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  1. Nevermind...I figured it out. As it turns out, many new versions of Linux (and coincidentally, both SuSE 10.1 and Core 5) include with their default installation of ant a file /etc/ant.conf and a directory /etc/ant.d . I moved both of those to append their names with ".old" and re-initiated my session...not my Ant 1.6 installation is used. It tricks ya, you see? I'm pretty sure the conf file re-establishes my ANT_HOME to a directory I didn't want it to use. It only took me a week...but I figured it out. Thanks.
  2. In trying to run the demos, I get the above error on both SuSE 10.1 and Fedora Core 5 with similar installations of Ant and JasperReports. After Googling, I downloaded some jakarta regexp JARs and put them in twenty or so different folders before giving up...I always get the same erroron "ant compile" or similar: "No regular expression matcher found". What am I doing wrong? Where do they go?
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