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  1. Create a main report and 5 subreports. Create a POJO class that has 5 properties, each a collection. Wrap that POJO in a Collection with a single element and give it to the main report as a JRCollectionDataSource,
  2. Let's say I have this resultset as a datasource: A-1 B-1 1 A-1 B-2 20 A-2 B-1 300 A-2 B-2 400 and I want this report: Total 4321 * B-1 301 * B-2 4020 A-1 * 21 A-1 B-1 1 A-1 B-2 20 A-2 * 4300 A-2 B-1 300 A-2 B-2 400 How can I do that? I can create a <variable> grandTotal for the total, that is easy. I can create a <group> for the A's and a <variable> groupATotal (for line A-1/* and A-2/*) I can show these lines directly: A-1/B-1, A-1/B-2, A-2/B-1, A-2/B-2 But how do I show the lines */B-1 and */B-2? Is there some way to create a variable that is a list or map itself? Making a subreport for those is not really valid option, because in reality this nesting goes up to A's holds B's holds C's hold D's and there are many of each of those. A subreport would create a lot n+1 query problems.
  3. The webpage http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/config.reference.html?group_id=252 has this text: net.sf.jasperreports.jdk.glyph.fix.text.measurer.catch.empty.stakctrace which has a typo "stakctrace", so it should be: net.sf.jasperreports.jdk.glyph.fix.text.measurer.catch.empty.stacktrace
  4. I've got a group which has a header to reprint on each page, but I don't want to have an anchor for each page. I want an anchor only for the first page of each group. Is that possible? Here's my code: <group name="a" isReprintHeaderOnEachPage="true"> ... <groupHeader> <band height="50"> <textField bookmarkLevel="1"> ... <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$F{b}</textFieldExpression> <anchorNameExpression>$F{b}</anchorNameExpression> </textField> I've tried inserting dummy groups with an empty textfield with an anchor, but that anchor simply doesn't show.
  5. Wil it, as well as the javaflow version be released on the central maven repository? More and more projects (spring, hibernate, seam, ...) are starting to release with high quality pom.xml files which makes our lives easier :)
  6. Are you using a JDBC driver that supports JDBC 4.0 (so scrollable iteration)?
  7. You can pass in the current page as subreport parameter (though that will only be the first page of that subreport...) But you can't pass in the total number of pages in a subreport => I miss this feature too :)
  8. I prefer using URL's: <subreportExpression class="java.net.URL"> getClass().getResource("/net/sf/myproject/myreport.jasper")</>
  9. Declare your font as such: Code: <style name="myName" fontName="Times New Roman" pdfFontName="Times-Roman" ... />
  10. Does the <template> tag support isUsingCache? The documentation at http://www.jasperforge.org/jaspersoft/opensource/business_intelligence/jasperreports/quick.reference.html doesn't mention <template> tag. I've create a very low priority issue to support precompiling jrtx files out of the box: http://jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf3259?nav=1
  11. in the jrxml: Code: <parameter name="myColor" class="java.lang.String" /> ... <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$P{myColor}</textFieldExpression> in your java code: Code:[code]Map<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); myMap.put("myColor", "FF0000"«»); ... JasperManager...fill(myJasperReport, myMap, ...);
  12. I have the exact same problem. I am making a subreport called themeFooter which I use in all my reports in the pageFooter section. I can pass it the current page, but not the total number of pages of the main report.
  13. Actually the jasperreports-maven-plugin puts your dependencies on the classpath automatically and you shouldn't hack it by adding them as plugin dependencies (this causes other issues). The only problem is that there's a bug in the implementation: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-1141
  14. I noticed a related issue on MOJO: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-809
  15. I did it like this: Code: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jasperreports-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0-beta-1</version> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>compile-reports</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>jasperreports</groupId> <artifactId>jasperreports</artifactId> <version>3.0.0</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin> Though I have another issue with the plugin that I 'll probably make a patch for.
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