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Everything posted by C-Box

  1. Are you sure, that your data-adapter is adjusted correctly? I just copied your json + jrxml to my workspace and renamed it to my needs and it works: here the DefaultDataAdapter of MainReport: <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="DatasourceJsonSubReportChart.xml"/> and the same as the DefaultDataAdapter of my SubReport: <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="DatasourceJsonSubReportChart.xml"/> Perhaps it's just a naming problem of your dataSource!??! hth + regards C-Box
  2. IMHO you won't need a full JDK installed at a client just to use the jasperreports built-in viewer. A JRE should be enough, as our customers also just use a runtime. So probably a library is missing, so there should be thrown an exception - please post the stacktrace to identify the problem regards C-Box
  3. Create a FontExtension for your custom fonts and be sure, that this FontExtension is available in your classpath at runtime. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v720/working-font-extensions-0 hth + regards C-Box
  4. As I already wrote: PageFooter is static, so it won't change it's height! If there is no content, the space will be kept free for the other bands on the page! Well I assume, you have two textfields and have set the RemoveLineWhenBlank flag to both fields to TRUE and also the PositionType-flag to the Line-Element and the second textfield to FLOAT, correct? So now the second textfield moves upwards when the first textfield is removed because of it's empty content, correct? And now the second textfield and also the line SHOULD NOT move upwards, also correct? Then just change the PositionType back to "FixRelativeToTop" for both elements. Otherwise just post a screenshot and perhaps also your jrxml with the current and also the wanted result. hth + regards C-Box
  5. Does the query of the report return some results? What is the "When No Data" type of the report? It's to few input to find the problem. regards C-Box
  6. I can't see any where condition in your MAIN query??? So actually your Parameter "MainTraceCode" for filtering an invoice number is just evaluated for the SubDataSet!?!?!? So in my opinion all records from your "unfiltered" main query are used for rendering the main report. This should explain, why the NODATASECTION with your static text don't appear. (as probably many records are evaluated but not rendered - as you don't have any detail band) Just add the detail band and place some fields from master query, to see whether my guess is right. Not sure, why you doesn't use the parameter for the main-query also? By the way comparing Strings via "==" isn't good "java-like" ... better to use the equals methode: $P{MainReportSwithch}.equals("sub2") or even better "sub2".equals($P{MainReportSwithch}) to avoid internal null-pointers. hth + regards C-Box
  7. IMHO (!) the ConditionalStyles just use the MAIN DATASET attributes/fields/parameters and not any of it's SubDataSources (as this could be multiple). So I guess it's better to put your layout into a SubReport and use your SubDataSet ("Summary") as SubReport-DataSource. In the SubReport you can define your conditional styles using the fields from the "outer" SubDataSet (as this is actually now the "MainDataSet" of the SubReport) :-) hth + regards C-Box
  8. If you place fields below each other and one of it's top fields has StretchWithOverflow set to true, than each field below should have "PositionType" set to FLOAT instead FixRelativeToTop (what is by default in iReport/JasperSoftStudio). But AGAIN: Putting stretching fields into FIXED BANDS (as (Last-)PageFooter is) is a bad idea, because these bands can't stretch! The summary is a separate band that usally came as LAST band after the last detail/group footer... the Flag SummaryOnNewPage just tells the engine that a page-break is made before it's rendering starts. But a PageFooter content will never break it's content to that summary! You could define, whether PageHeader/-Footer will also be printed at Summary. hth + regards C-Box
  9. Have you already tried to define 3 columns at your report and place the field A and B into the first column-detail band? If you already set the PrintOrder to horizontal, than your output should be COL 1 _____ COL2 _____ COL3 1 to 7 _____ 2 to 8 _____ 3 to 9 4 to 10 _____ 5 to 11 _____6 to 12 Don't use ListElement --- if your data came from a SubDataSet, than use a SubReport for it.... In my experiences, the ListElement is just useable for very simple constructs. I refactored many customer reports where initially a listelement was used but later one some sums or breaking logic should be integrated what finally always ended in using SubReports instead of ListElements. hth + regards C-Box
  10. By default PAGE_FOOTER and also LAST_PAGE_FOOTER are STATIC Bands in JasperReports... so placing stretching content into these bands that should increase the band height isn't really a good idea and won't work. What if the content is larger than the whole page - an Infinity loop would start!?! What should happen with all the dynamic detail/group bands before that are already rendered ? So no glue what your "DJ 5.0.7" is doing but I doubt, that they have overriden such an important feature of JasperReports! I startet with JasperReports 0.5.3 some years ago and I can't remember that the PAGE_FOOTER was a "dynamic" band in old versions at all. Perhaps they "miss-used" some dummy group-footer bands - that were stack to bottom or anything like this to "simulate"a PAGE_FOOTER!??! But as I said, I don't know "DJ " (I guess it's Dynamic Jasper??)... so perhaps it's better to ask in their community or it's professional support. When a TextField just prints the first line, although the content has more lines, then the common mistake is, that the user forgot to enable "StretchWithOverflow" at the TextField attributes. hth + regards C-Box
  11. Still not clear if: A) just the opaque flag with the static background (e.g #808080 ) color should appear by a condition for a certain fieldvalue or b) the background-color itself depends on a condition (e.g. $F{someField}.equals("x") --> color = #808080 ...$F{someField}.equals("y") --> color = #505050 .... or c) the background-color itself should come from another field-value (e.g. $F{backgroundColor} ) ?????? regards C-Box
  12. Hi... have you already tried to set an excel specific pattern at your field? Take a look here: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/xlsfeatures/ and also here... http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/export/JRXlsAbstractExporter.html#PROPERTY_CELL_PATTERN hth + regards C-Box
  13. Does it work in "normal" Mode??? Preview? Print? As the URL requires a Google-API key is this present at your javva-application at runtime? I'm not sure whether the "old" iReport already supports the "newer" limititations of using google API keys for map-componenent. In JasperSoft Studio is somewhere a panel where you can enter the key for using google maps in reports - that I know for sure.... just look here: So perhaps you must also update to JasperSoft Studio to get it work. regards C-Box
  14. The "No-Data-Section" will just appear, if the query of the report doesn't return any results and if you set the flag "WhenNoDataType" at reportLevel to "NoDataSection"... it does NOT mean, that a surpressed SubReport by a PrintWhenExpression will render any of it's bands (it's just not executed at all)... So either you don't use your PrintWhenExpression at the SubReport-Element and pass your dynamic User-Parameter down to the SubReport to add a flag to your SubQuery so that no data will result (e.g. " ... AND 1 = 2") or just add your PrintWhenExpression to each Subrepor-tBand except the NoDataSection. so many ways leading to Rome. hth C-Box
  15. Don't use list element...my experience says, that un most cases you will come to rhe limitations of list element and you will refactor it to subreport. So just change to subreport and place the break element into the detail section of the subreport, so that each record will do an break. You could then also use groups and also the group feature StartOnNewPage Hth + regards C-Box
  16. Try to uncheck the PrintInFirstWholeBand of the break element to check if the break will do it's job Hth C-Box
  17. And what is "this problem" now that you mentioned??? (Just your snipped doesn't tell what's going wrong --- is there an exception, are there no results, no pages, wrong data,...!?!? Probably you will struggle with the Parameter syntax ... not sure what this should do: PCAPT=$PCAPTS[/code] should this be a JasperParameter what would actually $P{PCAPTS} !?!? Where is the AND? Is this an SubSelect? What makes: ncr.util.UserCTX.getInstance().eval(req,ctx)[/code]??? so please more details or I guess nobody could help you regards C-Box
  18. You could define a so call "SubDataSource" within your design, where one is for accessing your oracle database via an select (Connection must be passed from Outside, when filling the report) and the second one could access your csv file (filename could be passed as parameter or hardcoded or whatever). The SubDataSources could be used for SubReports or ListElements or Crosstabs or Tables..... You could also just use the main datasource (e.g. the sql oracle one) for filling process of the MasterReport and just the CSV-SubDataSource for a integrated SubReport. So just give it a try. hth + regards C-Box
  19. Do you want to set the background color itself to a dynamic value or just that the TextBox has a colored background (the fixed color defined in the conditional style) ??? The first one isn't possible in the design, because the background-color is a static value and not an expression. So here you could use a scriptlet or something else to dynamically change the color value depending on a fieldvalue. If just the predefined color from the condition isn't working, then try to delete all the box settings from the TextField. I assume, this will override your conditional style settings, as it's explicitly set at the TextField. Not tried... but worth to give it a try! :-) hth + regards C-Box
  20. Ok I forgot, that you are using the JasperServer and your posted design is just an Template ... I'm not familiar with that, as I just use the "good old" JasperReports library in standalone (ERP) Java applications. So I assume it's a bug .. or a feature!?!? Perhaps "adhoc" views were not designed to have multiple pages and are more for html "endless" scrolling thought!!?!? But as I said, here my knowledge ends - sorry guys. Perhaps a staff member or the "power poster" Hozawa has a solution!??! regards C-Box
  21. No problem! Thanks for your feedback regards from Dresden/Germany and goof luck with "Jaspering" C-Box
  22. Your jrxml just contains PageHeader and PageFooter... but no other elements on no other bands!?!?!? Have you deleted the CrossTab from it???? (as I see some crosstab styles at the beginning at the jrxml) regards again C-Box
  23. I think you mean summing up some field values or something like this, isn't it? If so, you must create some (own) VARIABLES where you could use predefined (Sum/Count/...) functions or even define something custom stuff like adding fieldA with fieldB or something like this in the variable expression. Otherwise please describe a bit more clear what you want to achieve. hth + regards C-Box
  24. You must set the EVALUATION-TIME of the TextField to "MASTER" ... that I've forgot to mention, sorry! And because of your missing PAGE_FOOTER at the second and ++pages ..... are you sure, that you placed it into the PAGE_FOOTER? is your Table/Data rendered later in a summary band? If so, just set at report-level, that the summary also should be printed with pageheader/footer. Otherwise just post your JRXML hth + regards C-Box
  25. What band have you used for placing the PagerNumber variables? It should be the page-footer of the (main)report, as this is printed at every page at the bottom. By the way.... the "newer" versions of JasperReports have also a builtin variable $V{MASTER_TOTAL_PAGES} and $V{MASTER_CURRENT_PAGE} that you could place into just ONE textfield that you also could nicely align right, as the "two-field-logic" (suggested above by Narcism) always was a bit "buggy" when you would like to arange your page numbering on a right border/line or on other right aligned fields. So try you place your field into page-footer and use this as expression: "Page " + $V{MASTER_CURRENT_PAGE} + " of " + $V{MASTER_TOTAL_PAGES}[/code]hth + regards C-Box
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