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Everything posted by C-Box

  1. Try to set the PDF-Encoding to "IDENTITY-H" and be sure that you also have a FontExtension for your "Segoe UI Symbol" font with that encoding. The "DejaVu Sans" FontExtension should already be in classpath for your application, if not then check that also. hth + regards C-Box
  2. You passed a java.util.ArrayList as a parameter that is defined just as java.lang.String.... so the parameter classes do mismatch. Not sure what you wan't to reach... but I'd first correct correct the classes in your parameters. <parameter name="debit" isForPrompting="true" class="java.util.ArrayList"/> hth + regards C-Box
  3. Hi... it seems, that you've placed TWO fields below each other and the first one has "StretchWithOverflow" = true.... but the second field is still PositionType = FixRelativeToTop, isn't it?!?!?!? If so, just set your second field to PositionType = float so that the field is moved correctly forward and no overlapping will happen. Otherwise post your jrxml to take a look into the design. hth + regards C-Box
  4. What PrintOrder (a property at report level) have you set? Horizontal or Vertical? Try to set it to "Horizontal" - also on both (main and subreport). When I remember right, I had some troubles some years ago with a similiar LablePrinter Layout that I've fixed with the printing direction. By the way... I guess the compile is OK.... you mean, when FILLING the error appears, right? hth + regards C-Box
  5. Have you used the TableComponent or just placed simple textfields with borders in Detail-Band and put the static lables in ColumnHeader-Band (so my guess)? If second, I would advice using simple vertical lines with StretchType = RelativeToBandHeight instead textfield borders. So you can achieve, that also the other "columns" are visible.Make the textfields in detail also to "transparent" (so not opaque) Also the ugly overlapping of your stretching TextField and ColumnHeader in 2. Column would then disappear. hth + regards C-Box
  6. Bullet lists with styled or html syntax is a PAIN in JasperReports. It just works fine/well with single lines... but if a line breaks to second or more because of too much content, the alignment to the top/first line is not correct/acceptable. So I gave up using bullet lists (a light trick was to use a negative first line indent, but that wasn't also working for 100%)... just search in the jasper tracker/bug reports for it... you will find multiple questions and answers by Teodord or Lucian some years ago ....but when I remember right, it isn't solved yet even in the latest version :-( hth + regards C-Box
  7. Why shouldn't it work inside the report query? Is your "dwh_contract" table not visible for the given report connection or what makes you doubt it? If it doesn't work, just pass the latest ETL_DATE as hidden Date-Parameter also to your report and filter it out in your report query like: ... where etl_date = $P{LatestETLDatePassedFromOutside}[/code]hth + regards C-Box
  8. You could use 2 columns (adjust at report level) with horizontal filling for that. Works fine for printing labels etc. but I doubt that a "real" frame element would stretch itself from one column to anonther. Just give it a try. :-) hth + regards C-Box
  9. That's why the question by darwiesh .... how long does the plain query run, if you start it from management studio/console or whatever database query tool you use. (outside JasperSoft Studio) ???
  10. Hi, take a look in my answer to this topic. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1139321/calculate-sum-table-column-page There I described, what seems to be the problem when using variables for creating "Carry overs" from one page to the next page. If you could set the detail band "splitting type" to "prevent" instead of "stretch" it will work. But if not, it becomes (unfortunately) a pain in JasperReports! So my final (and working for sure) solution was, to "tag" each price/total field that should be used for later calculation and to sum up all page totals AFTERWARDS... so when the WHOLE report was finished and the JRPrint Object was returned but before send to printer/pdf-exporter. You can then iterate through the pages, sum up your tagged fields per page and put the current carry-over sum to the textfield in columnfooter at current and columnheader at next page. That's much easier than to play around with the "tricky" band calculation and variables. But of course it's just possible, when you use JasperApi for printing/export and not JasperSoftStudio or plain JasperServer functionality. hth + regards C-Box
  11. Not sure who generated the .vm File.... but as far as I know a JasperReport is just a design (= .jrxml) file and after compiling in designer or per API you will get a binary file named ".jasper" .... so I've no glue what your ".jrxml.vm"file should be for? Can you edit it with Notepad++ or any editor of your choice? What's the content? regards C-Box
  12. And for what reason you need an empty A4 report within your MasterReport???? Very confusing construct.
  13. Not sure and bit confusing.... why you have placed a "blank_A4" SubReport in the right upper area of the group header band? What should appear there? And as you don't have any footer why you have set "Keep together" at grouplevel? The error seems to be within the SubReport... as there seems to be any resource in summary band??! (so this is, what I guess (!) from stacktrace) Do you call perhaps another subReport recursivly? So the jrxml of your subreport ""G2G_Risk.jasper" would be helpful. regards C-Box
  14. Not really clear, what your structure and grouping is now - so difficult to help. Perhaps you should post some error-logs, screenshots and perhaps also the jrxmls if possible!?? regards C-Box
  15. Have you set the initial value of your variable $V{Total_Cost_1} to 0 (Zero)? Otherwise perhaps a try: What about using an own simple counter "$V{NotNullCounter}" with calc-type sum and initial value = 0 for later calculating the average by a simple BigDecimal division : something like $V{Total_Cost_1} == null? $V{NotNullCounter}:1[/code]and the average later in a simple field-expression: $V{YourSimpleTotalCostSum}.divide($V{NotNullCounter}, 3, RoundingMode.Ceiling)[/code]not tried yet... but should work (after some finetuning with trial&error probably) :-) hth + regards C-Box
  16. I'll try do explain: Its a nested If Then Else expression. So first <null>... it means in java, not defined... just google for Java null second, i guess (!?!) you wrote the syntax wrong...it should be $F{...} and not ${f..} ... so the identifier $F{any_fieldNameOfAQuery} means a field in a JasperReport. third the && means a logical AND operator so your expression means: ( I level up the nested if-thens with fictive numbers) 1. LEVEL if Field "684_v" AND also Field "685_v" are bot null (remember: null = not defined/initialized) then print an emtpy space character " " OTHERWISE/ELSE 1. LEVEL 2. LEVEL if just field "684_v" is null, then print a minus character "-" OTHERWISE/ELSE 2. LEVEL concat the current field value "684_v" with a slash " / " String and 3. LEVEL if field "685_v" is null then again a minus char "-" OTHERWIESE/ELSE 3. LEVEL append the value of field "685_v" So if both fields are filled you will get something like "Hello / World" and if one of it's field is null you would either get "-/ World" or the other way "Hello / -" if both fields are null you just will get an empty space char " " now a bit more clear?!?! :-) hth + regards C-Box
  17. Well, this was just a try.... I know that this is a "built-in" config... but anyway no problem. You can open the (orignal) "JasperReports-6.6.0.jar" of your classpath with any ZipProgram of your choice... (I use 7zip for that) and just navigate to the mentioned xml-file, open it with an editor of your choice, change it (e.g. remove the lines pointing to the icon font) and save the (temporarily extracted) xml... 7zip just ask's you, to replace the (temporary) changed file also in the (jar)archive, just confirm it. Now you changed the "original" JasperReports-library.... but as this is just a try for tracking down the font problem, it's no problem. You easily can revert it (make a Backup before or download it again) Don't forget to restart your app, as you changed the library in your classpath. regards again C-Box
  18. Sure, just group your report at the field "$F{programme}" and set the flag "StartOnNewPage" at GroupLevel. So every "programme" value would cause a new page. :-) Of course a stretching content within one group could also cause 2 (or more) pages per group. (be aware of the OrderBy in your query.... it should match with the group(s) order defined in your design/jrxml) hth + regards C-Box
  19. Take a look here ... seems to be a similiar topic: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1139891/jasperfillmanagerfillreport-not-working-centos-73 regards C-Box
  20. Seems, as would cause the included Pictonic.ttf (that is included in default jasperreports-6.6.0.jar) that problem. I'm not familiar with CentOS, so I don't know, how the font-logic is working there. You could edit the jaspereports-fonts.xml in "jasperreports-6.6.0.jarnetsfjasperreportsfonts" and simply remove the entries for the Pictonic font. But not sure, if this is the correct solution. Also you could throw an eye on this page: https://vorozco.com/blog/2018/2018-03-14-Empty-Reports-Jasper-Reports.html or even this https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/515250/solution-linux-pdf-font-problem Perhaps you will have to fix the Fonts at your CentOS as well before using JasperReports generally?!?! so sorry, no more glues from my side. hth + regards C-Box
  21. Please write in english as I don't know how the google translate plugin will work from japanese (so I guess) to english. When I understood right, you don't get a PDF file from your generated report.... so is the generated jrPrint filled correctly (just log the number of pages for example). Perhaps the query doesn't return any result, so no pages... so no PDF. So a bit more information are required to track down the real problem regards C-Box
  22. You can stay at JasperReports 6.6.0 so no downgrade needed.... just use the itext-library that is included in JR-distribution (as they changed some stuff for their needs ... that's why the included jar-file has the suffix "js6_b02" in the filename). hth + regards C-Box
  23. Are you sure, that iText 5.5 is working with JasperReports 6.6.0 ?? As far as I know, Jasper just uses the old (L)GPL library of iText 2.1.7 ... (e.g. in Studio also just "itext_2.1.7.js6_b02.jar" is included in classpath) as the later library version of itext was another - not free - licence type. Or do you own an iText licence for 5.5 ? So another try would be to change the log4j-level to TRACE hth + regards C-Box
  24. Just do so! :-) Where is the problem/error/stacktrace?!?!?! Just use an ImageElement and set the related field (=column name) as ImageExpression. hth + regards C-Box
  25. I guess you will have to use JasperReports API for that after generating the filled report (JRPrint-Object). So the JRExporter has an flag just to export certain pages. So you could read the size of the generated JasperPrintPages and call the JRExporter for each generated JasperPrintPage separately with the current PAGE_INDEX for each single page. But keep in mind, that for example some streching content could also cause to generate multiple pages even for just one single database record.... so not sure if your report really generates just one page per row/record.. it depend's at your data & report design of course! hth + regards C-Box
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