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  1. Hi! I have migrated the build of the java sample webapp that ships with JasperServer 3.7 in the binary distribution to a maven based build to reduce size and improve usability and clarity. A first blog post with the steps required is on my site at http://bit.ly/4WJUYJ In the longer run I would love this to move into the actual distro. manfred
  2. Additional imports are DefaultJasperViewer.jsp <%@ page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" %> <%@ page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.*" %> defaultPaginatorLinks.jsp <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.tags.*" %> DefaultParametersForm.jsp <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.*"%> <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.dto.*" %> JSErrorPage.jsp <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.*"%> <%@ page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.*"%> <%@ page import="org.springframework.webflow.conversation.*" %> ViewreportWithParameters.jsp <%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.*" %>
  3. There are a couple of other pages that also need imports added.
  4. seems like a whole lot more jsp pages have to have imports added..
  5. Another thing is that login.jsp has to be patched to include the imports: <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.dto.StringOption" %> <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.UserLocale" %>
  6. That document is wrong. See http://jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf2776?nav=1
  7. Hi! I just found out that the sample web app uses a different version of JasperReports from JasperServer. This causes problems when the jrprint is deserialised and certain classes have a different version number. The sample app has to use the same version as the server. Currently on JI 1.2.0 this is JasperReport 1.3.0 and not 1.2.7 I will create a bug for this issue as well. manfred
  8. Hi! I thought I let you all know that the samplewebapp bombs out when you try to render a report that contains a chart objects. To fix this you just need to add the jcommon and the jfreechart libraries from the used jasperreports library to the lib folder and rebuild the sample app. I created a bug for this issue as well. Hope that helps manfred
  9. Hi! I am in the process of refactoring the jasperserver 1.2 build. I removed the need for settings.xml and any files in the users .m2 folder so far. mvn clean install gets through. In terms of deployment and so I still have to configure the cargo plugin and some other mods here and there probably. I also plan to add profiles for different databases (I had it working on hsqldb after manual tweaking two releases ago and should get postgresql working as well). I would love to get my mods into the main trunk somehow. How do I achiev that? Shall I post a patch? Or just here in the forum with some attachments? look forward to hearing from you manfred
  10. Are these documents supposed to be up to date with the 1.2.0 release? If so where is the linux installer? manfred
  11. mosabua


    Yes.. thats all considered source code. As far as I understand you can edit it just fine and use it as well. But as soon as you want to distribute it your changes need to be made publicly available. And if you embed it into another application that other application has to be GPL licensed... just my 2c.
  12. mosabua


    Okay - maybe I understand better if I explain a potential plant. Is a ji war running in the same app server considered standalone. Our app would only either call a ji webservice for a report, call a ji url for a report or direct into the ji user interface with the report available there. Which of these options would allow GPL usage? Which would not? Oh and in terms of JasperSoft not being around or changing prices too much to able to afford it ... the source would not help if we use a commercial license because it would be only usable in a GPL way. So from a business sense using the GPL version is safer from the start as far as I can tell. Of course I might be totally wrong here. And I do hope that JasperSoft is around for a long time and keep growing and prospering. I look forward to contribute our ji configurations if we find a way to use it.
  13. mosabua


    Sherman, I am a bit confused by your statement. What is the difference between using a link that goes to ji or calling ji url from an application and embedding it into a portal. How is using the url not embedding? I am more than happy to provide our changes and improvements to JI back to the forge, but we certainly can not afford for our application to go GPL. And what if I get a commercial licence. What are the terms and costs. How does the price change? What if JasperSoft goes down. Are we hosed then? These are risk that I have to weigh .. LGPL would avoid that and a support contract might still be handy.. manfred
  14. Hi! I just got JI to work (well up and running war and database) on JBoss using HSQLDB and wanted to let everybody know about my mods... I basically had to setup the right driver and connection strings and that got me most of the way. However there are problems with Quartz and HSQLDB. Row level locking with select... for update.. does not work. To fix the problem I had to insert org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.HSQLDBDelegate org.quartz.jobStore.selectWithLockSQL=SELECT * FROM {0}LOCKS UPDLOCK WHERE LOCK_NAME = ? in js.quartz.properties Hope that helps manfred
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