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Everything posted by martynhiemstra

  1. You can change the field type to String at the top of the settings page where the field expression field is located. At the top you'll see the option expression field class. Maybe you should buy the book about iReport. It has lots of information about iReport and about this topic. This is pretty elementry stuff.
  2. Hi All, I want to compile a report in iReport. I get an error that it cant convert a boolean to Boolean. I have fixed this problem in my web app by creating a jasperreport.properties file with the following content: org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.TargetPlatform=1.5 That solved the problem for my web app but iReport wont accept this solution. Can anybody indicate to set the compiler level to Java 5 in iReport. Thanks, Martyn
  3. (($F{fieldname} = 0) ? "No" : "Yes") should be supplied in the expression editor. Then it should work
  4. Are you sure you have the same SAX parser and such on both servers? Find the differences between the two servers and make sure the other server is the same as the first. If they are the same then it's clear that the xml file on the other machine is corrupt.
  5. Help you with what? What is your question?
  6. What do you mean by data in Object. What object? what class? How is stored in a text file? With the information you have supplied no answer can be given how to solve your problem so please be more specific.
  7. You can always try and ask someone to do it for you on a forum but if you where to ask that question on the Spring or hibernate forum you would probly not even get a response. A forum can be used to find answers and ask questions. If you where to state that you are new and you need some help in the right direction then I would be more than happy to help. We are here to help not do the work for you. What I may suggest is that you search this forum for export options. I have seen more than enough code on this forum how to export reports. First try and export a report to pdf. Download the source code or the jar file, view the javadoc and experiment with your own application.
  8. 1. What is DWR? 2. If you had looked up the javadoc of JRResultSetDataSource you would find that JRResultSetDataSource extends JRDataSource. You would also see that there are many more datasources you could use beside JRResultSetDataSource. Just look at the javadoc: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JRDataSource.html You can create you own datasource that extends one of these datasources. I'm sure that one of them would suffice. For example: JRBeanCollectionDataSource Post edited by: martynhiemstra, at: 2007/11/12 08:34
  9. I beleive there is an iReport book. That will teach you how to design report files. If you search this forum you will find enough examples how to export to pdf and excel and word. Also you will find out to initialize the jasper viewer. Don't expect anybody to just tell you how to do everything. Find things out for yourself. It's much more rewarding and fun. I learned everything about jasperreports and how to export them mostly on my own and that's how I learned it and now I really know and understand it. If someone tells you, you don't learn. Post edited by: martynhiemstra, at: 2007/11/12 08:18
  10. Could you be more specific please. First you say you have a Group A and a Group B where Group B is under Group A. But you only want to print something in the footer of Group B when Group B is the last IN group A. The problem is, that make no sence. Do you mean, you want to print the group B footer if it's the last detail line? If so then why dont you use the summary band. That is displayed once after all the detail bands are displayed. You could also use the last page footer band.
  11. I can confirm that the pdf export works fine under 2.0.2. How do you export the pdf? Post your code and I'll see.
  12. It's just as the error message says: Element bottom reaches outside band area You have alot of elements outside the band they are in or are bigger then the band they are in. Find them and then move or remove them or resize them.
  13. Maybe if you explain in what kind of enviroment you are working we could answer your question. Is this a web application or a stand alone application?
  14. You could cache the jasperrpint file for each export type otherwise you need to recompile each report if you want to change the export type. I want to be able to run a query one time, while being able to fill the report in different export formats, with the design (and possible parameters) dynamically changing based on the format. Why would you want different expressions with each export type? I export to pdf, excel and word and the dimensions are automatically adjusted for me. Maybe it would be better if you designed 1 report per export type. That sounds more logical if you want to adjust the dimensions per export type.
  15. Can you use the same connection in iReport as you use when generating reports and then generate a pdf file in iReport? Under the build menu option you have a pdf build option. If the pdf file that is generated in iReport is secured then it will confirm my hunch.
  16. I'm not sure but I think those pdf settings in iReport are used when you create a pdf from within iReport not when you export it in your own application. If this is the case then it would explain why the password and permission level etc is never put in the jrxml file. But I'm not 100% sure.
  17. Hi All I have a query in a report. The report has a sql query as it's report query. The report has parameters in it. I want to execute the report query but mysql complains that the query contains illegal characters and such which is correct because the query has $P{SomeVariable} in it. Is there a factory/utility object that will convert a query (JRQuery) into a String with the parameters all replaced with values supplied in a map object? Thanks
  18. If I may give some advice. Code like this is really bad because it doesnt throw any exceptions or report any errors. For example if the file cant be found what then? Is the error reported to a log file? If you can implement a decent logging system and throw exceptions and report errors then you won't have to post here because the error/exception is displayed for you and you can determine what to do then. For example: Code: File reportFile = new File(getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRealPath("/jasper/TrendAnalysisReportExcel.jrxml"«»)); InputStream input= new FileInputStream(reportFile); JasperDesign design = JRXmlLoader.load(input); What if the file cant be found? Where is the exception printed? If I also may give another tip. Working with Code:[code]new java.util.Date(startDate))is very very bad. It has been deprecated since jdk 1.1!!. Instead use Calendar object and pass the date as timeinmillis which is a long. Ya. iam not an expert in javaYou might want to learn about javadoc. In the official Date javadoc it clearly says: public Date(String s) Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by DateFormat.parse(String s). new Date(String) has been deprecated for 10 years!!
  19. Java is slower simply because it has to convert the Java byte code into machine code whereas Delphi compiles executables directly to machine code. There is nothing you can do to change this. This, by the way, should be common knowledge for any Java programmer! About displaying jasperreport differently. You can export to pdf, html, word and excel but these exports arent't faster, actually they are just as slow/fast as jasperviewer in my expierence.
  20. It cant resolve the variable ${libs.JasperReports127.classpath.libfile.12} If this is you own code then you need to learn how to use ant before posting here. If this is code you downloaded then it's an error in jasperreports. Post a bug report and it'll be fixed.
  21. First of all the latest version is 2.0.2. Have you tried that version? Second have you initialized a virtualizer? Try those options. I'm sure they should work.
  22. Can you please first improve on your english. I didnt understand a word you just said.
  23. Hi Lucianc Thanks for your quick response. In short for those of you who dont want to follow the link: To compile Java 1.5 code with this compiler, you might need to explicitly set the following properties in your jasperreports.properties file: Code: org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.TargetPlatform=1.5
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