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  1. Hi, I try to generate total amount per page and bring it to the next page. I have success to generate total amount per page. But can't find solution to bring it to the next page. A = total in current page B = total accumulate from previous page C = A + B Thank you,
  2. Hi, I have string with commas. I want to replace last comma with ' and ' eg: sunday, monday, tuesday -> sunday, monday and tuesday apple, banana, strawberry, lemon -> apple, banana, strawberry and lemon thank you
  3. Hello, I want to generate docx file and return it in byte. Currently it generate in physical file. I want to return it on byte. JRDocxExporter exporter = new JRDocxExporter(); exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint)); exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput(getOutputStream(jasperName, ".docx"))); exporter.exportReport(); Thanks you in advanced
  4. My application running on webapp. I try to use Jasper Analysis (OLAP) for the graph. But I'm stuck to integrate with my application.
  5. Hi, I'm using Jasper Report Server (community version) to develop analytic graphs and generate reports. Can I know is the any ways to integrate my application with Jasper Report Server? Thank you.
  6. Hi, Can i know why my content end up like this? If the content end like this (5'X4') - it will move to newline Can i know why and is there any other solution? Thank you
  7. Previously I used TableComponent, but it still not solve the border problem. So I moved to second choice, I just use simple textfields with vertical lines as the border.
  8. Hi, I have create table with border. But, when the table content is too long, the border will be missing in other column. Can i know how to handle this? Thank you.
  9. Hi C-Box, I create group and shift all the fields from details into the group and its working now. Thank you.
  10. Hi there, I try to do sum in table column per page.Everything is working, but when the one of column have large content, the calculation goes wrong. ** the total amount for page 11 should be 219,000. But currently it appear 363,000 (plus 144,000) from the next page.
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