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Everything posted by mryzhikova

  1. Please see if this is still an issue in 3.5. We have made changes to user_roles module. thx!
  2. Jaspersoft is pleased to announce the availability of our JasperServer 3.5 Release. New features include the following: * Upgrade Mondrian to 3.0 - Dimension sharing within a cube - Support for dozens of new scalar functions in MDX * New JasperAnalysis UI - Improved look and feel as well as an improved tool bar within analysis views. * Encrypt JDBC password - Export/Import now supports encryption of JDBC passwords. * Encrypt User password - User password encryption is now turned on by default. * Configurable Scheduler Intervals - The admin can decide which recurrence options are displayed to users by editing the recurrenceIntervalUnits bean in the WEB-INF/flows/reportJobBeans.xml. * Support for Gantt Charts in JasperReports (and bundled iReport) - JasperReports, the Java reporting library at the heart of JasperServer now supports Gantt charts. * Revamped user and role pages - Includes support for large numbers of users, including search. * XML-based Chart Themes - iReport includes the ability to create and edit chart themes in a visual editor (rather than requiring programming skills as was previously the case). * Font Extensions - JasperReports leverages its existing extension support to allow the use of TTF files in report templates without installing them into the system; the same logical font name can be resolved into different TTF files depending on the locale, covering multiple languages. * Multiple Scriplets per Report and Report Governors - JasperReports now allows multiple scriplet instances per report template. Some such scriptlets can be declared globally to act as report governors, preventing invalid report layouts from causing infinite loops when the report is filled. JasperServer also provides default governor implementations that limit report execution based on a maximum number of pages and/or timeout. Download here: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/downloads The Jaspersoft Team Post Edited by swood at 05/10/2009 22:22
  3. Please look at the install guide thats shipped with the application. We are including steps for upgrade for Windows there. thx! marina
  4. Thank you very much for your fedback! We will go thru it and see what can be implemented. marina
  5. Hi, yes, we will be releasing Jasperserver Pro 3.5 at the end of this month, it will be followed by Jasperserver Community a few weeks after in April. Hope this helps. thx! marina
  6. Next version is coming out at the end of the month with lost of bug fixes. Stay tuned!
  7. Hello! No, unfortunately, we are not planning on implementing this is the near future. thx! marina
  8. mszczepaniak - please log a bug tracker against the project and we will look at fixing the issue. Let me know if you need help.
  9. Hi, Thank you for your interest. iReport 3.5 will be released together with Jasperserver 3.5 release. Hope this helps. thx!
  10. Want to see what’s coming next in Jasperserver? Jasperserver 3.5 Release Candidate is available! We am seeking JasperForge.org members that are interested in testing the candidate. The link to get it is in the list of releases http://jasperforge.org/plugins/esp_frs/?group_id=112 There are installers for Linux and Windows, and a WAR file install with documentation. At this time, there are no upgrade scripts to go from a prior version of JasperServer to this release candidate - still working on those! You have 3 weeks to test and we will include bug fixes in the general release of 3.5. Please log trackers!!Your feedback is very inmportant to us! New Jasperserver 3.5 features include the following: * Upgrade Mondrian to 3.0 - Dimension sharing within a cube - Support for dozens of new scalar functions in MDX * New JasperAnalysis UI - Improved look and feel as well as an improved tool bar within analysis views. * Encrypt JDBC password - Export/Import now supports encryption of JDBC passwords * Configurable Scheduler Intervals - The admin can decide which recurrence options are displayed to users by editing the recurrenceIntervalUnits bean in the WEB-INF/flows/reportJobBeans.xml. * Support for Gantt Charts in JasperReports (and bundled iReport) - JasperReports, the Java reporting library at the heart of JasperServer now supports Gantt charts. * Revamped user and role pages - Includes support for large numbers of users, including search. * XML-based Chart Themes - iReport includes the ability to create and edit chart theme in a visual editor (rather than requiring programming skills as has been the case previously). * Font Extensions - JasperReports leverages its existing extension support to allow the use of TTF files in report templates without installing them into the system; the same logical font name can be resolved into different TTF files depending on the locale, covering multiple languages. * Multiple Scriplets per Report and Report Governors - JasperReports now allows multiple scriplet instances per report template. Some such scriptlets can be declared globally to act as report governors, preventing invalid report layouts from causing infinite loops when the report is filled. JasperServer also provides default governor implementations that limit report execution based on a maximum number of pages and/or timeout. Thank you very much for your interest and help! Marina Ryzhikova QA Manager Post Edited by Tony Kavanagh at 02/27/09 04:32 Post Edited by Sherman Wood at 02/27/09 04:43 Post Edited by Tony Kavanagh at 02/27/09 19:42
  11. Hi, our 3.1 installer supports 'x86_64' OS, but will not work under IA-64. To find out what are you on, could use the following command: uname -m If the output is: x86_64 - installer should work. Please let us know if that helped. thx! marina
  12. Hello! in 3.1 we dont have an ability to shrink to fit in pdf. However, in our next release (3.5) coming out in 4-5 weeks, its been implemented. Stay tuned! thx!
  13. Hello! Thank you for your interest! We will actually be posting Release Candidate for JasperServer Community Edition 3.5 today, and final release is planned 4-5 weeks after. We are hoping for community participation in QA and will be fixing found bugs. Please let me know if you need more info. I will post on the forums when Release candidate is available. thx! marina
  14. Hello, i am not sure i understand whats the issue in this case. What would you prefer happen when Back button is clicked? thx! marina
  15. Do you mean fields are beeing trancated? If yes, this bug is fixed on our next release coming out next month. Hope this helps.
  16. Hello! JasperServer CE ships only with English bundles. You can leverage JasperBabylon Online Translation Project, where people are sharing their translation to different languages. Let me know if this helps.
  17. based on our last testing - IE 6 performance has improved. closing the bug,
  18. if you are intrested, you can purchase training about ireport to help you get started. http://www.jaspersoft.com/JasperShop_Training.html Also, there is an iReport project where your iReport questions may get more attention. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/browse.php?group_id=83&forumid=101 Good Luck!
  19. Hi, this really should work.. its basic functionality... a few quetsions: 1. is it a brand new install? 2. have you tried to uninstall and install again? (make sure you drop jasperserver db during manual install) 3. what about joeuser/joeuser?
  20. Hi, we have it logged and will fix in the next release. For now, see post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=42371 for a possible workaround. Thank you!
  21. Hello! We did not have any issues running it Jasperserver on Vista. Which browser are you using? Did you try both IE and FF? thank you!
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