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Posts posted by ramnik

  1. 1.Jasperreports is a library to create the jasperreports . you need not worry abt it a s it comes with iReport

    2. iReport is the jasperreport designer. It uses the jasperreport library. Using iReport -> user can create the JRXML.

    3. After user create the JRXML in iReport , he can port the JRXML using the jasperreport unit in Jasperserver.


    So , in summary flow is like this:-

    1. Using iReport , create the JRXML

    2. using the jasperserver, create the jasperreport which use the JRXMl.this way reports are ported to a server and can be accessed anywhere.


    hope it helps ..

    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  2. Yes , its easy

    1. go to tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/META-INF

    - in context.xml file , you will find information abt the mysql URL used. Update the URL , username and password for the DB you want to use


    2. You can alway add data source to point to the Database you want to use and then create reports, domains based on the data source


    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  3. This is known issue with installer [ bundled/bundled] when machine is slow. Actually , when machine is slow, it tries to connec to mysql before evenr mysql started.

    Workaround is :- Install Existing mysql and try using existing mysql when installing. it will work for sure.


    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  4. 1. Yes , it is possible

    2. You can deploy the war file using the war file in Glassfish instruction as in Install Guide.

    3. You need not to export anything from the tomcat side.

    however, it is always recommended to take backup and mysqldump .


    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  5. Actually , the reason it is not prompting for user name and password is that It is not able to find running MYSQL Server Instance at given binary directory and port

    After , it detects for running mysql server at , it prompts for username and password

    but since, first steps fails , it gives error ..and never get to step 2 asking for username and password


    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  6. i notice this in log:-


    Files\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0/mysql\bin\mysqladmin.exe: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
    error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
    (using password: YES)'


    it is still going to jasperserver-ce-3.7.0 mysql and not ur existing mysql ...



    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  7. Jasperserver - adhoc report has been tested to have 400-500 columns. so ..number of columns does not seem to me issue ..:)

    i think , you can report the bug on support. this is sth which needs to be fixed ..bcaz both number of rows and columns should not be issue in running the report ..

    [ in general , adhoc editor worked really well with 400-500 columns and over million rows ..]

    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  8. Selection lost is bug and is fixed in latest version of JS CE 3.7.1 which will be available soon. You can always build latest version of JS CE 3.7.1

    Also, You can build 3.7.1 youself if you use the branches/js-for-pro-3.7.x branch (the name is a little funny but it does the job).

    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  9. you are welcome:)

    here are my suggestions ..

    1. There number of rows = 50000 is for sure not the issue. bcaz jaspersever has been performance tested for scalability over 5-6 million rows internally. Dynamic Filter - worked really well internally

    2. You can always get help from support and log a bug..

    3. i will try to replicate it to see if any settings help ..


    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

  10. Its easy ..

    There are two ways :-

    1. you take the JRXML , create the jasperreport unit in Jasperserver - using report unit wizard in Jasperserver

    2. in iReport ,

    - open the Jasperserver Plugin [ enter the properties of the jasperserver in the jasperserver plugin- URL , login ]

    - add new report unit

    - enter name and select the current JRXML

    - select the data source

    - save the report unit

    - go to Jasperserver -> Report Unit is available in Jasperserver for use ..


    Hope it helps , let me know if any questions  ..

    Ramnik Kaur

    Senior QA Engineer

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