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  1. The patch was applied with some modifications.
  2. Page FillParams.jsp is using the tag, which eventually forwards to DefaultParametersForm.jsp. It's one of these 2 jsp's that you need tot modify. Ionut
  3. Apparently the JavaBean specification only allows primitive boolean getters with "is". Since Boolean is an object, its getter should start with "get".
  4. You can use the report scriptlet feature if you need to execute code in some particular moments of the filling process. Check out the scriptlet sample for more details.
  5. Could you show us a more detailed description of your error (stacktrace, etc.)?
  6. This is an iReport specific problem, you should post it on the forum dedicated to iReport.
  7. JasperReports provides a few servlet implementations for viewing reports exported to PDF, RTF or XLS. You can find these servlets in the net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets package.
  8. What version of JDK are you using? Starting with JDK 1.4 you have built-in support for regular expressions Ionut
  9. You cannot just hide the text, since the text length is calculated at fill time. The excel export is just an approximation of the actual report. The fact that an excel cell can hold a text larger that it can display is just a coincidence, the Jasper engine will always cut off text to fit in its allocated space on the report design (or expand it to the next line).
  10. This depends on the server you are using. Such information should be available in the server documentation. For example, in Tomcat you should put the driver in TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib or TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.
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