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  1. i have a report that is definetly working and having no errors, i migrated the report to use with my application on a server ( a Linux server) it was working perfectly on another Linux server.. on that server the JSP that runs the report returned a java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when going to the Apache log, i found an oracle.apps.mwa.wap.utils.XMLParseException: XML Parsing Error: Exception caught! Start of root element expected Any help
  2. i have a report that is definetly working and having no errors, i migrated the report to use with my application on a server ( a Linux server) it was working perfectly on another Linux server.. on that server the JSP that runs the report returned a java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when going to the Apache log, i found an oracle.apps.mwa.wap.utils.XMLParseException: XML Parsing Error: Exception caught! Start of root element expected Any help
  3. I found out the solution myself.. thanks for the help, this XercesImpl was found in 2 distinct places, and thus the server was confused between both implementations and thus didn't consider any, all what you have o do is to keep one of them, either delete the XercesImpl with Jasper or that with the apache webserver
  4. Hello all; please help fast i have a code that is running on windows environment, but when uploaded on Linux envireonment it returned a null pointer exception thrown from org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.getXMLReader line 899 any one knows the reason or the solution, please help thanks in advance
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