setName("Fel"); beans.add(m1); SubBean s1 = new SubBean(); s1.setMarks("90"); s1.setSubject("Maths"); beans.add(s1); WrapperBean w1 = new WrapperBean(); w1.setMainBean(m1); w1.setSubBean(s1); MainBean m2 = new MainBean(); m2.setAge("15"); m2.setName("Bun"); beans.add(m2); SubBean s2 = new SubBean(); s2.setMarks("88"); s2.setSubject("Chinese"); beans.add(s2); WrapperBean w2 = new WrapperBean(); w2.setMainBean(m2); w2.setSubBean(s2); WrapperBean[] beansArray = {w1, w2}; return beansArray; } } ---end of codes--- Would appreciate if someone can share how they manage to do it using different method too so long it works, Thanks & Regards, yonghl
  4. By: sabahcredit - sabahcredit error in conneting existing driver 2006-07-11 00:56 hey guys, ive been trying to link my completely done .jrxml report(with datasource) with jasperserver 1.0.1 (latest at the moment) but unable to establish connection. followinng error msg appears; Error Message: org.springframework.webflow.ActionExecutionException: Exception thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@153d05b targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ViewReportAction@194363b, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'verifyData' of flow 'viewReportFlow'; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: Error creating connection. really hope somebody would kiny resolve this problem.thanks alot..cheers.
  5. By: Dennis M - dennis2681 Subreport Last Page Footer stretch? 2006-07-10 09:13 Is it possible to stretch the last page footer in a subreport to take up the available whitespace. the problem is that the last page footer just prints at an arbitrary position when inside a subreport, whereas the same report, when not run as a subreport, will pad the page with whitespace so that the page footer is always at the bottom. so my question is, how can i get the last page footer of a subreport to ALWAYS print along the bottom border of the page instead of floating somewhere in the middle. thanks!! :-)
  6. By: Stefano Gallina - warx_sg How to use Series,Categorie with Chart 2006-07-10 06:46 Hi, i am creating a line chart and i didn't understand how to set values. I don't understand how to set values on the X and Y axis. I didn't get the meaning of series,categories and values. Any help or example ? Cheers. Stefano
  7. By: Stefano Gallina - warx_sg Line chart ERROR ! 2006-07-10 02:26 Hi all, i put a Line Chart on my Report. I use Ireport 0.4.1 and in the preview everytinh works fine, but when i call the report from mu webapplication i got the following error : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression : image_1 Source text : (java.awt.Image)it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.DefaultChartFactory.drawChart(new String[]{"antialias=true","tooltips=false","legend=false","chartName=Line","plotOrientation=2","foregroundAlpha=0.33","valueLabel=Densita","subtitle=","plotBackground=[255,255,255]","quality=2","height=242","titlePosition=1","chartBackground=[255,255,255]","width=466","depthFactor=0.2","serie2=SERIE_densita","serie1=SERIE_NumeriViaggio","serie0=","categoryLabel=Viaggi","title="}, (it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}) Any idea about fixing this problem out ? It does seem that an image is missing.... Bye. Stefano
  8. By: tgu - tgutgu Transfer of report styles ? 2006-07-10 02:20 Hi, Maybe, it has been said already ... How can transfer report styles from one report to another. I want to have a set of font styles, which should be used in several reports. The purpose is helping to have a standard look & feel of our reports. Thanks and kind regards Thomas Gülden Munich, Germany By: tgu - tgutgu RE: Transfer of report styles ? 2006-07-10 02:22 Never mind. I overlooked that they are stored within the iReport application anyway. Regards Thomas
  9. By: Chris Malan - chrismalan rtf not showing and keeping a group together 2006-07-08 23:01 How does one keep all members of one group on one page in pdf view? What I mean is this: Client location: Alaska (this is the group) Acme Industries A page break here Dan Mull Motors Mega Industries Croesus Corporation What should happen is that this whole group with all its members should be on the new page. I do not want only one group per page, that would be very wasteful. Second problem is that rtf pages get generated. Here is how they start: {rtf1ansideff0 {fonttbl {f0fnil sansserif;}} {colortbl ;red0green0blue0;red255green255blue255;} {info{nofpages5}} When I try to view them in OpenOffice, Kword or Abiword the pages are blank. In Abiword page breaks show up, nothing else. Obviously some sort of formatting incompatibility. I'm on Linux. Any idea how to resolve these problems? Thanks very much.
  10. By: ts_chung - ts_chung ireport fonts type and fonts size(urgent) 2006-07-04 18:16 i am currently using ireport 0.5.3. i wish to ask if i can pass in font type and font size as parameter? if can, how? please give example if possible. thank you By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: ireport fonts type and fonts size(urgent) 2006-07-06 09:00 I don't think you can do this from iReport and jrxml files only. You could probably do it if you worked with the Jasper reports designer API: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign. I'm guessing that you could do the following steps: 1) create the report with a default font size in iReport 2) Use the JasperDesign APIs to load the jrxml file into a new JasperDesign object 3) Once you had a JasperDesign object you could change the font size 4) Generate and fill the report See the Jasper APIs and manual for details. I've never used the dynamic report building personally, but I believe it's what you'll need to do. By: ts_chung - ts_chung RE: ireport fonts type and fonts size(urgent) 2006-07-07 18:31 thank you for your suggestion. i will try with your solutions.
  11. By: pw_inf - pw_inf jrxml subreport (not jasper)? 2006-07-07 07:14 Hi I am generating jrxml file dynamicly in my application, to show data from XML file. I would like to make reports with subreports dynamicly too, but I do not know how to get working report with jrxml subreports (not jasper). Could somebody help me? Is it possible to get working jrxml report with jrxml subreports? By: cranor - cranor RE: jrxml subreport (not jasper)? 2006-07-07 08:48 Hi, I try to obtain the same result. Currently, the only way I found is to do "JasperCompileManager.compileReport(String xmlFile);" on ALL file existing in the directory to compile them into .jasper files. Maybe there is a way to do it only for needed files ? (needed files= .jrxmls that are used as subreports in the current jrxml)
  12. By: Malay - malay_mahapatra Crosstab with Grouping 2006-07-07 08:13 Hi Is it possible to create a Crosstab report with grouping in Crosstab section? Now when I create grouping in a cross tab report it creates a group header and footer in Main Report section, basically I have a requirement to create certain group inside the Crosstab section. Are there any possibilities to achieve this? Any help regarding this is highly appreciated. Thanks & Regards Malay.
  13. By: kitty29 - kitty29 SQL Query with parameters 2006-06-30 03:25 Hello All, I've got a problem with report query. Query looks as follow: SELECT a.acc_no, s.name, h.interest FROM account a, s.security left outer join share h on s.code = h.code AND h.date = $P{d2} WHERE c.acc_no=$P{number} AND a.code=s.code ORDER BY s.name When I press "Reads fields" button I receive an error: SQL problems:Server aborted connection" and nothing more. When I delete parameter "d2" and input date (e.i. "02-03-2003") instead, everything is ok. Could you please help me to solve that problem? Oh, I've forgot: I'm using iReport 1.2.3 Thanks in advance Kitty By: cranor - cranor RE: SQL Query with parameters 2006-07-07 02:53 hi, try with $P!{d2} and $P!{number} cranor
  14. By: er1215eric - er1215eric Drawing bottom line problem (superb urgent) 2006-06-29 18:55 Good Day to everyone , im a jasperreports newbies , currently facing a bottom line problem ... For example , i want to print out a list of statement , if that statement more than 1 page , it will continue on 2nd page which is looks fine , but the bottom of the list in 1st page was missing a bottom line to close the square boxes ...... it will become "n" shape .....missing the bottom line to make it become a box By: harvestmoon1200 - harvestmoon1200 RE: Drawing bottom line problem (superb urgent) 2006-07-07 02:07 not really sure wat u mean, can't u show a screen shot? or mayb can try draw a line in column footer. remember to go to view>report properties>more(Tab)> check the box beside floating column footer. hope that helps.
  15. By: Sony George - sony3002 design a 36 page report how ?? 2006-06-22 00:43 Hello all i have to design a 36 paged report which will be generated into PDF or MSword, so i have to design the 36 pages of the same report , how can i do it ???how can i add a new page to the same report ?? the data i have to retrive contains only one row. so no need to generate more pages, i have to design only 36 pages and when taking the report only that 36 pages to be populated with the data filled. can i insert pages ?? if yes how ? can i give more detail band than one ??? if yes how ? i hope my problem is clear to all regards Sony By: Vzern - vzern RE: design a 36 page report how ?? 2006-06-26 13:16 If you have more rows of data than a page can hold, then it should automatically start printing on the next page. The page headers and column headers will automatically be printed on the next page. So you should just need to push all the data into the report and it will compensate if the data is too long for the page. Does this answer your question? If it doesn't can you post an example of what your data look like, and give me a better idea of what the report should look like. Thanks, Vzern By: Sony George - sony3002 RE: design a 36 page report how ?? 2006-07-03 08:02 my problem is that my query returns only one row , and that row has more than 50 columns and i have to place it in fixed place, for example my query select * from emp_details which contains 65 columns Employe Fist Name : <rs.getString(1)> Emploee Middle Name : <rs.getString(2)> Emplyee Last Name : <rs.getString(3)> Employee Address 1 : <rs.getString(4)> Employee Address 2 : <rs.getString(5)> Employee Address 3 : <rs.getString(6)> Employee Address 4 : <rs.getString(7)> Employee Address 5 : <rs.getString(8)> .......... next page Employee Country : <rs.getString(25)> ............. next page Employee Basic Sal : <rs.getString(47)> how can i design it ????? i have send a mail to you in detail with a screen shot of what i want, to vzern@users.sourceforge.net hope you will get a better idea regards Sony By: harvestmoon1200 - harvestmoon1200 RE: design a 36 page report how ?? 2006-07-07 01:14 Dear Sony George, have u try put the height of the field to be very small(for example 5pixels or 2 pixels) but check the box beside 'stretch with overflow" in the text field tab.?In that way, we can put all the fields we want into 1 page and it will stretch when we run the report. remember to set the "position type" in common tab to 'float'. remember to check the 'split allowed' in band properties. I've use this method to creat reports that can include about 8 sub report and the total page is about 12. It should work for your case too. Does this help?
  16. By: C. N. - tsangcn incorrect reportFont handling 2006-07-07 01:02 I come across a problem in using reportFont in iReport. In my jasperreport, I have defined reportFont as follows : <reportFont name="details" isDefault="true" fontName="Courier New" size="9" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isStrikeThrough="false" pdfFontName="Courier" pdfEncoding="Cp1252" isPdfEmbedded="false"/> <reportFont name="dm" isDefault="false" fontName="Domestic Manners" size="18" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isStrikeThrough="false" pdfFontName="/tmp/Domestic_Manners.ttf" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/> Then, in a textElement, I defined its font as : <font reportFont="dm"/> When I open the jasperreport with iReport 1.2.4, and then click the save button to save it (no other actions has been done), the font tag for the textElement will incorrectly becomes : <font reportFont="dm" fontName="Courier New" pdfFontName="Courier" size="9" isPdfEmbedded ="false"/> which will cause the following error : Error exporting print... ExceptionConverter: java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException: Identity-H The problem is why iReport expand the font tag with fontName, pdfFontName, size and isPdfEmbedded attributes with reportFont attribute is used. The problem exists in iReport 1.2.1, iReport 1.2.2, iReport 1.2.3, and iReport 1.2.4. It does not exist in iReport 1.2.0 and before. Please help. Thanks C. N.
  17. By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 Cannot find lib in iReport home directory??? 2006-07-06 06:46 hello, since I have updated to the new release of iReport I always get the same Error on startup: Cannot find lib in iReport home directory (null) java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:333) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:195) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:182) at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:507) at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:457) at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:157) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:365) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:477) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:214) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:287) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:299) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(HttpURLConnection.java:792) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:744) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(HttpURLConnection.java:669) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:913) at it.businesslogic.ireport.plugin.checkupdate.UpgradeSearch.run(UpgradeSearch.java:26) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) at it.businesslogic.ireport.plugin.checkupdate.CheckUpdate$1.run(CheckUpdate.java:37) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:209) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:461) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110) I have searched for that but does not found the mistake.. iReport is still starting, but I can't load my DB classpath.. check your classpath! is displayed. Before I was updating, everything was running fine on iReports and now nothing works!! Please help me!! Thanx By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: Cannot find lib in iReport home director 2006-07-06 09:07 Not sure that "java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out" is related to your DB classpath issue. That Connection time out I think is just iReport trying to connect to the internet to see if there are any software updates. When you upgraded did you put your JDBC driver JAR (or ZIP) file in the iReport lib directory for the new installation? (e.g. C:Program FilesiReport-1.2.0lib) By: schneewittchen - schneexy4 RE: Cannot find lib in iReport home directory??? 2006-07-06 22:19 hi, yes I put my JDBC Driver jar in the lib directory of the new installation. Also I put the tools.jar of my Java in the lib directory.. After I had installed the new version 1.2.4 the db connections of the old 1.2.2 version and the classpath were empty and there was the classpath error too.. So any ideas what this should be? Its urgent, because I have to make a report for my company so I would be very pleased for help.. Thanx
  18. By: kandia Barry - kandia spacing with elements of a sub report 2006-07-06 11:35 Hi! I am trying to display a sub report. In the master report when i compile and display it looks fine. But when i create a subreport and select my master report it works, however, the spacing between the data is a bit too much. How can i control this spacing.I have already tried all the combinations from the format option but it does not work. By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: spacing with elements of a sub report 2006-07-06 12:29 Spacing between which data? Spacing between the master report row and the subreport row? On the subreport have you made all bands that you don't want displayed on the report size 0? By: kandia Barry - kandia RE: spacing with elements of a sub report 2006-07-06 12:45 yes i have the band that i do not want to display to zero. Spacing between the data that displays in the subreport. also is it possible to have a subreport that displays detail information at the footer or summary
  19. By: laz - lazzeronis query dynamic. is it possible? 2006-07-04 00:25 hello I seek has to provide has my report his query while passing it by parameter because this query is dynamic. how can one make? By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: query dynamic. is it possible? 2006-07-06 09:16 Yes, you'll have to use the "!" in the parameters of your query for the dynamic sections. For example: select * from $P!{tableName} where $P!{columnName} = $P{columnValue} order by $P!{orderBy}
  20. By: David Karnowski - karnowski Can't see report band names 2006-03-14 11:00 Hi, We have a developer who can't see the report band names printed in light blue on the main designer window. For example in this screenshot: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/images/ir2shot6.jpg you see the "columnHeader", "detail", "columnFooter", "pageFooter", "summary" all printed in light blue identifying each band. Our one developer can't see those labels. The bands just appear all white with no labels. All our other developers don't have this problem. She is running iReport 1.2.0 with Java 1.5. I looked through the documentation and don't see any option for turning this on or off, so I'm guessing it's something weird with her PC, Java installation, or iReport installation (a missing font perhaps?). Any help appreciated. Thanks, David By: David Karnowski - karnowski RE: Can't see report band names 2006-07-06 08:52 All, just in case anyone else comes across this same issue, this was resolved. Turns out it was simply a contrast issue on the ancient LCD monitor our developer was using. The light blue text fades into white if the contrast is too high. Adjusting the monitor's contrast fixed the problem. Foolishly, David
  21. By: karibouxe - karibouxe create $variable 2006-07-06 04:50 Hi, I want to calcul the percent of person in my report. There are a $F{NumberPerson} and $F{AllPerson} with the java.lang.Long type. I want to do: $V{percent} = $F{NumberPerson}*100/$F{AllPerson} I'm no idea, please help me. Tanks for your help. By: karibouxe - karibouxe RE: create $variable 2006-07-06 05:10 I try that: new Double(($F{nbperson}.doubleValue() * 100)/$F{allperson}.doubleValue()) I'm surprise the result move to down. for example: ----------------------- nb | all | % ----------------------- 1 | 4 | null 2 | 4 | 25 3 | 4 | 50 ... Is it a bug? or it's me the bug ? ;) By: karibouxe - karibouxe RE: create $variable 2006-07-06 06:03 it's me the bug :P there was a problem with my groups sorry
  22. By: joeba - joeba4 iReport disabled buttons - empty "files" pane 2006-07-06 02:41 Hi, I have installed iReport 1.2.4 and am able to start the program. But, when opening a new report, all the buttons (except for "New" and "Open") are disabled. I see the new report, but am not able to manipulate it in any way. Also, the "opened files" pane is empty, even though I opened 2 new reports ... Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the problem?? thanks, PS: environment: - windows 2000 professional - jdk 1.4.2
  23. By: Rasmus Kl沫e - rasmusk no "test successfull" message 2006-07-04 07:00 hi i receive no "test successfull" when i try to test a connection (Oracle OCI), but no error messages either. Does anybody know what the cause is..? Rasmus
  24. By: omcosl - omcosl how to set break point in iReport 2006-07-03 22:54 as captioned, is it possible to set break point in iReport like in band's print when expression?
  25. By: selmasul - selmasul needs BarChart Example???????? 2006-07-03 08:21 needs BarChart Example
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