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  1. I searched for an answer but without success. So I'm posting my doubt hoping that someone could help me. In fact, there are 2 problems when I use bar chart. 1) if I use orientation=vertical, the axis label are truncated when it's very big; 2) if I use orientation=horizontal, the chart label of the biggest column is truncated on the right. Please, can someone help me with this ? Post edited by: ana_abrantes, at: 2006/12/22 19:24
  2. I searched for an answer but without success. So I'm posting my doubt hoping that someone could help me. In fact, there are 2 problems when I use bar chart. 1) if I use orientation=vertical, the axis label are truncated when it's very big; 2) if I use orientation=horizontal, the chart label of the biggest column is truncated on the right. Please, can someone help me with this ? Post edited by: ana_abrantes, at: 2006/12/22 18:44
  3. I searched for an answer but without success. So I'm posting my doubt hoping that someone could help me. In fact, there 2 problems when I use bar chart. 1) if I use orientation=vertical, the axis label are truncated if too big; 2) if I use orientation=horizontal, the chart label of the biggest column is truncated on the right. Please, can someone help me with this ?
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