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Posts posted by ramnik

  1. Before creating the adhoc report, save the domain topic for the fields u selected for the adhoc report creation.

    If you want to add new field to the adhoc rpeort, just edit the "domain topic" > you need not re-select all the fields again in "domain topic"

    - after editing the domain topic, edit the adhoc report and you can see the new fields in the adhoc designer for the report

  2. are you creating a adhoc report using the Domains?

    If so, the reason you are seeing this exception is that Domain you are using is missing one column. May be you have edited the domain and deleted some fields.


    This exception occurs when teh adhoc editor is looking for a field which is missing either in the domain topic or teh underlysing domain you are using.

  3. The JS 3.50 works with the Postgres DBMS you can check the Install guide for the instructions. The install guide mentions - uses buildomatic fro Installation.

    Scripts for Postgresql can be found in directory -


  4. In jasperserver-pro 3.5, however , there is feature either to read the data in memory or push the data processing to database ..user can select that optionbefore creating reports ..under manage adhoc options ..

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